I know how that feels. Been doing that with the first Assassin's Creed game for the last year.
By all means take a break from a good game. I think FEAR is rather excellent and worth finishing. I do get burned out on games (even good ones) all the time though, and I find that taking a short break always helps. Im currently playing Witcher 1 Enhanced Edition which is pretty long, but good and also playing Resident Evil 1 Remake again which is pretty intense.
I also play a lot of JRPGs so I know the feeling *Looking at you Zesteria*
I'm just having trouble adapting to how many games I own now. The most games I ever owned for a console before Steam and PS4 digital games was like 11 I think on Gamecube? Now I can't even keep track of all the games I have due to sales, but I still have the mindset of squeezing every penny of content out of one game at a time. I should mention I spent $100 total on Arkham Knight and $40 each on GTA V and Bloodborne each, so I think that plays a role in what I play first.
I think, before this year (and my current mindset), I was looking for any reason to buy another game. Each plan I had led me to more purchases. Well, this plan I have now only looks ahead to what I want a month out. There's no room for retro (except if it's a rerelease) unless I get tired of what I'm playing now. Like I can see getting done with Banner Saga in a week or two. My next console game to get is Far Cry Primal on Feb 23. So what do I play next? I go back in time to the most recent thing I've missed. It'll probably be Just Cause 3. I'll trade-in some of the games I have in backlog to get it. That's kind of how I'm doing things this year. The other ways just had me building this collection more and more. I'd like to have less games and pay more attention to just the game of the moment. I'd also like to speak about games others are playing too. Seems I'm always on about games people have played years ago.