This is yet another mention for Gat out of Hell? I need to add to backlog. I like your list. You have some games on WiiU that I really want to try out. I liked Ori too, but though it was frustratingly difficult.
2015 Top 10 Games For Me
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![]() On 01/09/2016 at 10:44 PM by Nicoleb1989 ![]() See More From This User » |
So 2016 is here and while its looking at the moment to be another promising year 2015 did do well in itself. I think Next Gen did pick up and is finally making good track speed. I also even think the Wii U has done the best by far in itself. If you didnt buy one, then you missed out on some good games. This is my Top 10 list of games released this year.
10. Splatoon (Wii U)
Splatoon is an addictive shooter and by far one of the best multiplayer titles in its category. Regardless if you win a few or lose, you can literally walk away from it feeling like had a fun time. There's all sorts of weapons to try/master and a variety of maps that are being changed every so often to keep things fresh. Splatoon is a for sure buy for the Wii U, even if shooters are not your thing I firmly believe splatoon could make you say otherwise.
9. Triforce Heroes (3DS)
Another multiplayer title which isnt really that bad. It got a bit of a bad rap on release but let me say that if you do play with 3 people, it can be a fun and hilarious time. I honestly can say when I played it I laughed alot at the poor attempts I and several others tried in completing the game. I havent played it in awhile but I would gladly pick it up again if asked. Whether played offline or online the multiplayer feature requires 3 people or you have to play 1 player mode and Ill just say, if you can beat the game like that, your both talented and brave. I did it for 1 quest and gave up. Overall the game is about you playing has Link, the hero *of course* except your not in Hyrule. Your in Hytopia the land of Style and the Princess has been cursed. You know the story, in any case you go through different dungeons in each of the areas to complete and get materials to make outfits which give you a special ability. For a Spin off Zelda title, its entertaining and fun.
8. Yokai Watch (3DS)
Oh dear, this game has almost about ruined me, its addicting, its fun. It could be called a Pokemon clone or rip off but I like to say it is its own entity and actually does an excellent job in separating itself from Pokemon. The game handles alot of different themes, especially in the adult variety and let see....YOUR PLAYING AND COLLECTING SPIRITS OF THINGS THAT HAVE DIED! I know several pokemon can take the cake of weird and down right WTF but this game takes the crown. The only thing Id say Pokemon share, is the collecting theme. Nothing else. Not even close.
7. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (3DS)
Monster Hunter 4 was not my first dance with the beast. No, I actually played Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the Wii U. However, I really feel like MH3U was not beginner friendly nor easy to grasp. I could barely take down a monster or even create better armor and weapons. Capcom really came through with making MH4U more beginner friendly which earned them back some brownie points. I wanted to play MH3 so bad but I couldnt get to a point where I was good at it, especially when I had to play by myself which was probably 90% of the time. MH4U is an amazing step up and even has a 1 player campagin. Caravan is offline play while Guild is online. Well if you want you can play online, I found going through Caravan you could take down alot of the stuff in Guild easily by yourself in Low and even some High rank. Regardless its an amazing Monster Hunting game that has sooo much content it will keep you busy forever.
6. Amiibo Festival (Wii U)
I had some doubts about this game, not gonna lie. I really wanted a true AC title for the Wii U so I wasnt too happy when this was announced however after watching some videos on it it actually began to grow on me. I ended up purchasing it and have not regreted it. Its pretty much what you wish Mario Party still was. The main feature is the board game style play but there is more games that you can unlock as you collect happy points. To win at the board game you have to be the player with the highest happiness count and yes in this game bells can buy you happiness because for each 1000=1 happiness. This is definity a great title for parties or get togethers. Heck its fun with only 2 players. Highly recommend.
5. Yoshi's Wooly World (Wii U)
This game was everything and more I could have asked for a Yoshi game, We will not speak of the thing called New Yoshi's Island because Wooly destroyed it. It is challenging, its fun, its absolutly beautiful and colorful. When I first heard they were giving Yoshi the Yarn treatment I was pretty excited. I had played Kirbys Epic Yarn and enjoyed it. I figured nothing could go wrong with this mixture and I was right. This also another great 2 player game however it can be enjoyed perfectly by 1 person.
4. Gears of War Ultimate (Xbone)
This is the only Xbone title, however it is a good one. They did a fantastic job on remastering GOW. I remember playing through this title several times on the 360, it was just alot of fun. I enjoyed the story and especially liked a majoirty of the characters liked Dom, Marcus, Baird, and Cole. It controlled well for a remaster and I honestly havent run across alot of glitches. Its been pretty smooth sailings.
3. Mortal Kombat X (PS4)
This game was fucking amazing except I wish it had Sindel in it has playable. So for those you who dont know or remember, MK went through a Dark period. I mean Dark. Several of the games released werent to standards and the story really became a cluster fuck of unimaginable bullshit. When MK 9 released Boon decided to fix it by using a time travel to create a new timeline and technically redo the story. I got to say he is doing a good job with the new series line. Lets pray he dont do something to make it a cluster fuck again. Mechanically it runs smooth and flows well. You like fighters? Pick this one up.
2. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)
If Splatoon wont make you buy a Wii U this one damn well should, especially if you love open world RPGs. Xenoblade Chronicles X so worth the damn wait, I mean, Im in awe and freaking amazement of this game. Its also huge in content, the story might only take 40 to 50 hours maybe even less depending on how fast you can go but everything else extra make it easily a 150+ hour game. the gameplay is freaking addicting....ooooh the gatling gun! I love it! Buy a Wii U and buy this game dammit! Ill make a believer outta you!
1. Witcher 3 (PS4)
Witcher 3 is for sure my game of the year. For it being Geralts last time in the fire it has been an amazing ride. I can say that if it by some chance was the last Witcher title, it pretty much took the series out in a good way. So for all who do not know the transition from Witcher 1 to 2 was not smooth nor easy. They changed alot beween the two games. I was worried that with 3 it would yet again be another oh dear, here we go on relearning but it actually was really easy to get in and have fun. I also liked that Geralt was more of an emotion showing character, in 1 he was...well we wont go there and 2 was only a slight improvement. Overall this game lived up to expectation and even went right on passed them.
Passed number 3 there in no real order. 1-3 though are the top games of 2015 for me.
Some Honerable Mentions
Happy Home Designer
Saints Row 4 Re Elected/Gat Out Of Hell
Ori and the Blind Forest
Fallout 4
Dishonored Definitive Edition
Darksiders 2 Death-initive Edition
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round
Final Fantasy Type O
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
So thats my list, Hopefully 2016 is a good year like 2015. In both Video games and in my life.