Good mornoonening Pixlbit!! Belated Happy New Year! Things have been pretty uneventful for me so far, until yesterday that is.
So there I was, playing the Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy (the last case in Justice for All, to be more specific), and was just about to cross-examine a witness when my 3DS suddenly shut off. No warning or anything, just turned off despite the battery not even being close to low. Numerous attempts to turn the thing back on were unsuccessful. I had just about written it as a loss until by chance I only had the system itself open slightly and it managed to stay on, until I opened it up all the way and if just snapped off again. Then I left it slightly open again and that's about where I'm at now.
Pretty sure I can at least finish off Phoenix Wright at the angle I have to keep my 3DS open, but that and a few other games are probably the only ones I could do that with. So I guess I'll either try and see if I can get it fixed somehow, which might be doable but maybe getting a new one might be a better choice. So here's to a potential forced upgrade!!
Oh well, hope everyone's having a great new year so far!!