Good morning Pixlpeeps! I know you good people are at some point going to buy some Powerball tickets. Last weekend I bought a couple and there were some crazy lines at gas stations. Heck even my little hole in the wall liquor store started getting some foot traffic. I went there because my pops in Hawaii wanted to play his numbers. Anyways I’ll probably buy one ticket today, and one on Wednesday for myself and the same numbers for my pops. When not playing the impossible odds of the multistate Powerball, I knocked two games off Mt Backlog and another two I decided I no longer want to play anymore, and continued on with some other games.
Chris Finishes…
I LOVE THIS GAME and this is my early leader for 2016’s Game of the Year. The journey through this game was so much fun and it was kind of sad to see little envelope guy get to his destination. The paper universe was so much fun to explore, and the use of the Vita’s little gadgets like touch, moving the controller around, and camera were incorporated well into this game. If there was a “perfect Vita game” this would be it. I’d like to see a sequel to this game and there is no way I will play this on the PS4. Its just too good as a Vita game.
Oh the storyline to this game is good ol’ Mortal Kombat, and I’m not going to lie, during a couple of moments in this game (no spoilers) I went super cheese mode by lobbing fireballs across the screen. If you played this game, you probably know which sections. The story did fill in some plot holes I had from playing the most recent MK X. Either I completely forgot or just blocked it from memory but the directional button on the Vita is not comfortable especially when rolling your thumb over it to perform specialty moves. The nub just doesn’t have the precise control for me for some odd reason. Anyways I finished the story mode here and I should tackle the same game on the 360 and PS3 (yes I bought the same game on those consoles. Heck I bought the regular and GOTY versions on 360. Talk about a shaking my head moment.)
The two games I completely lost interest in playing are:
Spy Hunter – Vita: I just lost interest. The game itself isn’t bad just repetitive, and at a certain point you have to ask yourself is it worth it to continue playing something that has become borderline boring?
Modnation Racers – Vita: I’m on the last set of races and I can’t stand the terrible rubberbanding of the racers and how no matter how far ahead I get, the minute one of them sends something to knock me down, I’m in 8th place. The customizing is great in this game, but terrible AI is what ruins it for me. Hopefully when I get to Modnation Racers on the PS3 I’ll have a better experience.
Chris Is Currently Playing…
Madden 16 – PS4: I started a new Franchise Mode with the Miami Dolphins, and simmed the first season. Apparently the game hired a new coach for me, which kind of sucks because I wanted to do that, but oh well. In that sim, the fins went 8-8 and I got rid of some players and hit the free agent market hard. I lost out on a prize Running Back, but I did get some defensive pieces and TE Vernon Davis. The current Dolphins are 4-0.
BL The Pre-Sequel – PS4: I am close to hitting the 50% mark in the story. The last boss I had a little problem with until I realized that instead of hiding, I got straight at them and I had no problems. I accidentally sold all my non-favorite stuff including a rocket launcher I was saving. This really sucks but I’ll get something better soon. I really should check their Twitter so I can unlock some keys.
Lego Rock Band – PS3: I think I am a little under 50% finished with this game. My only gripe is the developers are lazy when it comes to song layout. Having to play the same song two times in a row sucks. I get that the Mystery Playlist does this, but it should have taken a page from Guitar Hero’s Encore and used a new song.
Little Big Planet – PS Vita: I am on the third world just roaming around. Its still the same ol’ LBP and the touch features are decent. I think I can play a level or two per game so this game will take a little longer to finish.
Star Wars Galaxy Of Heroes – iOS: This is my current go to game on the phone/iPad. I’m currently building up the dark side heroes and using what I learned from the light side. Since they are a bit more powerful than the enemy I’ve been breezing through their game. On the light side I’ve hit a bit of a wall where I need to upgrade my fighters.
I split the screen in two so the characters are easy to read
These are my fighters. If I can get enough of them to their max ranking I can take on the Cantina Section where anything goes but the enemy ratings start at Level 28.
Alright Pixlbit I am off to do some fun stuff. Have a good week!
That’s all for now, more later!
One of my favorite songs to play on the original Guitar Hero. It was also one of the few songs I could play on Hard. One hell of a talented individual that the world lost last night.
01/11/2016 at 01:15 PM
When you get to ModNation Racers on PS3, let me know. Maybe we can play some co-op sometime.
As for Powerball, nope, not buying any tickets. I could spend two bucks on an infinitismal chance, or could spend that two bucks on something tangible, like a cup of coffee or a bag of Maine Vintage Kitchen Maple potato chips.
01/12/2016 at 02:57 PM
Cool, but it probably won't be for a couple of months. I'm currently into Lego Rockband and then probably on to the other Guitar Hero game I bought awhile ago.
I'm the same way with gambling and even if the odds are crazy, I figure $2 bucks isn't that bad and I get to dream a little bit about what to do with 1.5 Billion.
Super Step
Contributing Writer
01/11/2016 at 06:13 PM
Yeah, I never gamble but I'll pick up one ticket for myself. $2 for chips is just as much a waste to me, since that bag of chips'll be gone just as fast as your chances at billions of dollars. At least in my case.
The PS4 sequel does use the controller in cool ways as well, but yeah, it seems better-suited for handheld.
I have trouble keeping track of my Steam buys, but not that much. Come on, dude. lol I'm just kidding, I may have bought the same thing on two platforms. I am considering it for the PS2 GTAs you can buy on PS4, particularly III since the Steam controls suck so much for that. As for MK itself, I'm waiting for a price drop on X or I may just wait for SFV at this point. Truth be told I am happy with the Guilty Gear and BlazBlue games I have and kinda want a 3D fighter for my PS4. Too bad I wasn't sold on DOA5.
I've always liked the Spy Hunter games, but I hate rubber band AI in racing too. Though to be honest, I almost wish Franklin would have SOME competition in these GTA V street races. No one even attempts to catch me in the tricked out Franklin car.
Myolder brother was telling me some of the stuff in Madden now like a draft was in 2K5 ten years ago, but EA shut down the competition by getting that NFL license. I refuse to buy Madden for that reason. Not a fan of monopolies, especially ones controlled by EA.
Let me know i you want to co-op Pre-Sequel sometime.
I'd get tired of the same song as well, unless it had nostalgia or newness factor for me.
I don't own any LBP games. Wish I did.
Ziggy Stardust and Space Oddity are my favorites, along with Let's Dance.
01/12/2016 at 03:12 PM
I'm not a gambler but for that small chance of winning for $2, why not.
Sony probably did an excellent job porting it to the PS4, but if I do ever play it, I'd probably spend most of my time trying to compare the two, which isn't fair to the game. If I didn't own the Vita version, I would have probably gone with the PS4 version.
Hahaha, the thing is when I used to buy a lot of games I would see a game, and say "Oh I have it on X console but its super cheap for this console" and then it ends up in the library. With older Sports games I just want to have a copy in the library especially when the games drop to a $1. X was fun but I'm not into fighting online so it would have probably been a better idea for me to have picked it up when it was cheaper, but I got caught up in the hype. I was more into MK than Street Fighter but I will probably check out SF when it drops in price.
GTA V races are blowouts. The minute you find a fast car, the races are just laps. If a game provided a good challenge without the crazy AI or hard core rubberbanding, I'd be happy. Speaking of GTA I really should get back to finishing that game on the PS4 (another game I bought on multiple consoles)
2K5 was so good and at $20 it was a steal. Madden has gotten better at player animations, and the defense doesn't have super jump anymore but look it could have been a better product. If the NFL kept the license open you could only imagine how good the products would have been between 2K and EA.
Cool. Right now I'm just roaming around trying to finish the storyline. If we're on at the same time I'll let you know.
LBP games are fun. There were so many free DLC costumes for your character on the PS3 that they could look like Kratos, the guy from Assassin's Creed, along with other really cool looks. It was also a fun take at a platformer and tons of user created levels.
I wasnt' a big fan of Bowie, but because of Guitar Hero I really liked Ziggy Stardust, and I think I have a couple of Bowie singles on vinyl.
Cary Woodham
01/11/2016 at 07:58 PM
Like I said before, now that I have a Vita, Tearaway is one of the games I would consider getting. I didn't know there was a Spy Hunter game on the Vita!
01/12/2016 at 03:15 PM
You gotta give Tearaway a try. It is such a good game. Spy Hunter on the Vita I think was an early title but wasn't a launch title. I believe it was similar to the PS2 versions.
Matt Snee
Staff Writer
01/12/2016 at 02:33 PM
I never gamble either, not even for lottery. Kind of not into it.
I sometimes buy the same thing on Steam that I have on console or vice versa. I had Wasteland 2 on Steam due to the kindness of a Pixlbit guy but it didn't work well on my PC, so I got it for PS4 for xmas. Great game.
01/12/2016 at 03:17 PM
I figure $2 bucks for a small chance at winning a Billion isn't bad.
That's cool that someone here gifted you the game on Steam. I don't think I've ever played Wasteland 2.
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