Sorry to hear about your job. Maybe it's for the best though. I hope you find something new and better soon!
I haven't bought any amiibos so far, but I'm pretty decided on getting Twilight Princess with the wolf amiibo, that one looks sick!
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![]() On 01/16/2016 at 07:24 AM by MrUniverse_ ![]() See More From This User » |
Hey everyone! Hope you all had a great week so far. In recent news, I got laid off from my job. I was a seasonal but was hoping to stay. But I was actually glad I didn't because the management there were just complete AHoles. Telling you one thing to do, but then asking you later to do another thing, and then getting mad at you for not doing the first task and other crap like that. Anyways, even though I liked working there at times it was a good feeling to leave. Just sucked because I wasn't going to get money anymore. So hopefully I can find a new job where I feel like I will enjoy it more.
As the title says, I have been on a binge on getting Amiibo. If you read my last post, my girlfriend got me a Wii U for Christmas. After that I got some games for it. I told myself I wasn't going to get any Amiibo figures because dropping $13 for a figure that I will only place on the gamepad for less than 5 seconds is pointless. But I had two Amiibo figures given to me from a Nintendo rep and the other from a friend. One is Bowser and the other is Dr. Mario.
One of the games I got for my Wii U was Super Smas Bros. for Wii U. Which is the game that utilizes most, if not all, of the figures. So I played with Dr. Mario and leveled him up a bit. I thought it was fun and actual made me feel like I was progressing with a character in Smash rather than just playing each character to defeat Master & Crazy Hand and then proceed to the next character etc etc. So once I felt that joy, I went to go hang out with my cousin and we just went to stores like Target, Best Buy, TRU, and GameStop. Of course all of those stores sell Amiibo.
The only store that had a somewhat decent deal on Amiibo figures was ToysRUs. They had a buy 3 for $33 deal. Which is basically saving $1 per figure. Which isn't THAT great of a deal honestly, but I guess its something. Of course I got 3 figures for the sale. These are the figures that I got..
Little Mac
Captain Falcon
Shovel Knight
Inkling Girl
Tom Nook
So that is my Amiibo collection so far. I actually got two of Ike, Little Mac, and Fox. Mainly because those are the ones I will use most and I'm thinking about opening one and keeping the other in the box. I know it sounds ridiculous but I got the urge to collect these. Anyways, that's all for now Pixlbit peeps. Let me know if any of you collect Amiibo yourselves. Have a great weekend everyone! Happy Gaming.
Hey we have two things in common! We both recently lost jobs, and we both like Amiibo figures! I think I have all the Amiibo figures except for the Mega Yoshi, which I've never even seen pictures of so I don't even know if it really exists. :) On Jan. 22 some new Amiibo figures are going to be released. I hope I can get them.
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully you will find a good job soon. I just got back from Toys R Us and was surprised to find the Bowser Jr. Amiibo. So I had to get it. The only one from the new wave that interested me was Lucas. I hope Ness will start to show up a lot more now because of him. Everyone else I can care less for honestly. Unless they release Mega Man again when they send out the Gold versions.
I got Olimar amiibo and haven't opened it yet because I don't have a game that uses it. I love Pikmin so I just look at it next to my laptop every night. I was tempted to pick up Bowser several times. That's a cool looking amiibo. Good luck on job hunting! I'm having a terrible time at it. It gets me so depressed and I can't get interested in anything. What to do. . .
I thought of getting him but I don't play as him in Smash and I haven't even opened my copy of Pikmin 3 so therefor I have no use for his Amiibo. Thank you! I thought I was going to be happy working at my last job but turned out everyone there was just plain horrible. I hope I can find a job where I will be more comfortable working in. Just hang in there and something you're interested in will be in front of you at the perfect opportunity. Just you wait.
Amiibo, they can be awesome or bad depending on who you ask. I like the idea of the figures, just wish they did more in games. I'd love to see a Skylanders game that uses the characters of your amiibo figures.
I remember my first one was a Link that I got when Smash Wii U and amiibo launched. I told myself I'd only buy one or two, but well...
That's an old image, I've gotten quite more since that image. 3 pieces of advice: 1 if you want to collect them all or your favorites, pre-order as soon as they go up. 2. Don't but from scalpers, you'll only encourage them. 3. Japan is your best friend. I've imported quite a few rares at great prices.
Sorry about your job. But happy hunting those amiibo!