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Violence In Videogames: War Of Words Goes On

On 03/25/2013 at 11:46 AM by smartcelt

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    I really thought we were getting past all of this nonsense. After the massacre at Sandy Hook there was a flurry of ridiculous stories in the press on this topic. Talking heads on the news,politicians,religious leaders.....everyone had to put in their two cents.  I thought the reports by the so-called experts had been thoroughly debunked. But this morning a story appeared in the Tulsa World that caught my eye. The reporter,Michael Overall,did a good job reporting the story. He was talking about an article in the New York Daily News. A researcher named Brad Bushman claims that "We know that video game violence is certainly correlated with violence. Just like smoking is correlated with lung cancer."  I call shenanigans! You sir,are a hack. This story has been beaten to death in the media circus. It gets really old when people try to blame the actions of a deranged killer on video games. The NRA really tried to do that. You can't narrow it down like that. Our society is a violent place. TV shows,movies,books,all reflect it. We are at a constant state of war it seems. So to pin it on games is just scapegoating and truly lazy journalism.

What I'm listening to today.......




03/25/2013 at 12:00 PM

two bands that I have not listened to in a while.  

Unless I am mistaken, these people tend to have unhealthy relationships.  


03/25/2013 at 02:09 PM

To quote Chris Rock,"Can't a mo#$&* fu@+!$ just be crazy anymore! Why does it always have to be their mama didn't give em' enough attention." Poor babies.....


03/25/2013 at 02:17 PM

I just hate that they attack one of my favourite hobbies.


03/25/2013 at 10:31 PM

Does anyone wonder what Hitler had in his CD player?  lol 

Gotta love Chris rock

Travis Hawks Senior Editor

03/25/2013 at 01:06 PM

Note that the quote uses "correlated" instead of "caused by" or similar. Weasely.


03/25/2013 at 02:06 PM

Made me think of the advent of television. I'm sure some people thought those that had them were being brainwashed by Satan! With those fancy moving pictures. The devil's work,I tell you!

Jamie Alston Staff Writer

03/25/2013 at 04:09 PM

In the blame game of violent behavior, video games is the easiest target of them all.  Nevermind the tons of ultra violent action and horror movies that are released non-stop. I guess that somehow is less harmful......or people fool themselves into thinking that those kinds of movies never ever fall into the hands of teens and mentally unstable people.


03/25/2013 at 10:41 PM

The hypocrisy was too much for me to take when the NRA started talking smack about games. They have a lot of nerve,but it is meant to distract people from gun manufacturers.


03/25/2013 at 05:00 PM

They're losing ground though. Today whenever a reporter links violence to videogames most people have the common sense to roll their eyes and not give it a second thought. The media seems to believe we are "dumber" than we actually are. The fact they haven't caught onto this puts their own collective intelligence in question!


03/25/2013 at 10:45 PM

You're right about that. People are so lazy they want quick and easy answers to why some  sociopath would kill innocent kids. It's a lot more complex than anyone is willing to admit.


03/25/2013 at 05:40 PM

Blaming videogames for violence has grown tiring.  It seems no one wants to make the connection that all these violent gun shootings were by young adults that have been on psych meds most of their lives.  Psychiatry is not what you would call "black & white".  It's a field of "professionals"  that are just experimenting on people with varying interventions in hope of the desired outcome in behavior.  It's sad because a lot of it is just bullshit.  There's a reason why our grandparents & parents' generation called them "quack doctors".  And the fact that meds are given to children as young as 3 years old has made things worse.  As humans in this world, we already have a lot to deal with mentally.  You throw in drugs that affect growing children while their bodies are developing, you have to expect a shit storm to arise from time to time.  It has nothing to do with guns.  All those people were walking time bombs.  The guns only made it easier for them to kill a lot of people in a short period of time.  If more people had their own gun, someone could of put these poor distrubed bastards down quicker. 

We have the right to bare arms for protection (especially from the government).  Period.  The government wants to take that away and the media is helping them. 


03/25/2013 at 10:51 PM

They might want to,but it is a losing battle. I think the vast number of guns out there is far too great to ever be seized.  You made a good point about the drugs they give kids. They grow up not having the ability to handle stressful things in their lives.  Take the pills away and you have a time bomb on your hands.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2013 at 06:43 PM

In fairness, he did say correlated, which does not necessarily imply causation ... until he used the lung cancer comparison, which is a correlation we might as well call causation at this point (I certainly don't think you can argue smoking has a positive effect on your lungs), and is not at all the same thing... yeah, he's a bullshitter. I do think violent media can influence violent behavior, but not to the extent we're being told. Too many other x factors exist to make that claim. 

I prefer Interpol to Snow Patrol for my indie rock that uses only a couple chords and/or notes on any given song, but that was a nice song nonetheless, I certainly enjoyed it a thousand times more than "Chasing Cars." I'm just jealous because I always find myself playing lead which isn't as conducive to songwriting as a whole. I have a bunch of lyrics and rythms I can't put together. lol What you posted was a really good live performance, though, I might give this band another chance.

I forget what songs I've heard by Band of Horses, but definitely heard them before. I don't know when this song was recorded, but it takes me right back to the 90s, as it sounds like an alternative track from that decade. Seems like an easy going music kind of day for you; I can dig it, nice song picks.


03/25/2013 at 11:02 PM

The song Run has special meaning to me. I saw them play their third show in the US ever right here in Tulsa. They did not know what to expect. But when they did that song every person at Cain's sang along to it. We all knew the words to it. The band was thrilled by this and so were we. Very cool moment. Laredo is actually a fairly new song of theirs. Came out a few years ago. Band Of Horses I find hit and miss. But I really like this song. I had a chance to see Interpol at Cain's but it sold out in one day! Crap! 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/25/2013 at 11:16 PM

I had the same thing happen with The Strokes, or maybe it was the price was too high. same reaction though: Crap!

That's a cool story about Snow Patrol at Cain's. That sounds like a movie moment. Great time it sounds like.

And I figured it might be recorded sooner to now, but it reminded me of the 90s nonetheless (Band of Horses).

Every time you mention Cain's though, I think of Cane's Chicken and get hungry.


03/25/2013 at 10:33 PM

This reminds me of Tipper Gore and the PMRC.  Thanks to her Rock became more popular and helped us find the best music in the stores.  Nothing says BUY ME more than a big sticker.  Maybe this will increase game sales in the long run.  Laughing  Win Win


03/25/2013 at 11:06 PM

It very well could. Games already have ratings in place. So they are untouchable. It is foolish of anyone to think they will change the market. It's like saying you are going to stop anyone from making a violent film. It cannot be done.


03/26/2013 at 06:13 AM

"We know that video game violence is certainly correlated with violence. Just like smoking is correlated with lung cancer."

What a great statement; we need to get a surgeon generals warning on all Games with an age rating of 15 or higher right now:

"Warning: playing this game may lead you to massacre innocent people in a fit of rage"

"Playing Violent games may reduce your tolerance of invading forces, foreign or extraterrestrial"

"Don't make children breath in your bullets"

This genius deserves a medal.... or a massacre..... just depends on which game I'm playing before I have a chat with him!


03/29/2013 at 04:58 PM

Didn't we already go through this with Columbine?

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