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Bloodborne' Ye old bitch: I hath beaten you

On 01/27/2016 at 03:43 AM by vesper27

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When you play Bloodborne it is important to remember slamming your large cranium into the ground or a blunt object is a good course. The reason being is this game as I have finished it made me think about some aspects of gaming.

This game made me think of being able to THINK. It literally makes you think. It makes you question how you're going to win a fight. There are strategies that you will learn . And if you sure as fuck don't learn it will teach you. Like your some puppy chasing a chew toy. It says here is the chew toy...go and get it! And if you don't we will just keep tazing you with a taze stick so you'll learn.

From is brutaly smart in this regard. Though, From puts glitches in Bloodborne that are aggrivating. Getting hit through objects is a sucky thing. Especially, when you have confronted something a zillion times. This game is so fucking hard. I don't care if you level or not. This game is just so brutal. The hardest game I have played since maybe my 10 minutes of Super Meat Boy, Golden Sun's final second part of the boss, Any Contra I have ever played. Metroid for the Game Cube, (more confused on where to go) Metroid Fusion, Battletoads for the NES, Battletoads Double Dragon, EarthBound (Gigayas), Super Ghouls' and Ghosts. Though, out of that list I have beaten Metroid Fusion. That's it. That shows you how bloody difficult as fuck Bloodborne was for me. The first level seemed improbable. Just fucking a shit -train of a wreck. This is in the game to see if you can even last. Because if you can't hang mang, you're fucked and will give up. In this section alone I was at my wits' end. I wanted to throw my PS4 controller at the wall, I was mentally strained. 

I am going to tell you. Every fucking boss fight is in incredible. Just incredible. Some of the most satisfying gameplay ever for me. Yeah, I am not a Souls Fan. I just haven't really played Dark Souls or Demon Souls. Almost, every major boss fight I was fucking amped. I had so much adrenaline and at one time I shook. I don't think I have ever shook in my life from beating a boss. That's a special feeling. That's Bloodborne. It satisfies you in ways that you did not know exsisted! Incredible. That's another thing for me is not only the satisfaction but knowing what you fought and how you beat it. Were you at like a sliver of health or did you recognize the pattern so well you escaped with a half-bar of health? I mean incredible.

From's mechanics on how it wants you to play is also fun. The game opens up after the dreadful beginning. The shortcuts are very good and smooth. The enemies warrant a feeling of consternation. I screamed in terror a lot in this game. I mainly played it at night to get the macabre backgrounds and terror ambiance. I liked the different paths you could implore and some of the really neat shortcuts. Seriously, what did I see. I mean this enemy was like a large floating brain thing that would attack my in game sanity. I didn't want to go near it. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

From doesn't just want to teach you it wants to murder you and your sanity. Seriously, if you weren't challenged or died about 200 times they did not do their job. The difficulty is sometimes damn near impossible. Sometimes. Until, you learn really how to navigate the treachery and scary sons- a -bitches that lie ahead. The lore is confusing as fuck. The plot is horribly, head-scratchingly wtf>? It will leave your brain in knots and then slap you with some other ambiguous shit. Though, I find the lore extremely confusing it is highly intriguing to at least gather other's interpretations. This is what I did . I pieced together as much as I could and then I interneted around until I found a semi-plausible explanation. Then I did more research on the game's intentions and lore. I found shit I didn't want to find. There's stuff in the game more horribly excruciatingly terrifying then some of the base line weird shit, I just was like omg. What in the fuck is that? What in the fuck is this. Highly, none other than HP Lovecraft Bloodborne took my fear and tightened my throat with terror. Seriously, there is stuff in the game that will make you scream. And if you didn't see that or missed it don't go searching for it.

Final Verdicto: The game is a goddamn masterpiece. Yes, masterpieces can be brutal in nature but what other game gives you any semblance of amazing boss fights. Fights, that tested mental fortitude but strained your brain, Fightst that you remember exactly how you won against the mega boss. Fights where you were like how am I going to do this? doubt, fear, triumphant vigor! Bloodborne is a master piece because of the environments, the gameplay, the haunting sounds, the characters, the confusing story that makes you investigate, the there's more to the game than you think...there's more to see here element. Bloodborne's shortcuts and how bloody sublime they are. The perfect craft of a fully explorable horrifyingly insane universe, world, or other wildly place that you can feel the emotion and atmosphere. They say games drip with atmosphere. You live in Yarhnam, you feel what the people feel and you as a hunter understand the sorrows, the creatures and everything else that lives within the high cobbled structures. Nothing to me for a long time was easy to kill. You have to work up to a vengance state where you're like "You remeber me motherfucker." -"You killed me when I was a lower level, and now your fucking soul is mine." mentality. It is truely incredible to live in . When it was over all the mental strain and cuss words subsided and I was truly at piece in the end. I was happy for the nightmare to be over. Because gameplay wise and just Bloodborne wise it has come to end. You have killed all the bosses no matter how hard they were . And you can right a review about it and tell the next souls who dare enter Yarnham, to uh...heed your advice young hunter. Heed it well. There will never be another game like this. Yeah, there's plenty of Souls' games but there is only one Bloodborne. See ya in Yarnham hunter!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/27/2016 at 07:05 AM

I'm gonna buy this soon, it's about hovering around the right price for me.  


01/27/2016 at 07:34 AM

Yes. You capture my feelings on the game as well. The bad thing about playing a game like this is there aren't any other games like it until DLC or a sequel. Hopefully we will get Bloodborne 2? I do think that the opening area of the game is very brutal. I spent a very, very long time in Yarhnam and really didn't get the 'mindfucking twist' people were going on about that occurs half-way through the game, that really shocked and surprised me. That turret boss was a knightmare, as was the poison one and the 3 god damned ghosts! A truly awesome experience!

Nick DiMola Director

01/27/2016 at 09:38 AM

Haha, I had a very similar feeling the first time I finished Dark Souls. It felt like such a tremendous accomplishment. I was incredibly proud.

Little did I know that my experience there would be so infectious that I'd go on to completely fall in love with the series and play all of them numerous times. I'm still midway through Bloodborne, but I should be getting back to it soon.


01/27/2016 at 02:25 PM

Good. Gooood. Now play God Hand and Ninja Gaiden for more brutal bosses. Alma laughs at your Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos >:)

Yeah, Bloodborne is sublime. I think it's the level design, lore and art direction that make it stand out from other hack and slash games.  Like the other Souls games (minus 2), it's just a joy to exist in its world.

P.S. No seriously, if you enjoyed the thrill of Bloodborne, play Ninja Gaiden Sigma and Godhand. GodHand in particular is perhaps most brutal action game I've played since the arcade days, and that includes all Souls games, Bloodborne, Devil May Cry 3, Ninja Gaiden, etc.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

01/27/2016 at 03:08 PM

yeah Ninja Gaiden is where it's at.  I own every iteration of the new version, from the original Xbox to Ninja Gaiden Black to Sigma, to the Vita version.  I love that damn game. 


01/29/2016 at 01:56 AM

I got close to the end of God Hand but didn't finish it. I watched my friend finish it though. I'd love to go back to it sometime. 


01/29/2016 at 01:57 AM

I love the art direction in the Souls games. I just have trouble standing up to the pressure of the combat. 


01/29/2016 at 03:06 PM

I have played NInja Gaiden Black and the original. I haven't beaten either because of how painstakingly difficult they are. I have heard of Sigma. I have also played Shinobi. I played the Playstation one but didn't get very far. I didn't own any Playstations lol. Thank you guys for the awesome comments. Thanks for the receptiveness to my blog. I love it and feel honored. :)

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