Games Beaten
-Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney — Dual Destinies: Turnabout Reclaimed DLC (3DS)
Turnabout Reclaimed is more great Phoenix Wright. The story is full of twists and turns and introduces some fun new characters, like a punk rocker orca trainer, in addition to the regular cast from Dual Destinies. Everything great about the main game is still true here. It's more of the same but that's definitely a good thing.
-Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! (PS4)
The Pre-Sequel! is a fun game. I haven't compared it with its predecessors but it doesn't feel like much has changed. You're still completing quests and getting better guns and shooting lots of things in the face. It was funnier than I remember the others being and it was nice to find out Jack's backstory. But it was really buggy! Lots of weird little things happening and it froze on us completely 4 or 5 times. VERY FRUSTRATING! But the game usually worked and then it was just more Borderlands.
-Gradius Collection: Gradius (PSP)
It's hard not to judge a game by its sequels and in that light Gradius doesn't stack up all that well. There are only two choices for gun types and no options for your bombs, special shields, and, um, options. The levels are simple and the bosses are downright disappointing. But the seeds for its great sequels are all present and this game still plays wonderfully. Gradius is by no means a bad game, merely underachieving. And hey, it's got some great music too.
-Ico (PS3) (PS+)
Ico is pretty old at this point and it shows, even with a hi-rez coat of paint. But despite its graphics and simple—at times finicky—controls, Ico is still powerful after all this time. Its sweeping vistas still inspire awe. The castle invokes loneliness. The sparing use of music creates great atmosphere. And then there's Yorda, who you can't even talk to, but you come to care about all the same. It's no Shadow of the Colossus but it was a great step in that direction.
Games Bought
I ordered some games at the end of December with Christmas money but I don't count them until they're here. I got Dragon Quest IV and Dragon Quest V for the DS for the DS. Been meaning to get these for a long time but have been waiting because the price shot up. It was back down, so it seemed like a good time. I also got Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Collection (PS3), which collects MGS 1-4 plus the original two MGS games that were for MSX as well as VR Missions and Peace Walker. That's a lot of gaming! Also picked up a couple PS1 Classics on PSN: Parsite Eve and Suikoden.
That just leaves January's PS+ games. Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita) is the only one I was really interested in though. Hardware: Rivals (PS4) might be good but I haven't looked into it. The others are Dragon Age: Origins (PS3)—an old pick for sure!—HISTORY Legends of War: Patton (Vita), Nihilumbra (Vita), and Metal of Honor Warfighter (PS3).
Now Playing
-Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Director's Cut (Wii U)
Finally back into this game and loving it. I'm trying to get through the Picus building at the moment.
-Destiny: The Taken King (PS4)
Naturally. Iron Banner has been going on this week but in Rift rather than Control. Good fun!
-Monster Hunter Freedom Unite (PSP)
Man, we are up against some tough monsters and just waiting and waiting for the stinkin' game to give me this one crafting material I need. Just one! Sheesh.
-The Legend of Zelda: TriForce Heroes (3DS)
This game has had some server issues lately and the last time we played got derailed thanks to maintenance. Still, it's worked up until now and it's tons of fun.
-Final Fantasy III (DS)
I meant to play this last year (after I finished FFII) but never got around to it. I guess New Years is for making amends lol. I'm at the Tower of Owen after about 7 hours.
BaD is upon us once again! My output this year will be very similar to last year. I have a bunch of games on my phone that I've never touched, so I'll spend a little time with one and then write up a little about it. I have some of those written already but not enough. Hoping to do some OCR music blogs again but haven't done any of those, so we'll see. I'll probably need some filler this year lol but that's fine. I did last year's BaD without filler and how many times does someone need to do that in one's life? See you all tomorrow!