that song and the forest temple song are probably my favorite songs in that game. All in all though it's an awesome soundtrack for sure.
BaD #02: Bolero Of Fire
On 02/02/2016 at 12:43 PM by C.S.3590SquadLeader See More From This User » |
From Flyrule by Shag.
Played some more Dual Destinies, and it's been very fun for the most part. One odd thing I've been noticing so far is the abundance of typos in the game. Stuff like words being used in the wrong tense, or in a few cases, a completely different word being used which makes complete sentences not make sense. Not complaining too much about it, though I would think this is something that could've easily been corrected by now.
Other than that, I played a bit of the Project X Zone 2 demo and enjoyed it about the same as the demo for the first game, and unlike the first one I might actually pick up the full game if I remember to and nothing else on the horizon comes out and grabs my interest more.