That's an awesome mustache.
I bought a PS4 myself. I really wish there were cross-play between systems.
On 02/03/2016 at 03:16 PM by Homelessrook See More From This User » |
So, Yeah, I caved and made the leap to a Next Gen Console. Thanks to my wifes logic and my constant research about the systems, I got the XBone Elite. My wife said since my 360 was the oldest of my last gen systems, she thought it would be better to get the XBone. So being a good hubby, I did, lol.
The controller is the only physically different thing about the console. The controller came with a nice case. I have yet to program it, but I did name it Darth Malus, lol.
So, yeah, there it is, I said I wasn't going next gen, but I did. Now shower me with your foul words!
Now here is a Picture of me with my Mustache styled.
Congrats on the Xbone. Although I do want it for stuff like Halo, Forza and Rare Replay, i'm not entirely sold on it and much of the multiplataform releases are also on PC and i'm happy with a Wii U. It's almost the same with the PS4, though now there's some exclusives that are catching my eye.
That's a hell of a killer stache.