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METAL MONDAY! BaD music from good bands!

On 02/15/2016 at 08:49 AM by Homelessrook

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Well guys and gals, Still passing the tummy bug around the household. I am currently the only one that has not had it yet. My poor wife started last night, so I am taking the day off of school to run the house and let her rest. Now for some METAL!


Well, Megadeth has a new Album out and it sounds awesome, mostly because, as I believe, Chris Adler is on drums. Chris really brings the meat to the table on this album.


This is the First full length album from, almost original lineup, Dan Spittz is missing, in a looooonnnnngggg time. They sound good, Joey is in true form!


Metal Church! I can not wait for this!



Last we have Annihilator!


That is it for today! Let's keep BaD going






02/15/2016 at 10:00 AM

Metal on dude.

Bill and Ted


02/15/2016 at 10:14 AM


02/15/2016 at 11:27 AM

You're a good man, Larry. I, too, have had to care for my wife when she got sick.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/15/2016 at 03:53 PM



02/18/2016 at 03:04 PM

Metal Church. Wow. Haven't heard them in a while. 


02/18/2016 at 06:39 PM

Their new album will be out March 25th.

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