I mean ... growed up could just be that character being cutesy. But the conversation of nothing but elipses would be something that caused me to avoid it.
BaD #23: Dark Cellar (Cellar)
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By Existence Zero from Vampire Variations: Volume Three
Nice remixed Castlevania tunes, great stuff!
Being the sort-of stickler I am for proper spelling and grammar, at least in games anyways, I've been reading some really odd stuff about the new Fire Emblem game. I would've hoped that in a game as high-profile as Nintendo claims it to be, it wouldn't be rife with so many obvious typos and errors.
Examples of some of those errors here! (along with other stuff but honestly it's the errors that really get me)
This particular instance takes the cake however, as while there weren't any specific errors, apparently a whole support conversation was replaced with nothing but ellipses.
I was already not getting the game due to thinking it was kind of a cash grab move already by splitting the game up into two (three when the other, digital-only version comes out) but errors like this just give me the idea that if the team they had couldn't be bothered to do their job properly, why should I pay full price for it.
If anyone who's been playing Fates has experienced any of this, I'd really like to know.