So when Borderlands 2 came out I was broke and wouldnt be able to purchase it till tax time, yea I could have done like I always have done when I want a game real bad trade in games, but by then the only games I had left to trade was the ones i could not part with, so with that said at tax tim I went and got Farcry 3, Borderlands 2, and Persona 4 arena oh yea and Forza Horizon, but any way, after I got my games which I had been waiting to play since there release, I went on XBLA and downloaded the Borderlands 2 season pass,then got the Mechromancer dlc and a bunch of character add ons for the assasin and the Mechromancer, and I knew way before I got Borderlands 2 that the assasin was tghe character for me.
My favorite bad ass in Borderlands.
So I like snipers in all the fps games, growing up I use to go deer hunting with my family and I owned a 300 magnum with a killer scope and although I hated killing anything yet alone a deer, I did cause my parents ate them, not me I dont eat anything wild to gamey tasting, but thats where my interest in sniping came to play, so now many years later thats my pick in games,like Valkyrie Chronicles I love the sniper,in Operation darkness I love the sniper and when I played Modern Warfare, Black Ops and Battlefeild I always use a sniper and thats why I dont play the online FPS games cause if your a sniper your considered a camper and frowned upon and of course the kill cam is a snipers worse enemy.

So in Borderlands a sniper can be a sniper and not be downgraded so finally I can be what I like which is Zero and I might add im still searching for that Legendary sniper rifle,so any way I ended up buying just about every peice of dlc you can purchase, cause every since the first borderlands came out, I just love this game its addicting and the amount of guns and armor to collect is crazy, and the cartoony graphics are fantastic, and the feel I have while playing is undescribable,and I would say its safe to say im addicted and I hate playing during the week cause I end up like last night staying up till 3 am and was a zombie this morning because of it.

The only thing I hate about Borderlands 2 is when I started my game I got pretty far into the game, and the next day a freind came over and I started a splitscreen game then after he left I loaded up my game only to realize,I erased my game cause the auto save, on the split screengame saved over it so other then that im loving it, and the characters are hilarious and the entire game rocks,so Im addicted and very much looking forward to the new character although i dont know much about him other then the fact hes a heavy named Seig and the last dlc for the seasonpass sounds really good since gearbox is making this one in house so untill next time im out.
