Missing games and missing music cds would drive me apeshit. lol. You seem to be handling it better. But seriously, you might have a kleptomaniac goblin living under your bed,yo!
MIA: DK64, OoT, 1080, Several CDs; Spring Cleaning Leads to Despair
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![]() On 03/28/2013 at 04:55 AM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
So I just cleaned my room ... kind of; I go by my next door neighbor's late dad's motto: "if you can walk around in a room, it's clean." So what I mean by "cleaning" is picking crap up off the floor, mostly old clothes to go to the laundry, putting new sheets on and making my bed, then calling it a day and ignoring any dust, my closet, and the multitudes of crap on my shelves and dressers.You may call that "lazy," I call it "it looks cleaner and I can walk around, so my mind is more at ease, which is the only reason I bothered to clean this shit in the first place."
Anyway, after I picked up some crap off the floor and made my bed, I decided to move my CDs from my CD Caseit (TM) carrier and back into their jewel cases to see if there was anything I was missing; turns out, I'm missing a few lyrics sleeves and cases, but that's not too bad, especially since I'm fairly certain where at least my Tool: 10,000 Days case is. Just gonna have to clean the closet for that one.
Unfortunately though, I can't find my Spider-Man: Music From and Inspired By CD, which is one of my favorites, nor either of my New Found Glory CDs, which I don't want because they're great CDs, but because they have a huge nostalgia factor for me. Also missing Splinter by The Offspring. In any case, I just alphabetized the CDs I do have, and will plug them in an excel file to see what I'm missing, and maybe I'll continue my My Music Timeline series once I can figure out more easily the chronology of when I bought all these. Might also plug them in as Playstation games on here, just to have a couple reference points.
More importantly to this community though, I also moved my Gamecube and N64 from the game room to the living room, and found out I'm missing Donkey Kong 64, 1080 Snowboarding and Zelda: Ocarina of Time for Nintendo 64; yet, oddly enough, the only N64 boxes I found were for OoT and Kong, and I found an instruction booklet for both 1080 and DK64. The four games I see I still have are Star Fox 64, Majora's Mask, Snowboard Kids 2, and Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, none of which I found any boxes or manuals for. Weird. Is there some creature that steals only N64 games you keep the boxes and manuals lying around for?
I'm not too upset about Ocarina, because I have the bonus disc I got for preordering Wind Waker with both that and the Master Quest version of the game on it for Gamecube, and as I mentioned when I did a GLaD blog on it, I'm not that fond of 1080 anyway, but Donkey Kong 64 was the title I was most looking forward to playing again, so I'm pretty miffed about that one. Not to mention I can't sell any of these for much, given the condition of the boxes I found, and probably the condition of the boxes I'm missing. I also found all the packaging for Spider-Man 2 on DS, but not the cartridge.
On the plus side, all my Gamecube games are perfectly intact, box, disc, and all, and I remembered I had Super Smash Bros. Melee to add to my collection on here, bringing me to thirty-six games on eight systems total. And aside from Spider-Man 2, which I actually thought was decent for a licensed DS launch title, my DS games are all neatly together as well.
Tomorrow/today when I wake up, I'm finally going to stop my vacation from cardio, as it seems to be warming up again, do my squats, return that Cinderella Man Blu-Ray my mom got me for my birthday (turned out we already have the DVD, but we don't have a Blu-Ray player), then hopefully more Spring cleaning will lead to more luck with finding these games. Maybe I'll even find my old Gameboy and Gameboy Color, and copies of Pokemon Blue & Pinball.
Wish me luck!