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Hello there, sweeties!

On 03/03/2016 at 09:33 AM by matlocklover17

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 Hello there, sweeties. My name is Merrydith and I am fairly new to gaming. I mainly got into it because my grandson was into it and he promised he would watch matlock with me if i played the splashtunes with him. Well, I'm a convert now, and I play games every day! I play the marios, I play the elder scrolls which lets me walk which I haven't been able to do ever since my polio got worse. I blame my husband for that of course. Even in death he causes me pain.

 I must ask though, is there a matlock game?

 But enough about me. I'm dying to know about you! Have you met someone? Do you play the splashtunes? We should play together if you do! I like the splashtunes. It lets me paint, something I haven't done since my husband died, Because he gave me polio. In my arms you see.

 He's dead though. How are you?



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