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Where I've Been and What I've Been Up To

On 03/28/2013 at 11:26 AM by Chris Yarger

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Holy shit, it’s been a while!

My bad.

But you see, it’s not my fault; entirely.

I was stuck in Philly all last week for work training, and I came back to work on Monday only to be greeted with nearly 200 emails and 40 different sets of drawings to review and mark up; lucky me! But I’ve been keeping up with you all, I swear! I may not have been able to comment as much as I wanted (Actually, I don’t think I commented at all. It’s a bitch to type out a thoughtful response via IPod Touch), but I made sure to read everything that came my way!

But not all was lost while I was in Philadelphia. I did manage to get some GREAT game time in! I crushed Tomb Raider, and needless to say, it was utterly amazing! This was the type of game that had pretty much everything I hated, but I didn’t mind it at all. The collectibles weren’t bad to find, and the QTEs made sense once you figured them out. By QTEs making sense, I mean that during the QTE, the button you had to press would correlate with what you would normally press to perform such an action. For example; if during a QTE an enemy was getting ready to take a swing at you, you would press the dodge button. So by doing this, it was easy to anticipate what was coming and what you had to press, thus the QTEs made sense.

Did I lose anybody with that ramble?

Also while in Philly, I managed to crank out a LOT of BvsC videos!

Speaking of BvsC; we’ve decided to take a little bit of a turn towards the lesser popular games. With the release of Bioshock Infinite, we decided to try a Let’s Play of another game that was released on the same day; Army of TWO: Devils Cartel.

AoT is actually REALLY good! Of course, I loved the previous Army of TWO games, but this one is really good. The environments explode around you as bullets fly everywhere, all weapons are fully customizable, and the aggro system is back and works really well! I’ll include one of the videos we made down below for you all to check out should you be curious (Warning: NSFW since I drop quite a few F-Bombs).

So I’ve been busy lately.. Really really busy. But I’m back for now!



Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/28/2013 at 11:29 AM

I'd like to play the new Army of Two with my brother but I might wait on purchasing it.  Hope you enjoyed Philly, that's my hometown, sort of, and I used to live there. It's an ugly ass city.  Wink

Chris Yarger Community Manager

03/28/2013 at 11:37 AM

I was actually about 15 minutes North of Philly in a town called Lansdale. It sucked..

I was stuck on a Mid-Turnpike point, so if I wanted to go anywhere I had to pay to get in and out of where I was!

And the new Army of TWO is really good! I've been enjoying it a lot! Of course as I mentioned above, I liked the first two installments a lot. I'm just glad I wasn't disappointed by EA.


03/28/2013 at 04:02 PM

Another good review for TR. I need to go and get it now. Peer pressure.Yell How does the new TR hold up against the previous installments?

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/01/2013 at 06:23 AM

I really enjoyed the new TR, but I could never get into the older ones. I'm not sure if it was the story or the gameplay that did it, but the new TR was able to actually hold my attention for once!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/28/2013 at 04:02 PM

I think I know what you mean about the QTE controls. I played a demo of Ocarina of Time for 3DS at Best Buy today, and the sword was set to B, which is on the bottom of the "square" of buttons. I thought that felt unnatural, as I always set weapons and such to the button on the left, what would be square on a Playstation controller, the bottom to jump, the top to anything that goes into first person to aim, and the right to whatever the hell I care least about, cause pressing that one always feels natural anyway. I find that games break up the familiarity of the controls for segments like that, so it's refreshing to hear Tomb Raider doesn't.

Sorry work's been such a hassle. If it makes you feel any better, I'm going insane in the periods between when work calls me and need another job to fill the gaps. I don't know why that would make you feel better, but just know that I'm also suffering, just in the opposite fashion, I guess? lol Your job sounds like it requires a lot of expertise though, I'm a Production Assistant which basically translates to monkey that does whatever we need right this second, last week it was building grills for a shoot.

Have a good one, nice to see you back.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/01/2013 at 06:28 AM

Thanks, it's good to be back!

It was nice to see a set of QTE events that actually make sense instead of random buttons being pressed (*cough*Knight Contract *Cough*!


03/29/2013 at 11:22 AM

I knew where you were, lol. I know I'm going to get Tomb Raider, it's just kind of low on the priority list right now until I start getting regular pay checks again.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/01/2013 at 06:29 AM

You're my favorite stalker! LOL

I would definitely recommend that you pick it up at some point, but I'd also recommend that you wait for a price drop since it's a little on the short side.

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