I'm still in the mindset of waiting until the systems have all been out long enough I can make an informed judgment call. I hope I don't wind up skipping this generation too, but I'm definitely waiting a bit past launch to make a decision on anything.
The Witcher
On 03/28/2013 at 11:50 AM by transmet2033 See More From This User » |
I finished the witcher 2 yesterday, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I am taking a break and playing through the campaign of halo 4. I need to cleanse my palate before i return and play through Iorvoth's path in the witcher 2.
Now that I have finished it, I am even more excited for the witcher 3: the wild hunt. The only problem is that it will be next-gen and I will have to get a new console. At this point, I will probably go with sony for the next-gen. That may change when microsoft finally officially announces thier console, but i doubt it. I like halo a lot, but i do not play it online often enough to justify getting a brand new console just for one series.