I love my Vita, in fact the Vita could be my favorite piece of hardware of all time. It plays a selection PSOne games, PSP games, console quality games and a crap-ton of indies. Essentially, the Vita plays all my favorite games.Shortly after I picked up my Vita, Best Buy had a deal of 32gb memory cards for $45. As I assume you know, that is a steal because the retail price for the 32gb is $99. Well, even with a 32gb memory card I have run out of space. I have over 60 games downloaded on my Vita at the moment, with plenty more on my download list and even more coming in the future. I know Salt & Sanctuary just came out on PS4 this week, but I would rather play it on Vita. Bastion, Axiom Verge, and Volume are in the same boat. I just prefer indie games on the Vita.
Either way, I have a ton of games on my Vita and I want to slowly work through them. I need more space. So, I have decided to try and start up a new series, "cleaning up my Vita." The idea is that I will be playing through, or at least giving these games a chance and then coming here and giving some impressions.
The first game I have to talk about is Teslagrad. I had just finished up something, and was looking for something new to play. The bubble icon intrigued me and I knew that I had never booted it up, so I went for it. Teslagrad is a pretty standard puzzle platformer. It is not set up as individual levels, you have a map to explore and can return to areas if you want to/ need to. I am always a sucker for games with that set-up, anything that reminds me of Metroid or the post-PSOne Castlevania games. So, each room is it's own puzzle and you have to figure out how to get to the next room. Throughout the course of the game there are pieces of equipment you acquire to explore the tower further. There are also some boss fights strewn in for good measure.
I did not beat the game, but I am definitely done with it for the foreseeable future, possibly forever. There are moments when the game expects too much of the player. Boss fights suck because they require pattern memorization and sometimes go on a few rounds past where they logically should end. Why the hell does one boss require 3 hits to beat, the next requires 4, then the next 3, and the last one I beat was up to 6 or something. Come on, be a little more consistent. My other big issue is with one or two puzzles, where it seems as though you need precision platforming and timing... and that drove me up a wall, so I am done with it.

Here are two screens that nearly pushed me over the edge. You have to move to the upper right section of the screens, and I had such issues getting timing perfect.
I know that I am probably coming off as if I hate the game and it is not worth your time. There are plenty of clever puzzles and exploring the tower is loads of fun. I just wish that they had gone over those boss battles one last time before they shipped the game and just left out some of the puzzles that required more finesse. Check it out, there is a good chance it's already in your PS+ backlog.