I remember having a hard enough time getting together a Fireteam in Destiny, which is why I haven't bothered with the Division. They say that you can play it alone, but I am sure it isn't the same and I don't want to go through the effort of putting together a fireteam for The Division.
The Division from a console perspective (First blog since 1up was abandoned)
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![]() On 03/22/2016 at 01:17 PM by acidburn6869 ![]() See More From This User » |
So I've been on The Divison now since it's come out, playing it pretty religiously so I could do a review of it when I have a little more time to put into it. I will say this much, playing solo isn't for everyone, nor is it the best way to play the game. I started out solo and got to level 5 before it became insane to play any missions above level 5. After the first level 5 mission I beat, I started to get only level 7 missions to complete, by that time I knew it was time to play with a group. I opened the room up to public, as I don't really keep friends on psn or xbox live. I noticed most people I came across on both systems don't use headsets or do they really help the team out. Maybe thats because I haven't came across a team that will work together. The first team I assembled all went rouge on each other, which defeated the whole purpose of playing the harder level, cause even on their own, they couldn't beat it. The first team was assembled on PS4. The second team I assembled which I started at level 1 was on xbox one. I noticed I had two players with headsets and myself made 3, we were able to complete the story mission more efficently. As far as framerate goes on both systems I noticed lag in each, I mean come on it's not a high end computer and I'm sure the servers are bogged down. But the lag hasen't been that bad, or at least not for me. I have come across a few bugs and glitches, but was informed that the patch that just released was to address them.
The Division is a game you will come to love or hate, there is no real in between. If you like the play style and leveling up of Destiny, then you will more than likely like The Division, if you are one that likes to play without repetitiveness, then this game isn't for you cause you do some backtracking. It's definately different then most Tom Clancy's stories.
If you have friends playing this game, I'd stick with them through the whole thing, that way you are playing with people you know will play the game. If you're like me and are still finding people to play with, don't give up. Eventually you will find a team that will be a good fit to play with. I'm looking foward to see what The Division has to offer in expansion. Hopefully it will bring long game play like Destiny has and will be supported for years. I haven't given the pc a chance yet, but it's coming. I just haven't bought the game on there yet. When I go through my first run, i'll review the game.
This is soley an opinion based on my experience with the game. Please take it as a grain of salt. In no way am I speaking for others or steering anyone away from the enjoyment this game brings to others.
Until next time play hard and kick some ass!