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GLaD 30: Bloody Roar: Primal Fury & Cover Charge Saturday

On 03/30/2013 at 11:35 AM by Super Step

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Bing Image Mad Libz: In response to threats from North Korea, the U.S. will send former 7th Heaven actress Jessica Biel, secretly a wererabbit, and apparently soon to be former "T-Mobil Girl" Cary Foulkes, secretly a werecat, to beat on Kim Jong Un until he surrenders.

So rather than a nuclear explosion, the attack will look like this:

This is the only video I could find with Alice's Beast Drive, so skip to :45

or just pretend Un is the rabbit in the first part, and Biel is the wolf?

And if you're curious, this guy would be Dennis Rodman, I guess:

Bloody Roar: Primal Fury wasn't the best received game ever upon its release, I specifically remember reading the Electronic Gaming Monthly score as a 6.0 for "just barely above average," or something to that effect, but I didn't care ... although the metacritic score is 75, so apparently it wasn't receieved quite as poorly as I thought it was at the time. 

The point is, despite my misconceived perception of how the game was reviewed at the time being mostly negative, I just wanted my own version of that awesome game I had seen my older brother and his friends play on Playstation way back when. I think it was Bloody Roar II I remember seeing, and I've always appreciated fighting games with single player campaigns that have a bit of story between each fight, and it was awesome to see the arena turn to a virtual reality black space with lights in the corners when characters would perform their special moves.

Unfortunately, the Gamecube version didn't have the still-frame storylines between each fight, but it did have the environment change for Beast Drives, morph animations, and characters intact. Like Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes, it was cool to have my own version of something I remmember my older brother playing on one of his Playstation consoles.

Plus, despite not having the in-between fights cutscenes, you did get a clip of anime for any character you beat Primal Fury with... which usually raised more questions than answers, but the animation was pretty good.Just had to make sure to beat the final boss, and this annoying, cheap, grappling elephant man.

I'll never forget this elephant

It was fun to play with friends too; if Super Smash Bros. Melee wasn't feeling like the right choice or getting too hectic, but we still wanted a fighter, this could always be pulled out. It was good times.

Anyway, after looking at some videos and images of different Bloody Roar installments, I've noticed how similar a lot of the stages are. Like covers of old stages if you will. So I've decided to do "Cover Charge Saturday" and post some of my favorite covers songs.

First one is a song I only like the cover version for. I like NIN, don't get me wrong, but the original "Hurt" is a bit much for me to take; no offense to its fans, but it actually grates on me pretty bad.

The Johnny Cash version on the other hand is a simple but very effective stripped down version that makes me well up every time I see the video for it. I recall Reznor loving what Cash did with it, too.

The second is one that's become synonymous with the 60s, Vietnam movies, and rock and roll, and rightfully so considering it made the original songwriter Bob Dylan take license from it for his own version, and by his own admission say Hendrix improved on what he did.

My dad, a huge Dylan fan, has always said Dylan's nasally voice was never everyone's thing, and he was a much better songwriter/lyricist than musician; while both he and I do actually prefer Dylan originals in some cases, I think this version of "All Along the Watchtower" has become the definitive one, really.

Finally, it's one of the most covered songs of all time. I am one of those young whippersnappers that doesn't really like Leonard Cohen's low voiced original, but loves the cover versions. He deserves credit for writing it, but if Dylan's nasal grates, so can Cohen's monotone on me. That's not my take on either artists' voice as a whole, I acually like Dylan on "Hurricane" and I'm sure I could enjoy Cohen on a different song somewhere, but in any case, this is far and away my favorite version of "Hallelujah," by the late Jeff Buckley. Where Hendrix had a more involved and intense version of Dylan's song, and Cash had a more natural one of Reznor's, Buckley has a more raw and emotionally powerful one than Cohen, in my opinion. Not to rag on anyone who likes Cohen's, or the version in Shrek II for that matter, to each their own, this is just my personal favorite take on it.

Have a great  rest of the weekend!






03/30/2013 at 11:47 AM

I love how Johnny Cash took that song and made it his own. I've always been a Johnny Cash fan, so that didn't hurt, either. As for Dylan, oh, dear god does his voice drive me up a wall! I much prefer other people singing his songs. I've always liked Hendrix, though. I'm not a fan of Leonard Cohen, either, but like other people singing his songs. Liking this version of Hallelujah.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:19 PM

You and my mom have similar feelings on Dylan. lol She can't stand when dad puts him on in the car. It can after a while for me too, but I like it on "Hurricane" at least.

I think Rubin was the one that suggested Cash do the song. Is there a 20th centruy artist that guy hasn't produced? Don't answer that, I'm just saying he's done a lot for a lot of different styles. lol

Glad you like the Buckley.


03/30/2013 at 12:20 PM

Bloody Roar was one of those games that had an interesting premise, but wasn't executed all that well. I tried it out a couple times back in the day, but it just wasn't fun for me.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:35 PM

I can't speak for the Playstation ones except from memory, but I still enjoy playing Primal Fury, and I'd say it's executed well enough.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:29 PM

I don't mind Dylan so much, I appreciate bad singers as I'm one myself.  Wink  You just can't mess with Johnny Cash though, he was pretty amazing.  

Bloody Roar looks like a game that could have been cool if it had had a higher budget maybe. There's a couple games that no one else likes that I love, I think everyone has games like that.  I'm a big Last Remnant fan, after all.  

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:38 PM

Apparently, a lot of people like this game, or at least whoever Metacritic was using as a reference for that aggregate score. I liked Rise of the Robots as a kid, though I see how bad it is now, so I'd say that's my game everyone else hates that I ... well, have fond memories of, anyway. lol

Cary Woodham

03/30/2013 at 12:37 PM

Cool, an elephant guy.

Only thing I know about Bloody Roar is that Hudson made it (I think), and Namco published the arcade version.

Jessica Biel is pretty. 

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 12:38 PM

Yup, Hudson logo appears before the game on some of the video clips I looked up, they were involved. Jessica Biel is pretty.


03/30/2013 at 01:18 PM

Bloody Roar was actually one of my favorite fighter franchises of all time! I remember getting my inner perv on by ogling over Jenny The Bat. lol. I also thought the evil fox guy in drag was cool as hell.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 01:40 PM

GLaD you like it!


03/30/2013 at 01:55 PM

You so PUNny! lol.


03/30/2013 at 01:18 PM

The Bloody Roar series was fun to play, I miss playing them. I loved Primal Fury when I had it on the gamecube, played it to death nearly. Not to mention I kicked my one of my ex's asses on it like 4 times, pure good victory,lol!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 01:41 PM

Ah, that's awesome. Feels so great to beat someone in a fighter, and make the loser soooo mad sometimes. I know I rage quit on a few of them when I'd lose. lol


03/30/2013 at 03:06 PM

I believe I played the original Bloody Roar on Playstation and I liked it. It wasn't the greatest thing ever, but better than the middling reviews it got. And I thought it was better than Tekken 3 which I believe got perfect from both EGM and OPM!

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 06:53 PM

I loved the Tekkens, especially 2 and 3, but I do think Bloody Roar is better than average as well, for sure.

Jason Ross Senior Editor

03/30/2013 at 08:00 PM

I never understood what people didn't like about Bloody Roar. It was a fun, great fighter with an interesting twist in the beast morphs. Sure, the story was out there, and made no sense, but find me a fighting game where that isn't the case!

Anyway, I played Bloody Roar: Primal Fury all the time with a friend I had in high school and even middle school. He played as Bakuryu most of the time, and I played as Uriko. There were a few balance issues with Bakuryu and Kohryu being a little above the rest of the characters, IIRC, but aside from that, it was a pretty technical and very fast 3D fighter.

Super Step Contributing Writer

03/30/2013 at 11:44 PM

Yeah, I really don't remember the story to Bloody Roar much at all, I just thought it looked cool when I saw my brother playing it; I don't remember the Primal Fury story much either for that matter, just that it was animated nicely.

I don't really understand people's issues with the series either, it might not be Soul Calibur or even Tekken, but it's fast as you said, and I definitely remember having good times with friends playing it as well. I'll grant that the presentation could be better, but it had some pretty cool environments, too, nonetheless.

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