Fun fact: Uniracers was made by DMA Design, which is now called Rockstar North - the studio responsible for Grand Theft Auto.
GLaD 31: Uniracers & Spring Cleaning Easter Eggs!
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![]() On 03/31/2013 at 10:20 PM by Super Step ![]() See More From This User » |
Bing Image Mad Libz: It's very unfortunate to find out that Phil Ramone, a man that worked and produced with artists as varied as Ray Charles, Boston, Frank Sinatra, and Sir Paul McCartney, passed away yesterday. Out of respect to him, I won't involve him in today's Mad Libz, but rather say that when I die, I hope if reincarnation or heaven is real, I live my second life in the French countryside, doing unicycle stunts all over my personally owned Russian nuclear submarine.
Today's game is Uniracers, which is the only game of my older brother's I found the box for. There was a manual for a game called Shadow Man, one for Tetris on GameBoy, but this is the only actual box of his I found:
It was inside the door to the little Nintendo wheelcart below the "gaming TV" we always played on as kids, a Sony Trinitron, which is the same space I found my own N64 boxes. The VCR just atop the TV is what we used to play on, the VCR on top of that one is newer, and you better believe we used this old TV and the older VCR to play our games for ALL of our systems, from his NES/SNES/PSX to my N64/Gamecube and his PS2.
There was a time we had all those systems hooked up at once, as his friend knew how to, and it was a bitch to keep that RF box in place so the picture would stay clear.
That was long after we enjoyed today's game as much younger kids though, as back then it was just the NES, SNES and their games hooked up to this TV. And Uniracers is one that isn't talked about much these days, but we sure played it a lot. It was just a fun, basic, 2D racing game, where unicycles with personalities would do tricks and race to the finish line on these checkered tracks with twists and turns everywhere.
Oh sure, the backgrounds were incredibly simple, but it was so fun to see the unicycles do flips, wind around on tracks, avoid the wet paint that would slip them up or slow them down, and the music was simple too, but at the time I thought it was rockin'!
But most importantly, it looked like these things were going really fast, making huge leaps, and the way they'd travel through these levels just looked amazing. I think you'll get a much better idea of all that from this video:
Uniracers may not be considered one of the great SNES classics, but it's a classic to me dammit! So simple, yet so fun. A simpler game for a simpler time.
Oh, but that's far from all I found. You may have noticed I've been posting blogs about finding some items I was missing during Spring Cleaning I've been doing. Well, I'm not officially done yet, actually my mom found my Nyko GBA/Gamecube link thing just today, but really it's just the shelf space dusting and organizing left to be done, so here are some pictures of stuff I found on my cleaning spree!
First, I'll post my gaming collections for you.
My DS games, each completely intact, box, game, instrcution manual, everything's accounted for!
Same with my Gamecube games!
Alphabetized except for the Gameboy Player Disc, as it's smaller than everything else. None of these were ever missing, actually for some reason I have two Metroid Prime discs, the second being inside my Gamecube, the first in the box. Maybe I can trade it in for a copy of Super Mario Sunshine if I can put it in a jewel case and find someone that wants to trade?
This is what I have of my N64 games, all of the cartidges are accounted for, but four out of seven boxes are missing, as are four out of seven manuals (the one for DK64 is in its box).
There's actually a second manual thing underneath that 1080 manual that shows you how to do all the tricks, and lays out how to use the N64 controller.
Here's the cartridges that need boxes.
The older handhelds aren't quite as lucky. I still can't find my Game Boy Color, and only found one of my GBA game's boxes, that being Metroid: Zero Mission, which is in its box; the other three of my GBA games are sitting atop my GBA (Mario Kart Super Circuit), in the GBA (Golden Sun), or in the Gameboy Player on the botttom of my Gamecube (Metroid Fusion). In this picture, you can also see some of the items I talked about in previous Spring Cleaning blogs, like the Sandiego Travel Kit, Pac Man game, N64 memory cards in their case, DS cleaner, stylus, the 9999 in 1 Brick Games thing, POGS, N64 jumper pack, and don't forget Pokemon Pinball.
I have yet to find Pokemon Blue, for Game Boy, but I do have the Gameboy itself, as you can see, though I don't think I'll be playing it any time soon....
Played Pokemon Pinball on the GBA before dinner today, though. Looks like time to fill up that Pokedex completely. Oh, and yesterday, Smartcelt was asking what the Gameboy Player on Gamecube looks like. Here ya go:
From the bottom
Controllers: Nintendo one has a bunch of gunk on the control stick I need to clean to improve motion, Mad Catz one is just a POS that likes to not work at random times
You can always tell which is the first player controller from whether or not the Rumble Pak's in it, and if it's colored; usually means it's the owner's in my experience, anyway. That, and I think my older brother may have damaged the grey one when Killer Instinct: Gold pissed him off once, but a) don't quote me, b) don't tell him I said that.
Jumper Pak had to be taken out and replaced with the red Expansioin Pak when I bought DK64.
Now for some random, semi-gaming-related stuff
I didn't make the bed yet, don't judge me! Anyway, some printouts from old Toy Story and K'Nex PC games, and a Fire Emblem ad for the GBA version from EGM.
I just remembered I used to have a Paper Mario strategy guide, so I wonder if I'll find that. Never owned the game, but I liked the story so much I wanted the guide to read it. I know, I'm weird, but anyway, there's the Prima guides for Fusion/Prime that had the same release date in NA, one for Majora's Mask, a drawing of Orca from Wind Waker in my 7th grade sketchbook, which reminds me I want to find my HS sketch book, and a Shinobi poster from EGM. Speaking of which...
What's that below the Yu-Gi Oh card decks and the New Yorkers I was subscribed to for a college creative writing class? You guessed it.
Why yes I do have more EGMs than games; guess which is cheaper?
More where that came from:
Need to be numerically put in order still. And that Gamecube cover's seen better days.
The GBA/Gamecube link; what says Nyko clips ino the top of the GBA, the other thing goes to the Gamecube controller port
My job is run by a bunch of nerds that like to help out at conventions, hence why my warehouse key came with a "Game Over Videogames" lanyard with a Space Invaders alien.
Speaking of jobs, I think my old one at Outback Steakhouse is saying something
Happy Easter!
Spring Cleaning sure did help me get a great end to my GLaD month blogs. Hope you've enjoyed them, and I might post more pictures of non-gaming related stuff I found later. Again, Happy Easter, hope yours was a good one!