I just ate my yearly Cadbury egg. That's Easter for me. Later: Ham.
Happy Easter!
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![]() On 03/31/2013 at 03:02 PM by smartcelt ![]() See More From This User » |
Happy Easter everyone! Hope it's a wonderful day today where you are. I'm not the most church going fellow. In fact I don't go at all. Don't agree with the agenda and dogma of most local churches. But I am Christian and this day is special to me. But even for folks of different faiths it should be a day of fun. We are having gorgeous weather today and people are out having egg hunts and doing outdoor stuff. It's a good day for a bike ride or a hike I'd say.
Or you could just feed the bunnies! Hope you brought enough food for him. He thinks you look mighty tasty.....mmmm.....yummy! Don't try to pet him or you could lose a finger!
But later on I'll be playing Bioshock Infinite. I had a coupon for 10 bucks off from PowerUp points at Gamestop. So we picked it up yesterday for 50. I have to say it was well worth the wait. It's every bit as gorgeous as Halo 4 visually. But with it's own unique style and artistry. The gameplay is well done,too. You are introduced to the mecanics of the game by fun little games at a sort of carnival. Use of weapons and vigors[the potions that give you special abilities]are shown to you right away. You meet up with Elizabeth not long after the game begins. She remains your companion and powerful ally as the story unfolds.
I won't go into details about the story. This game has been talked about so much you are all probably familiar with it. I will say i was surprised by the racial undertones to the troubles with society in the clouds. A new Eden? Hardly...seems pretty messed up to me. But i guess that's the point. Every story needs a hero[or heroine!],a bad guy,conflict,enemies,struggles,and victory. The prophet and leaders of the city are not at all what they seem to be at first.
Speaking of enemies...can't wait until I get to fight George Washington,the angry robot! The game has some pretty graphic fight sequences early on. Lots of blood is spilled and bodies get wrecked. I was sort of expecting that but.....wow! Pretty gruesome in parts. Not for the squeamish if that's not to your liking. But the game is dripping with beauty as well. I just have to stop sometimes and look all around me. It is such a wondrous place to behold. Still trying to figure out how they keep all of it afloat in the air. Perhaps the answers to that mystery lie ahead.And then to top my day off? Season finale of The Walking Dead. Tonight is the climactic battle with the Governor. Tonight we find out who lives and who dies. Hopefully the Governor goes down hard. I hope that Daryl gets the honor on that one. He deserves it very much.
What I'm listening to today.........
I have to say something here. I've had my childhood violated by Glee and then by Rock Of Ages. They need to leave it alone. This is the original and the best. One of the songs that brings back good memories from my high school years. It was from the album "Escape" if that tells you anything about me! I wanted out of that place. But I hung in and finished it out.