Howdy yall!
I haven't posted a blog in a while, so this is gonna remedy that!
This week was my spring break for me, and I honestly did a whole lot of nothing. From saturday to wednesday I was in Boston looking at colleges for my sister. I tried to convince my parents that staying at home and playing video games would be a much better use of my time, but that didn't slide well with them
The only good thing that came out of this was that I brought my PSP along and was able to get a good chunk of Final Fantasy 7 done. Right now I'm at Cosmo Canyon, right before the end of the first disc. Also, I was able to fix the internet on my PS3 and I was able to download the Dust 514 Beta. Let me tell you one thing: I suck a Dust 514. I think in the first three battles I participated in, I got a total of one kill. The game itself is pretty good, but I think it should be tweaked to be a little more accessible to new players. I also sat down resolved to beat Hecatonchier in FFXIII and I finally did after about three or four tries. The reason I had a hard time with it was because the battle requires Vanille, who I drastically ignored in terms of leveling because of her annoying voice.
I've also been reading The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. It's a short book, but I've been inching through it every night, chapter by chapter.
In other news...
The new Daft Punk album has been announced WOOHOOO!