I just looked at my last post, and it's from the beginning of February. Holy cow, where does the time go?
I've been pretty busy since then.
February: Trips back and forth to NH to get the last of my stuff out of my grandmother's house took a chunk of February. I also had computer issues: the screen in my trusty Dell laptop died and then something updated itself and Google Chrome stopped working. I fired up the horrid Toshiba laptop for the first time in a million years and upgraded Windows 8 to Windows 10 and that fixed a lot of the problems I was having with that machine, but it still seems to have permanent amnesia when it comes to allowing Google to save my passwords. And Windows 10 has some issues, too, mostly in terms of finding stuff. But it's a billion times better than the abomination 8 was.
March: Spent it feeling depressed. I decided last minute that I needed a change of scenery and booked tickets to go visit one of my best friends and her family in Florida. It was a short trip, but I had a lot of fun, and it was just what I needed. I got back and started work at the park a couple of days later.
April: Getting the park ready for our annual family-friendly bird-watching event at the end of the month. Plumbing, raking, pruning, and general spiffing up. I also farm-sat for some friends for nine days while working full-time. Many adventures happened during those nine days, but I'll save that for a different post.
May: More spiffing up of the park, I've also stained and painted over thirty signs. Most are new ones to replace rotten or missing signs, but I also repainted a couple of handicap reserved signs for the picnic area the standard blue instead of park brown, because people claim they don't see them. I finished up the signs themselves yesterday, next I start painting the lettering. There have also been animal adventures along the way, as well as nature programs for kindergartners. Again, another post later.
I really haven't been gaming much. I probably would have gotten in a bunch while traveling back and forth to Florida, but I couldn't find the charger for my 3DS, nor my headphones. And I'm usually just too tired to concentrate long enough on a game at home. I do get in a little gaming now and then, and I'm still plugging my way through Tales of Zestiria. Liking the story, but the game mechanics are overly complex in places. I think I'm maybe two-third to three-quarters of the way through the game.
Well, that's enough for now. Going to try to be more regular with my blogging again.