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Retro, the Bane of the Independent!

On 04/01/2013 at 06:03 AM by Blake Turner

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Well... there was a nice witty retort here, but since PIXLBIT ARE INEPT FUCKHEADS WHO DELETE MY STUFF I guess I'll start over. Ok, they're not inept fuckheads, and it was probably my fault, but I am a gamer, so naturally I can't take the fucking blame for anything.

 Yes... well, back to the subject at hand. I wrote another article for plus10damage. It's about indie games, and retro stuff, and BANE MOTHERFUCKERS!!!! Well... maybe not about Bane, but it's in the title, so just read it through the voice of an upperclass, asthmatic twat.

 You can, and should, read my article here. Also, check out other peoples stuff while you're there, because they are much more talented than I, and therefore more deserving of your time.




04/01/2013 at 09:24 AM

Well dont feel alone if i could count how many blogs or reveiws i have worked on for hours then got ready to post it and bang where did it go and thats enough to just say f it lol.but very frusterating to say the lease.

Nick DiMola Director

04/01/2013 at 09:30 AM

Really? I thought the auto-save was preventing this at this point. Hmm, that's concerning. Can you describe the behavior you're experiencing that's causing that? I'd like to get the problem resolved if it's happening still.

Also, let me know if you have anything showing up on your blog drafts page. Maybe there's some weird desynchronization issue I haven't resolved.


04/01/2013 at 09:47 AM

My browser quit unexpectedly a while back while I was writing a blog and the auto-save, um, saved what I had, so it works at least some of the time.

Nick DiMola Director

04/01/2013 at 10:02 AM

Ah, alright. I can probably bump up the save rate to shrink the gap, if that helps. However, I don't think anybody should be losing everything outright, unless something really weird is going on.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/01/2013 at 10:03 AM

I wrote the article, pressed save live, and the article posted, but all of it's contents disappeared. Fortunately, this is a short blog, so it wasn't too much of an issue.

Nick DiMola Director

04/01/2013 at 10:08 AM

That's really weird. Did you happen to see any sort of error screen?

I wonder if the auto-save kicked in just as you hit save and then it overwrote what you had saved because it couldn't access the contents of the editor. I can't think of anything else that would actually cause that to happen. Weird.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/01/2013 at 11:01 AM

I'd say it was a one off. It might even have been my fault, as I said in the blog. Idk. Maybe having a decent sized image first might have caused it?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/01/2013 at 01:33 PM

I don't really mind that indie games constantly focus on Retro, because it saves them money and means my computer can handle it (I played Street Fighter X Megaman today in fact), but while I haven't actually played any of the ones you mentioned, there are enough IWannaBeTheGuy Let's Plays to last a life time, and it doesn't seem to add anything except "hey, remember when NES games were really fucking cheap? Rather than evolving with the times, we're just going to be really cheap too, and say it's a 'retro challenge.'" At least, that's what it looks like to me.

Case in point: what you talk about in the article hasn't affected me directly, but I see your point from my vantage point, which is located at a distant point from the retro gaming oversaturation experience point.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/01/2013 at 10:59 PM

Iwannabetheguy was designed to troll a pro player and then it got really famous. I'm not against retro or outdated graphics, I just want these games to at least have their own personality.

 That is fair enough though, and I know a lot of people who will agree with you... *Cough* Aaron *cough cough*

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/01/2013 at 11:03 PM

Ah, I didn't know that about Iwannabetheguy. Thanks for the bit of trivia.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/01/2013 at 11:26 PM

It's amazing the things that youtube teaches you :)


04/02/2013 at 01:55 AM

Excellent thoughts here, and one one which I am ashamed to admit passed under my radar, I ve been really enjoying the return to 8 Bit but as you say as popularity grows certain developers will take the piss! I'd love to see more JRPG style games on the release, even excellent side platformers like Mutant Mudds can only break so far away from the countless examples which are seeping into mainstraem gaming.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/02/2013 at 02:53 AM

There's nothing wrong with liking retro themed games. There's nothing wrong with making retro themed games. As I said the problem is the oversaturation of this theme, and it's causing stagnation in the indie scene.

 Also, thank you for the praise :) I hope you have a joyous day sir!

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