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PC Reigns Supreme at E3!

On 06/14/2016 at 12:03 AM by asrealasitgets

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I hesitate making this blog on this site because I know most of you are either console-only gamers or retro gamers, which I am also, but most of you probably won’t care about the little old ‘PC Show’ that aired between MS and Ubisoft conferences. Nick Dimola tweeted something about consoles being dead and I was like, why? You didn’t like the MS games? They looked pretty sweet, and I don’t even own an xbox. Then I watched the MS conference in full, and basically most every console exclusive is coming to Windows10, and there is cross-buy and cross-play in some cases which basically turns Xbox into more of a gaming service more than a console. So, most XBox games are coming to PC, most Indie games are already on PC or at least start off there. Japan is releasing more and more games on Steam, like Final Fantasy etc. Then there are games on PC that may or may not go to console. The PC is in a pretty advantageous position right now if you’re a gamer that wants to sample a bit of everything right now, and some would argue always has been, but I also love my console and portable games so it’s not true for me. I’m not a PCMaserRace snob at all, but as a gaming enthusiast, I want to play every type of games. I’ve even setup DosBox, if you don’t know what that is, don’t ask. It is severely nerdy to discuss and I feel shame admitting it.

Anyhow, these are some highlights from PC games, that may or may not appear on console, since Xbox is getting an upgrade, and so is Sony, these might appear on console as well. I don’t know, I ain’t Nostrodomus. I will cover PC games in these next few blogs, and since there are quite a few, including XBox One games, I’ll cut it down to like 12.

Part 1

1. 1.Dawn of War 3
Yes. That addictive Warhammer 40K miniwargaming tabletop game turned strategy game with like 100+ expansions that are always on sale on Steam, and all perfectly fun as hell to play gets a proper sequel, which looks great and shiny and new! I’m a fan of THIS RTS series, and not many others so I’m excited to see what ‘new’ is in store for the series. In the mean time, I believe a new expansion just released and I totally missed it? Also, this would play like shit on console with a controller. (Advantage goes to PC)

Image result for oxygen not included

2. Oxygen Not Included (From maker of Don’t Starve)

Now, this is more of a tease, but it’s from the maker of another really great survival game called Don’t Starve. This new game is set in space and has more of a Fallout Shelter vibe and design going for it. I liked Fallout Shelter and I liked Don’t Starve so I’m interested in playing this new game too.

3. Mount & Blade 2

Mount & Blade is a really hectic, bloody, first-person weapon combat game in medieval setting. It’s a bit of a lot of things, open world, sandbox, rpg, but it’s more like a FPS with melee weapons with really great limb hacking and impaling physics. Every now and then there have been expansions released for the game, but like Left4Dead, I’m glad to see a proper sequel.

4. The Surge (from makers of Lords of Fallen, that Dark Souls clone)

Now, this I’m more skeptical about because it’s from the makers of Lords of Fallen, but it’s being marketed as Dark Souls x SciFi, whatever that means. Dark Souls with robots? I like the combat and challenge of Souls games, but when they are made by From Software, including the quirky characters and lore, but I like what I played of Nioh, a samurai Souls-like, and even God of War 4 previewed like a Souls game, so I’m interested what a Souls with a sci-fi setting turns out like?

Thats all for now. I'll keep posting more PC games later on.
Again, PC is also getting all them XBoxOne games, but these PC games stood out to me. Not sure if and when they will ever appear on console. Maybe thery are PC timed exclusive but the generationless generation means games can flow either way.

5. Lawbreakers (from CliffyB)

Now, CliffyB presented this game by first shitting on Overwatch and calling it a nice anime game that his wife enjoys, then claiming his game, Lawbreakers, is more exreme and for Western audiences. Okay? I think the thing about Overwatch that made it popular is that it seems more accessible and friendly to random players than most multiplayer shooters out there. If Cliffy wants to make a game that requires more aggressive play or strategy or whatever, he might be missing the point.  Game looks fun though.  





06/14/2016 at 01:11 AM

I've heard a lot of talk about consoles becoming services rather than remaining a hardware thing. I guess I don't really care. There'll always be something I'll hook up to my TV to play games, or maybe the TV will already have the hardware in it. I'm not in favor of either console of PC, just whatever's easier to use. 


06/14/2016 at 01:16 AM

MS was headed in this direction before they gutted the digital-only-always-on plan after the outrage before XBOXOne debuted. Remember?


06/14/2016 at 01:22 AM

Yea, the whole industry seems to be heading that way. I guess it's inevitable. They'll all do what makes them the most money while trying to change the way people consume games slowly enough, and in the right way, to not upset them. 


06/14/2016 at 02:01 AM

I think at this point, they cant compete with PC, so they're like fuck it! Here! Play xbox games since you wont buy our console. 


06/14/2016 at 02:53 AM

Consoles are pretty much PCs nowadays, even moreso with announcement of the incremental upgrades coming from Sony and MS this year and next.  As a lifelong console gamer, it's kind of disappointing.

I'm confused by MS's strategy.  I know they're trying to combine their success with XBOX with Windows and their PC heritage, but it just seems like they're getting desperate, so they're trying any and everything to see what makes them money.  Won't buy an Xbox One?  You can still buy our games on PC!.  XBox One is underpowered?  Wait until next year, when Scorpio comes out!  It'll be the most powerful console EVAR (for however long that lasts).  Sony will probably stick to making consoles because that's what they're good at now, but I could see MS getting out of the business.  They always wanted to be the all-in-one set top box in the living room, but there's no need for that anymore with the ability to stream damn near everything.


06/14/2016 at 05:17 AM

I think their hardware sales numbers are pretty bad. They have to expand their audience. I don't have an xboxone for example, and I would love to play xb games on pc. It's really dumb. I only bought a PS4 for Bloodborne, and Arkahman Knight because the PC port was horendous for bats. For 3rd party I usually go PC. Not much interest for consoles this gen, aside from a handful of games and whatever works like shit on PC for whatever reason, but thats rare. 

I dont like how everything is moving so fast actually. I dont have a 4K TV, and I'm lukewarm on VR, so I don't see why I should upgrade right now at all. I would much rather have had a proper Rogue Squadron Game or Arkam game instead of a VR demo. I hope it doesn't end up another gimick like motion controls. 


06/14/2016 at 10:10 AM

VR is definitely a gimmick for now, but as prices drop and the tech improves, I think it will definitely be a big part of gaming in the future.  There's definitely a desire for this type of experience.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/14/2016 at 03:40 AM



06/14/2016 at 10:19 AM

That's perfectly fine, nothing wrong with what you prefer to game on. I didn't watch the PC show because I don't game on PC much except for really low key stuff or I can at least get by playing it. I've just never been big on it because it's a constant upgrade game. Sadly consoles are about to shift into that.


06/14/2016 at 04:48 PM

PC have a longer shelf life than console because you can scale down settings for performance. I've had my PC for much longer than any new console and I can still play a lot of games. Im only feeling the push now to upgrade because of the industry push to 4K and VR, but it's also affecting console. There is a whiplash effect going on here and its hurting wallets. 


06/14/2016 at 04:28 PM

I made the switch to PC gaming this year and I don't miss consoles very much. Weirdly enough consoles seem like the one that are more of a hassle. Expensive, inferior library, less diversity and choice, sales aren't nearly as good, and slow.

You don't even have to have a monster rig either; I only have a mid-range laptop at best and the graphics, performance, ease of use, and speed are already way better than anything the PS4 puts out, and PS4 is suppose to be the most powerful console out there. I can speak from personal experience being a console gamer my whole life till now that you don't really know how much more convenient PC gaming is until you really try it.


06/14/2016 at 04:53 PM

The thing is that in the past installing new software and all the required drivers was a hassle. Now apps like Steam and GOG make software installation much easier and usually games are optimized without any real technical know how required from the user. I think there is a misconception that PC gaming is really complicated and expensive, but you could make the same argument about console now. Like, I don't own an xbox because I chose PS4, but the xbox redesign might be inferior to the upgraded scorpio in the same year. I don't buy backwards compatibility seamlessly working on xbox. So I'll just play them on PC for now.


06/16/2016 at 12:45 PM

As someone who has recently gone back to PC gaming, it has become a lot easier since my last experience playing on Windows 95/98/XP. There is a place for both consoles and PC but with Microsoft having their new releases also available on PC it opens doors for folks like myself who only buy one console per generation. I get to experience new games that weren't available to me. Also services like Steam, GOG, and having various outlets that either sell games at a discount or in bundles have made the transition to PC gaming that much easier while saving money.

The one thing I wish that was also available on PC was more sports games from EA. Having Madden on PC would be awesome especially if I could have the ability to mod uniforms and stadiums. 


06/16/2016 at 04:12 PM

I've had my PC for quite a while and I'm still surprised that I can play new releases. I've certainly had my PC longer than this current gen of console PCs has lasted, so I'd say it was a good investment. I'm only now getting ready to upgrade, but I'm waiting to see how VR pans out a little, since it is affecting everything right now. There is also emulation, so you have basically a history of retro games to play through if you want.  I'm glad to see more JRPGs on Steam now. Modding sports games sounds interesting? Playing soccer with a bunch of marvel heroes. lolCool


06/22/2016 at 11:03 AM

Yeah emulation is the way to go especially if you don't have your older consoles connected to a TV. Soccer with Marvel Heroes would be a fun game to try. 

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