My 2012 Video Game Hit-list (Updated)
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![]() On 04/25/2012 at 07:45 PM by Jon Lewis ![]() See More From This User » |
First and foremost, no, this isnt a count down of what I think are the "Hits" of this year, but rather a list of games that I have not completed that I want to over the course of the year. Its a daunting list, but I think that I'll be able to chop off some games from my seriously large backlog. Lets get started:
1- Tales of Graces f (main quest completed)
-Im on the final chapter of the main quest, and after that i have the "future" arc (hence the f in the title). That shouldnt take much time and should be the first game off my hit-list.
2: Donkey Kong Country Returns (up to world 8??? i think...)
I got through about 90% of the game last summer, and this summer I plan to finally finish up the game. Its insanely fun, and I would definitely feel wrong if I didnt complete it. Makes it number 2 on my hit-list.
3: Beyond Good and Evil HD (at the end, gotta collect some pearls and then i can finish the game)
This game I started last summer as well, and I'm definitely a fan. I'm a little more than half way through it from what I know, and after finishing at least one of the games above, I want to dive back into BG&E.
4- Xenoblade Chronicles (a little over 21 hours in)
I've wanted to sink my teeth into this game since I bought earlier this month, but I didnt want to play this AND Tales at the same time. With ToG wrapping up soon, i think ill be digging into Xenoblade in the near future.
5- Resident Evil: Revelations (Complete)
I absolutely love this game, but with all of the console titles that I've been playing, this game got put on the backburner. I really dig the game, and in anticipation of RE6, its only right that I finish this one up in a somewhat timely mannor.
Thats the top 5 as of now, but there are plenty more;
Assassins Creed Brotherhood (up to memory 4)
Borderlands: Claptraps New Revolution DLC
Enslaved: Oddessy to the West (a few chapters in...)
Radiant Historia (about 15 hours in)
Dead Space
Kirby's Epic Yarn
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (xD unlikliest on my whole list, but i swear, I'll get to it one day...i hope)
Kid Icarus: Uprising (half way through)
I do want to mention that there are a few games that I haven't picked up that are sort of Backlogged in my brain such as:
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Assassins Creed Revelations
SoulCalibur V (still interested in trying it...)
The Walking Dead
This year will be tough. I have most of the summer, but once August hits and Transformers comes out, its all down hill. Along with Fall of Cybertron, Resident Evil 6, Assassins Creed 3, Borderlands 2, and the possible monsterous launch of the WiiU only mean my backlog will grow even more. Lets see how many I can knock out this summer, Ill try to keep it updated as I go!
Wish me luck!