4 dungeons is weird, but some of these later zeldas have had a bit of bloat on them. I'd rather quality of quantity, which I bet they were thinking.
I bought Inquisition too. But I thought I got it for $5. Guess we're both doomed!
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![]() On 06/15/2016 at 11:46 PM by asrealasitgets ![]() See More From This User » |
I got Dragon Age Inquisition for like $8 on PSN. I enjoy the series and need to finish it, but the open world direction just put me off. I would have preferred a more directed experience like DA2 or at least something similar to DA1, but maybe this game has something in it that will make me like open worlds, or keep on hating them, I don't know? I'm not that excited to see Zelda go Skyrim, or HD versions of Skyrim for that matter. I need an entry point I suppose. Xenoblade chronicles was great, as well as FF12, but those games weren't empty and always gave you somthing to do, like in an MMO. I might be confusing Open Worlds with Sandboxes, as these two words are used interchangeably.
I'll see ya'll after 100 hours of Inquisition, or 10 if I get bored...
Only 4 dungeons?
I'm not sure if you can co-op but I believe it has multiplayer of some sort.
I never finished it. I guess I got halfway through. I made my computer stutter and get real hot so I was worried about playing it for long periods of time. I liked it, but not as much as DA:O, which I think is a masterpiece.
I like open world games. A lot of times they might feel empty though. I haven't played the latest: MGS5, Witcher 3, etc. I think my favorite would have to be a toss up between Red Dead Redemption and SKyrim. But I finished Red Dead, where Skyrim is still languishing undone.
I know what you mean, I don't really like open-world games. That being said, I have been having a blast with Saint's Row IV. I think that I prefer the fantastical nature of the game and the overall game is fairly small compared to other open-world games like any of the GTA games.
I think Zelda will be just fine. From everything I understand it will end up being a return to form in some ways. The original game was pretty "open" and you could go and do almost whatever you wanted in whatever order you want.
I know that I have talked about it in the past, but I really think that open-world and sandbox are no longer interchangable. When GTA III was released I think that game had a nice sandbox feel to it, but nowadays open-world games stick to a farily specific formula. This formula, the one that is associated with nearly all Ubisoft games, I don't think can be referred to as a sandbox anymore.
When growing up, sandboxes where around for me to play in and use my imagination to do whatever I want. These new open-world games don't really allow me to use my imagination to do whatever I want.
A sandbox is defined by the sand and the tools in it, not the box. That's the mistake people make. You can have sandbox design in a single room or in a linear game (Metal Gear games after MGS1, for instance, where you can mess with the guard AI, physics, try different tricks on the bosses, etc).
I think the wording might be the problem. I don't mind playing MMOs, or games like Final Fantasy 12, Xenoblade, Witcher 3, even Dragon Quest 9. But these games are filled with content, there is always something to do as you are playing along. They are more or less 3D JRPGs. I think I have issues with empty space. Shadow of Mordor was fine, and even Assassins Creed, but they were not endlessly open games, there were invisible wall there. Even as I play Dragon Age Inquisition, it feels more or less like a JRPG. It feels like Dragons Dogma, which is another game I enjoyed. Some of what I saw from Zelda looked like Monster Hunter, with the cooking and gathering. Ironically, I like gathering and crafting, which is why I enjoy Atelier games and MMOs. Gosh, I'm very picky. I think I need to change my mindset and approach regular games like short 300 page novels, and open world games like longer anthologies. Dragons Dogma, Dragon Quest 9, FF12, and Witcher 3 took forever for me to finish. Time resource might be another issue.
Even though the new Zelda looks more 'open-world,' I have a feeling there will be cues and things to let you know what to do next. This is Nintendo, after all.
The only four dungeons thing I keep reading does have me a bit worried, however. i know they're saying, 'oh but there are a hundred little shrines to find,' but other Zelda games had those, too, and they were called 'caves.'
It seems like Skyward Sword was more focused on puzzle solving, while Breath of the Wild seems more focused on exploration. It would be nice if we had a happy medium.
Even though it seems like I'm complaining a lot, I'm still looking forwad to the new Zelda. It seems they are finding ways to make exploring even more fun, and they're trying something different, so I can't fault them for that.
I didn't really enjoy the open worlds of DA:I much honestly, but you might. They are very MMO-ey.
Idk. I like open world games, but not the ones modern games are touting. I want to get lost and immersed in a world, not just have a checklist of crap to do. I want to discover things on my own. I haven't really gotten that since Oblivion/Risen though unfortunatelty.
I think the definition of open world game is a bit too vague or all-inclusive at this point. I've put about 20+ hours into Inquisiton, and so far it is my least favorite of the three. I don't know how it got so many high scores. The combat, I'd say is even more simplified than Witcher, which alot of people complained about it lacking depth. Comparing it to Witcher is probably a mistake, its probably more like FF12 or Xenoblade-- or in the single MMO genre like Dragons Dogma, which I found more fun than this. The open world is beautiful, the fetch quests aren't interesting, and it's mostly full of objectives to clear to become powerful which is very boring. Unlocking a new area feel like more of a chore to complete than an adventure to explore. The main story is interesting but I feel like the main part of the game, combat, is uninspiring and boring, especially after Witcher 3. I'm seriously bouncing off this game hard.
I feel the same way honestly. I really don't like the combat in DA:I much at all apart from the archer class which admittedly is quite fun - or, at least fun compared to the rest of the classes. I do wish you could just blast through the main story though, as it's actually pretty cool and maybe one of the best stories in the series. It's just a shame about the rest of the game. I honestly feel like DA:2 had better combat as well.
I don't get people calling The Witcher 3's combat shallow. It's actually really deep, but I guess it's pretty bland on lower difficulties. On the higher ones you need to use magic, parry, and use alchemy and actually do research on the enemies in game before battle if you want to win, which I thoroughly enjoy.
The Witcher and Dragons Dogma are much better games IMO, and I'm really enjoying replaying The Witcher 3.
If you feel like a really fucking good game that's not open world and is like Diablo but with guns give Alienation a go on PS4. It's really fucking solid, and I'd love someone to play with if you're up for it some time.
I think Witcher 3 in harder difficulty is a better experience with combat. You're right, you have to research enemies and be prepared for each hunt, just like in Monster Hunter. Otherwise, you can cut through both simple enemies and monsters alike with little difficulty which is a really cheap experience.
DA:I had a really interesting thing going on with the Days of Future Past time travel thing going on. I'm not sure how much of it will come back in the rest of the game, but after it happened, it just went back to fetch questing? I would have enjoyed the story and characters more had it been more like the more story-driven DA2 I think, but this open world kind of gets in the way of the good stuff honestly.
Isn't Alienation that game where you can kill your coop partners with friendly fire? I thin I played the demo a while ago, but because it was based around coop, I opted out. I'll look into it again.
I think you're thinking of Helldivers. It's similar, same genre and whatnot, but this has loot and can be played single player. It's hard, but in a good way since you have to dodge enemy attacks, work out the right positioning and use all of your abilities.