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Blake's E3 Recap Part 2

On 06/19/2016 at 06:12 PM by Blake Turner

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 Holy fucking bejeezus there were some cool games at E3. It's actually terrifying how many games I need to talk about, but talk about them I will.

 Also, guys, lay off Polygon. If E3 has made one thing abundantly clear it's that not a single fucking Journalist actually knows how to play a video game.


Looks decent. I like mechs, I like dragons, I like magic and I especially like when those things mix, so I'm on board for the singleplayer campaign. I didn't hate the original either. Only played it for a week though, so let's hope this one's a bit better.

Quick question though, why does the robot sound like he's trying to be the next “Honest Trailers” guy?

Mass Effect Andromeda

I love Mass Effect as much as the next guy, but there's not that much to go off that we didn't know before. It looks great, and looks like the combat will be exactly like Mass Effect 3 – serviceable but typically janky. I do hope this isn't an open world game like Dragon Age: Inquisition, though I'm not holding my breath.

 The trailer does have a serious hard on for Star Trek though, which in turn gives me a serious hard on for it, which in turn gives you a serious hard on for reasons you might want to see a doctor for.

Dead Rising 4

Jesus H. Christ that trailer was entertaining. It was like Saints Row had an awesome baby with Army of Darkness. It really looks like they're really going to town with the silly over the top tone, and I couldn't be happier. Bring it on!

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

I seriously never, ever thought a Call of Duty game would have me excited again, but they've done it. Mainly by doing something that looks like it may alienate the fuck out of their fans, but still. This looks like a fucking Battlestar Galactica game.

I have to wonder how much of shit is gimmicky nonsense though. Are there going to be a lot of space battles or is the one we saw in the trailer it? Are we going to see a ton of zero-g fights? What's the multiplayer going to be like? Here's hoping this isn't a colossal waste of potential.


Bloodborne meets Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines? You couldn't pique my interest more even if you told me of a fool proof way to assassinate Donald Trump and stop Hilary from getting in.

It's made by the team that made Life is Strange, which is a bit weird, but I guess that team knows complex morality at least. I like that this game doesn't really give you the option to be a good person, just varying degrees of awful.

 And I apologise about the above footage. I also want to murder Max Scoville in every video he's been in.


 That's all for today. I'll be back tomorrow with more stuff I liked from e3.




06/20/2016 at 01:36 AM

I almost bought two copies of Titan Fall the other day thinking it might be fun to give it a run. TF2 looks even better. 

Mass Effect is looking good - MAKO! Don't know why I like that mostly boring segment in ME1 but I guess I'm obsessed with vehicles driven in weird places. My whole life is mostly just driving around. I want a motorcycle next. 

Dead Rising looks fun, but I hate those time limits in the game. It absolutely ruins it for me. Why, oh why!

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 07:22 PM

The time limits are annoying. I wish they were optional, because I know there are some people out there who love them.

 Yeah the Mako has me excited, and hopefully it's much better than the last time. I just want to explore that world, and the Mako could make vastly more enjoyable.


06/22/2016 at 02:18 AM

I played a demo of the last one and I really wanted to spend some time crafting wacky weapons but the time limit always kicked me out of the game. WTF!

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/20/2016 at 03:21 PM

I want Mass Effect to be open world because I love the idea of exploring different plans but we shouldn't be speculating on that at this point, we should know. Didn't know Vampyr existed but it has my interest. Glad to see its dev isn't getting too comfortable in one type of game and branching out.

And of course Infinite Warfare will be wasted potential. This is the series that had a game called Black Ops have more explosions than the one which has a nuke blow up in your face.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 01:19 AM

I'm okay with it being an open world, I just don't want it to be an open world in the same Vein as DA:I because DA:I's open world was fucking dreadful and I wish I could have just played the main story in that game from start to finish (doesn't help that combat was the worst in the series I guess.)

 I hope you're wrong. I doubt you will be and I've been burnt before, but I hope the game lives up to the E3 promise.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 01:38 AM

I wouldn't call it dreadful, there were plenty of fun secret areas and dragons to uncover which made it fun to roam around in. Could have been better executed but I think the Mako will make Mass Effect a better fit. Like give it ME1's setup with DAI's structure on ezplorable planets and the same upgrade of polish we had going from 2 to 3 and it could be amazing.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 01:47 AM

Dreadful is a bit of an overstatement, but it's definitely a Ubisoft style open world, and not a Bethesda one. It seemed more focused on giving you a shit ton of bland activities to do instead of rewarding exploration and making exploration fun.

 If they can make me feel like I'm exploring the Galaxy, I'm all in. I'd love a dumbed down Star Trek game. But if it's justa laundry list of activities it can fuck right off.


06/20/2016 at 11:58 PM

What is the beef with Polygon? I must have missed that. 

Anyhow, I was pretty excited about Modern Warfare, and I don't care too much about that series. This cross between star trek/battlestar sounds cool, but how much of this game will be in space and how much will the floaty zero-g carry out throughout the game?

I'm all in for Vampyr. There is also a cyber dark souls game with robots, but I forgot what that was called? Eww open world Andromeda, count me out. Undecided 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 01:08 AM

This was the Polygon kerfluffel. They seriously sucked at playing Doom and this looked like their first ever first person shooter. I honestly don't care, but a lot of people in the GG camp used it as an excuse to go on the offensive. I just think it's kind of amusing.

 The other one is The Surge, which I'll be talking about soon. It's ,made by the same people who made Lords of the Fallen which wasn't amazing but I had fun with it.

 And yeah. I'm hoping there's a decent amount of space stuff. Even if there's not heaps I hope there's enough to freshen things up a bit.


06/21/2016 at 02:22 AM

Okay, thats interesting because I downloaded the Doom demo on PS4 and I was playing just as terribly. The thing is that, even though I haven't really been playing FPS in a while, I do enjoy the horror based ones anyway, and the thing is that I usually prefer playing them on PC. With that said, I cant remember the last time I played a FPS on ps4, and it took me a while to adjust as well. The aiming was really weird and there is this mechanic where you have to shoot-stun enemies and do a finishing move with melee or something. Anyway, that video is exactly how I started out at first, but got better. That was my experience anyway. It's stupid to have a controversy over that. I wonder if they got better towards the end of the game? 

I was doing a PC games at E3 list and Vampyr was coming up, and I think surge was as well -the scifi dark souls. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 03:46 AM

The difference between you and Polygon is that you're not paid to promote the game to the public. They really didn't make it look good unfortunately.

 What did you think of the Doom demo? I was really a bit down on it until I got to hell and then I just fell in love. Once the difficulty and insanity amps up and things get a bit more hellish it's a lot more fun.


06/21/2016 at 02:11 PM

Well I started the game on highest difficulty, and I liked it more once I went outdoors in the red dirt. I liked the elevated level twisty turny design. I might look for it on PC. 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

06/21/2016 at 07:20 PM

Yeah. The visual design is unfortunately a bit bland in the first half, but it really picks up in the second half. It's definitely one of my GOTY candidates.


06/22/2016 at 10:48 AM

This is what I get for only watching Sony. No idea that there was a new Mass Effect I really must or at least start the other three games. I own them, I just never jumped into them and played them. 

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