ah, Jeanne D'Arc is really cool. But I haven't beat it yet. I'm going to start a new game in it soon though. Great game.
March 2013 Recap
On 04/01/2013 at 09:54 PM by daftman See More From This User » |
Another month down! Finally finished a couple of long-running games and moving on to new things.
Games Beaten
-Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)
Played through this with the wife and really liked it. I haven't played any of the other Dead Space games but I'm definitely interested now. A rail shooter like this definitely lends itself to a cinematic experience and the developers delivered one, especially as the characters start to lose their grip on reality. The developers always know where the player will be looking. I remember one scene in the morgue (of course) when your character is waiting for his friends to come get him but he keeps seeing things and freaking out. In particular, you see the dead body of the ship's captain on a table. As the camera swings by later you see him sit up. Camera snaps back but he's still lying down. Always was. Little visual things like that really make the game. I wouldn't mind playing it again but my wife actually had trouble sleeping after playing it. She was a trooper just to finish it with me, so I'm not gonna ask her to do it again. Great game though.
-Zelda: Four Swords Adventures (GCN)
I played this with my brothers and my older brother's wife back when it first came out, but my wife and I started playing it months and months ago, back before our son was born. We played about half by ourselves and half with other people. We picked it up again and then we had an old college friend stop by and we figured...a third player! We finished it up that night lol. So that was my second time through the game. Still a ton of fun.
-Jeanne d'Arc (PSP)
Just finished this up the other day and really enjoyed it. Look for a review in the next couple of days (hopefully).
-Mario Kart 7 (3DS)
It's Mario Kart! It's fun! I "beat" it (i.e., got golds on all the cups in all the speed classes) but I'll still be playing this a lot in the future, especially since it's downloaded on my 3DS and I don't have to worry about switching out carts. If there is one game to have with you all the time, this is it.
Games Bought
Again, PlayStation Plus provided most of my new games.
-Max Payne 3 (360)
My wife picked this up for $10. Pretty good deal if you ask me.
-Spec Ops: The Line (PS3) (PS+)
-Joe Danger 2: The Movie (PSN) (PS+)
-The Cave (PSN) (PS+)
Really excited to play Ron Gilbert's latest.
-BioShock Infinite (360)
-Tekken 6 (PSP) (PS+)
-Disgaea 3: Absence of Detention (Vita) (PS+)
Still don't have a Vita lol.
Now Playing
-BioShock Infinite (360)
This is the first game we've bought at full price since Halo 4 and it was definitely worth the investment. The world Ken Levine and his team at Irrational Games have made is incredible in its detail and the story is really interesting so far. Definitely looking forward to delving deeper in.
-Guild Wars 2 (Mac)
Still playing this off and on. Yay for no subscription!
-Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
I didn't play this at all in March. But I will, dang it, in April! I'll finish it...I will! *continues self pep talk*