I hope everyone is doing well. I was playing a lot of God of War: Ascension which I think is pretty good. It seemed like more of the same but those huge set piece moments continue to impress me. I just beat Bioshock Infinite on hard. The 1999 Mode sounds pretty daunting but with so much else to play. I will finish up on God of War and start on other games (such as XCOM: Enemy Unknown). I will say that Bishock Infinite is an incredible game. I might have to say my favorite of the year next to Tomb Raider. Now besides gaming, I been watching Breaking Bad which I finished up. There is a few things that have been annoying me and to blog, I decided to forgo pictures.
There is a lot of people that bitch about it not being added. I have been on discussions on Amazon boards about it. Sony is on a right track be forgoing the Cell Processor all together so you have a cheaper console and easier to develop for. Nobody is entitled to play their old games on the PS4. I find Sony more on the right track and not pushing new tech such as 4K on us but people some people are just focused on the BC and don't see the whole picture.
I am sick of people saying we should boycott EA or that EA sucks. Its a company. I think people have a problem by hating a company so passionately. They were pissed off about SimCity. That is understandable. I am all that when it comes to one game that doesn't deliver but not to EA as whole which effects all its developers. The same goes with its microtransactions. If you have a problem with EA, just don't buy the microtransactions. If people are buying them than the blame is on the consumer. EA saw a potential revenue stream and they are taking advantage of that.
I am tired of the series now and didn't play Black Ops 2 but I do look forward to seeing what the do with it on Next Gen consoles. The thing is though people complain about them coming out with a yearly release. Who is to blame? Consumers who keep buying them. Activision is just taking advantage of it. What do you expect if they can profit from doing so?
The one thing I do think is annoying that is not in the defense of anyone is people like American McGee downplaying the PS4 by saying "Meh" and his whole idea like others on mobile gaming. Everything he said was stupid. As for other big heads, it would be those who work for cloud gaming and said cloud gaming is the new era. Of course your going to say that, that is your business. These type of people drive me up the wall.
They have been annoying me for a long time now. Why is that? They seem so mismanaged. It looks like there is light at the end of the tunnel since the CEO has stepped down. How long until we get Final Fantasy Versus XIII? It is ridiculous! Not only that but they announced a Final Fantasy title for the PS4. Can they at least wait until they have something to show before they keep making so many premature announcements. We finally got to see a trailer of Final Fantasy X's HD version. They then also come out and said Tomb Raider didn't meet expectations but it sold more than any other Tomb Raider. Where is the logic in Square Enis's projections? Why did the spend money on adding a multiplayer portion in the first place and there is trophies for it. That is annoying. I am sure a lot of people are playing simply for trophies. Why can't they be like Level 5 or Namco Bandai who seem to have been pumping out JRPGs at a more reasonable rate. Square Enix is nothing like they once where.
The only thing I really care about from Konami anymore is Metal Gear Solid entries. I am excited for the fith game but I don't see why the need to change the voice just because they want to make it fresh. Solid Snake still looks the same so the idea of something fresh won't be apparent, it will be out of place.
That is all from me today. I hope everyone is enjoying some awesome games. The Deus Ex sequel prank was pretty cruel. I am going to start cutting down buying games. It might not seem like it so much because I have so much reserved/paid but I have potentially other things to worry about. I will get the PS4 on day 1 and will still try to do the same for the next Xbox. Anyway, take good care and see you around. If you have any annoying things bothering you in the gaming sphere, throw them down in the comments or just say hi! Take care everyone!