Demon's Souls>Dark Souls 1> Bloodborne> Dark Souls 2/Dark Souls 3
Don't freak out about my list. I enjoy all the games tremendously, however, I really didn't like the speed and offensive style of Bloodborne. I didn't HATE Bloodborne at all, but I felt like it didn't do enough to seperate itself from Souls games and it was a bit halfway in-between something new and something old, thus I got a bit of dejavu with the game flow as I was playing it. I had the same issue with blood viles at first, but then I became really aggressive and was able to just stock them rather easily towards the end of the game, but I would have preferred the estus system. The lack of weapons builds also made me want to replay it the least of all the souls games. I absolutely loved the atmosphere of the game. It was definitely designed to appeal to me, and I would rate it higher for that alone, it is just a beautiful ugliness. I mentioned in the past that I enjoy the slow turtle approach to souls games, and being forced to play in one specific style annoyed me more than anything, which is the only real gripe I had with it. Again, I love all the games, but if we are being nitpicky and explaining ourselves, thats how I feel about the games off the top of my head. At this point I really want something new. I don't want remixes of souls games. I'm ready to move on to something new. Maybe Nioh, or that scifi souls coming soon.
Some Thoughts - Near the End of Bloodborne
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![]() On 06/28/2016 at 06:35 PM by Nick DiMola ![]() See More From This User » |
After playing a whole bunch of Dark Souls 3 and beating it a couple times, I decided that it was time to get back to Bloodborne. Back when I picked up my PS4, I did so specifically for Bloodborne. I'm kind of a Souls addict and couldn't help but buy the PS4 so I could keep feeding my addiction. Unfortunately, I was mid-development on PixlCross and didn't have much time for actually playing games. I reached Vicar Amelia and basically dropped the game. I had to get PixlCross done and couldn't keep wasting every night of the week playing the game.
Things haven't changed much - there's still stuff I need to get done with PixlCross and I'm shirking my duties because, damn it, I wasn't going to put off Bloodborne any longer. I debated whether or not I should replay the beginning of the game rather than continuing my existing quest, but after a few minutes with the game I realized that I hadn't really forgotten anything. As mentioned earlier, I stopped playing the game at the Vicar Amelia fight, so I was greeted with that boss battle right off the bat. Given that I've adopted a very aggressive play style in Dark Souls since I played the DLC for Dark Souls 1, jumping into Bloodborne was extremely smooth.
At this point I've got only a few boss battles left - the last boss of The Old Hunters DLC to finish, the last couple boss battles of the main game, and about half of the Chalice Dungeons. Since I'm so close to finishing up, I wanted to jot down a few thoughts about the game in hopes of stirring up some conversation since I know quite a few folks played through the game here.
I'll start with the stuff I don't like, since that's always easier to talk about. The blood vials are easily my biggest gripe. I wish they worked like Estus flasks do in Dark Souls. They should auto-refill when you go back to the Hunter's Dream/die as should the quicksilver bullets. There have been a couple points in my journey where I've needed to grind early enemies to stock up on vials. It's forced a change in my playstyle where I'll avoid healing in order to conserve them and only start once I think I'm doing well enough with a given boss fight. With Ebreitas I literally wouldn't use a single vial until I had it down to half health. Same goes with Logarius. Because I didn't want to have to grind for more vials, I used them sparingly so that I could save the time the nonsense grind routine took.
The lanterns should've probably been more like bonfires as well. I think in an ideal world if I had rested at one it would've reset the world and refilled my vials/bullets. As it stands, to do that I need to warp back to the Hunter's Dream, which is just a waste of time since it means sitting through 2 loading screens.
I'm guessing I'm probably in the minority, but I wasn't a huge fan of the gothic world and Lovecraftian themes. It felt foreign in a bad way and I felt most at home when I went through areas that reminded me of Dark Souls, like Cainhurst Castle. Ultimately it's not a huge negative, but I'm not connected to the world and lore quite like I am in Dark Souls. I do think that they constructed a more cohesive world and story though and I appreciated the way that they tied the story even into the Chalice Dungeons (though these are pretty bland otherwise). Regardless, pretty neat.
My final gripe would be in build variety, weaponry, and armor. There's pretty slim pickins across all three and I felt like there was very little to experiment with to make my build more interesting. I did a quality build... because that's what the game seems to want you to do and plays very well with the weapons/armor on offer.
Outside of that stuff, the game has been extremely satisfying, as expected. Just like the Souls games, I've enjoyed rising to the challenge and besting bosses and treacherous environments and uncovering all of the secrets of Yharnam. While I haven't done ANY PvP, cooperation has been satisfying and I've enjoyed helping others get through tough bosses. While I still prefer the Dark Souls games, I wouldn't mind seeing From do another variant Souls game like Bloodborne. I posted this order of preference in a comment on Blake's blog, but my order for the series is as follows:
Dark Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2/Demon's Souls
What did you guys think? Are you more into Bloodborne or Dark Souls? What's your order of preference for the games? Let me know in the comments!