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Bargain Bin Buys: Opoona

On 09/07/2016 at 02:01 PM by NintendoFanJon

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Hey, hey. It's time for another addition of Bargain Bin Buys! This week I take a look at another unique and somewhat odd game. That game I'm reviewing? Well let's take a look at this weeks Wii Review: Opoona. A game I bought for $10

Opoona is one of those games you see in the store and just dismiss and really why not? The box art doesn't scream at you to buy it... in fact the all too cutesy art may turn you away. However, if you get passed the cutesy graphics this is a surprisingly decent RPG. That's right you read that correctly. In fact, Opoona is the very definition and trope of the term JRPG. So lets get into my review based on a simple 5 part grading system: Controls, Story & Characters, The Battle System, Music & Art Design, and finally the Job System.

First, I'll get into the story & characters. The story is pretty straight forward and its nothing special. You follow the story of Opoona as he attempts to find the location of his family from which he was separated after the occurrence of a mysterious accident during their travels. Along his journey he'll meet new friends, enemies, and save the planet in the process. All the while keeping a job! That's dedication folks! All jokes aside the story is hit and miss. There are some errors in the english translation and the story is a bit too stretched out. However it's the fact  that its just bland and generic which is really a let down. Of course with a bland story comes bland characters that don't come off very three dimensional. Despite all these gripes I have with the story, the characters still manage to maintain a quirky charm about them. I can't quite explain as to why, but there are moments within the game that come together surprisingly well. And there was even a twist in the game I didn't see coming. It may be due to mistranslation, but it's hard to catch me by surprise considering Opoona manages to check off quite a few of the genres tropes.

Next, is the control system. Unlike many Wii games Opoona is controlled simply by the Nunchuk. Thats right the control is simple, intuitive, and very responsive. It's so amazing really. To talk or review the controls is simply to play it. There is a use for the wii remote in menu access and a hoverboard you get later on for fast travel, but I really can't knock the set up. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the ease of use both in game and in battle. Imagine it... A game that doesn't use the actual Wii remote. I'm talking a 8 directional control stick and 2 buttons....That's classic thinking and it works.

Now the battle system, its actually quite good, but its also not great. Everything takes place in real time. This can really be disorienting especially to new players but, really it's quite simple to get a hang of. In fact, its very easy to use and to get into. The only problem is that its often a little frustrating  to constantly watch your HP and the time limit in battles which I'll explain later. But first let me explain your weapon. Your weapon is something called a Bonbon... no not that kind. This is the weapon your characters have (It's a sort of orb floating around your character) in which you use to fling at your enemies. To use your bonbon simply tilt the directional stick in the intended path. Enemy in front? Tilt back on the control stick and let it fly! Enemies in the backround or behind another enemy? Tilt the control back diagonally and let loose a curveball (Or would that be curvebon?)

I strongly suggest to equip your Bonbon as soon as possible. To equip your Bonbon you need to use your OMP. Its basically your menu and it does everything... literally. You can buy items, bank, check your status, etc.  In fact you'll get different bonbons as you level up and gain experience. For instance heavy bonbons take longer to charge, but do heavy amounts of damage. Faster bonbons take less time to charge and can hit more often, but do less damage.

Now for the worst thing about the battle system and that is the time limit. Thats right you have a time limit in which you need to beat the enemy. This really isn't a problem, however, it can cause new players to rush which is bad because it causes mistakes and there is no flee option. While it is a good battle system and easy to use it's also a little flawed.

Now the music and art. I've already stated the art is cutesy but, its beautiful as well. Every backround, every area, and even the monster designs are well done. The folks at ArtePiazza (the developers behind Dragon Quest 3-7) did a great job with the Wii's limited graphical capabilities. The cel-shaded style works wonderfully. The music is charming and even melancholy. From epic to quirky the music is beautifully well orchestrated by Hitoshi Sakimoto who you may know from games such as Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy XII, Odin Sphere, Muramasa: The Demon Blade, and the Valkyria Chronicles series.

Now finally the Job System. Its pretty well...terrible. Most rpgs have a job system in place that let's you diversify your party. Afterall it's highly unlikely you beat an rpg with just Sword users. However, in Opoona the job system is forced on you. Not to mention there are various jobs you have to do. For instance, having a certain job can update your status such as your fame which helps you make friends. The game won't tell you that you need to make friends, but you can't even touch the final boss until you do. There are actually 4-5 mandatory jobs you need in order to beat the game. You might ask yourself "Why do I need to be a fisherman?" Well you can't get your deep sea diving license which is a part of this. How does this affect you? Well you can't travel to the final area unless you have it! Another fun fact is that some jobs are completely mundane and unecessary...Ukelele Trainee and Fortune Teller are two such examples.

Overall Opoona isn't a bad game...Its not a great game though. Its a round about game for round about players who have nothing better to do. So, if you're a wii owner and you're really, really starving for an RPG its pretty decent fun

Personal Opinion: 6.5/10- I enjoyed this game and would recommend it as a bargain bin buy. At 20-30 hours it's a decent rpg pickup

Critical Opinion: 6.5/10 Great art design, Great music, Intuitive Control scheme, and good battle system can't save the bland story and terrible forced job system.

Overall Determination: What a Bargain!




09/07/2016 at 02:40 PM

Another one that I almost bought but put back. 


09/08/2016 at 02:21 PM

yeah it is one of those type of games... like it's just pretty odd to wrap your head around.

Cary Woodham

09/07/2016 at 04:04 PM

I wanted to try this one but never got around to it.  Can't play 'em all, you know?


09/08/2016 at 02:21 PM

Too many games I say! Too many games! LOL


09/07/2016 at 04:32 PM

Vividly remember GoNintendo podcast joking about this game all the time. Looks like a fun and colorful light RPG though. I want.


09/08/2016 at 02:22 PM

yeah it is pretty light and colorful. If you can find it cheaply I'd recommend it.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

09/07/2016 at 10:47 PM

I thought about buying this once.


09/08/2016 at 02:26 PM

Yeah  for me it just happened to be there in the store and I was why not? I regret nothing!

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