This is going to sound coming weird coming from me. On 1up, I was that idiot who would whine at everyone who liked Dead Space, proclaiming that it wasn't scary and therefore wasn't a valid form of horror. If you learn anything from this blog, let it be this: 19 year old Blake was a fucking idiot. He didn't like Mass Effect. His favourite game was books. And he totally thought he was better than you as he meandered his way through his first year at college.
However, that Blake is dead. And the new Blake counts Dead Space and Mass Effect 2 among his all time favourites, and isn't afraid of starting sentences with conjunctions.
Now, I recently bought Resident Evil 6 in the steam sales and have been having a blast with it. No, it's not the best in the series, but it's far from the worst either. It's better than RE5. It's better Outbreak, and it's sure as shit better than those fucking light gun games. It's not scary at all, but really, when has Resident Evil ever been scary? RE1 and RE2 are scary in the same 90's slashers are - they're gory and suspenseful, but they're cheap thrills at best and aren't going to stick with you for long unless you played them when you were like 12, like most people did.
Resident Evil 6 is somewhat atmospheric - at least in the early stages of Leon's campaign, and has tons of tense moments. And that's kind of all I want at the moment.
I miss games like Resident Evil 4, or Dead Space 2, games that were primarily action games, but were ultra tense and somewhat atmospheric. I don't understand the public hatred for them just because they aren't scary. Fuck scary. I can play Amnesia or Silent Hill if I want scary. Right now, I want Aliens. I'm sick of Alien. I'm sick of games like Alien: Isolation, Outlast, Slender, or Amnesia.
And now, it looks like Resident Evil 7 is going down this road. Well fuck that. Resident Evil may be a horror game, but the series was never scary, and it never will be scary, because Capcom games are written by illiterate fucking 5 year olds who like guns and insane power fantasies. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT FROM RESIDENT EVIL!
There are many different types of horror movies: you have horror that sets out to scare you through suspense e.g. The Conjuring, The Haunting, or Session 9. There are those that seek to disturb e.g. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Fly, Martyrs. Then there's the fun type of horror.Sometimes these are funny, like Braindead. Sometimes, they're just fucking awesome like 28 Weeks Later, From Dusk till Dawn, or Aliens.
The first category is not the only one that can produce awesome content. Sometimes I want to be spooked by what goes bump in the night. Sometimes I want to blow it in half with a shotgun.