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Where Did Action Horror Go?

On 07/05/2016 at 06:42 PM by Blake Turner

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 This is going to sound coming weird coming from me. On 1up, I was that idiot who would whine at everyone who liked Dead Space, proclaiming that it wasn't scary and therefore wasn't a valid form of horror. If you learn anything from this blog, let it be this: 19 year old Blake was a fucking idiot. He didn't like Mass Effect. His favourite game was books. And he totally thought he was better than you as he meandered his way through his first year at college.

 However, that Blake is dead. And the new Blake counts Dead Space and Mass Effect 2 among his all time favourites, and isn't afraid of starting sentences with conjunctions.

 Now, I recently bought Resident Evil 6 in the steam sales and have been having a blast with it. No, it's not the best in the series, but it's far from the worst either. It's better than RE5. It's better Outbreak, and it's sure as shit better than those fucking light gun games. It's not scary at all, but really, when has Resident Evil ever been scary? RE1 and RE2 are scary in the same 90's slashers are - they're gory and suspenseful, but they're cheap thrills at best and aren't going to stick with you for long unless you played them when you were like 12, like most people did.

 Resident Evil 6 is somewhat atmospheric - at least in the early stages of Leon's campaign, and has tons of tense moments. And that's kind of all I want at the moment.

 I miss games like Resident Evil 4, or Dead Space 2, games that were primarily action games, but were ultra tense and somewhat atmospheric. I don't understand the public hatred for them just because they aren't scary. Fuck scary. I can play Amnesia or Silent Hill if I want scary. Right now, I want Aliens. I'm sick of Alien. I'm sick of games like Alien: Isolation, Outlast, Slender, or Amnesia.

 And now, it looks like Resident Evil 7 is going down this road. Well fuck that. Resident Evil may be a horror game, but the series was never scary, and it never will be scary, because Capcom games are written by illiterate fucking 5 year olds who like guns and insane power fantasies. AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I WANT FROM RESIDENT EVIL!

 There are many different types of horror movies: you have horror that sets out to scare you through suspense e.g. The Conjuring, The Haunting, or Session 9. There are those that seek to disturb e.g. Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Fly, Martyrs. Then there's the fun type of horror.Sometimes these are funny, like Braindead. Sometimes, they're just fucking awesome like 28 Weeks Later, From Dusk till Dawn, or Aliens.

  The first category is not the only one that can produce awesome content. Sometimes I want to be spooked by what goes bump in the night. Sometimes I want to blow it in half with a shotgun.





Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/05/2016 at 07:30 PM

You can't really blame Capcom though for giving people exactly what they asked for after Resident Evil 6 and trashing that game. They don't have someone like Mikami who would go ahead with Resident Evil 4 and give a game no one was asking for, yet didn't realize they wanted this whole time. They're trying to see what game people want them to make, which is a step in the right direction for the company. And when criticism with 6 was primarily directed at it not being scary when the real issues (or at least my issues) had to do with the bad camera, poor pacing, underwater segments, terrible QTE's and bad enemy placement, it's no wonder this is the direction they go in.

I wanted a decent action horror game with 6 and didn't get that, so my complaints were vented there. The video game press who only whined it's not scary though? They're the reasons 7 is the way it is.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/05/2016 at 07:44 PM

I feel like RE6 is a decent Action horror game, though maybe because I'm just starved for the genre. It's entertaining in a turn off your brain and laugh at how ridiculous it is, and the combat is really satisfying. The camera issues can be fixed in the options menu (zooming out was the first thing I did as the default made me feel like vomiting) and I feel like Leon's Campaign is mostly paced pretty well.

 The problems with the game I mainly found in Jake's campaign, which should have been fun, but thechase scenes and constant insta-death segments were annoying as fuck. 

 What they should have done with that game is focused on one campaign and mixed the more atmospheric sections with the more action heavy sections organically, rather than separating them entirely. And if they lost the QTE's and stopped reusing bosses constantly I feel like the game would be pretty fantastic honestly.

 And yeah. Fucking press is the reason Dark Souls 3 and 2 have so many issues. Instead of focusing on what actually made those games good they harped on about difficulty because that's the easiest thing to do. They did it with Dead Space 3: "This game isn't scary, that's the problem!" Instead of that engagement was less tense, unification of ammo meant encounters had less variety, and that we wanted to be in space and not in fucking Lost Planet 3.

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/05/2016 at 10:28 PM

I felt like RE6's shooting was horribly unsatisfying, enemies felt like bullet sponges. And I only got midway through Leon's campaign so that's where my problems are. I was trying to be on the pro-RE6 side since I wanted what it gave coming in, but felt it did a poor job of delivering. At least the puzzles were good.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/05/2016 at 10:39 PM

Enemies aren't bullet sponges at all, they die pretty quickly honestly. This might be due to patching, because I felt the same way until playing recently. However, I also do a lot of melee instead of shooting as well, as it kills enemies pretty quickly and conserves ammo.

 And uh... puzzles? You mean the three in the entire campaign? 

Casey Curran Staff Writer

07/06/2016 at 05:07 AM

I didn't play through Leon's whole campaign, I just remember a really good puzzle in the church. As for the bullet sponges, they were definitely there when I played in 2012. It was my worst example of them until Mass Effect 3's Banshees. And then later Bioshock Infinite's boss (you know which one I'm talking about).

Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/05/2016 at 08:05 PM

Resident Evil 5 was atrocious.  That is all.  

Actually, I'm cool with action horror.  Maybe if the games were lower budget they could experiment a bit more with smaller set pieces and more mood.  


07/06/2016 at 12:07 AM

First of all, I paid full price for the game when it came out and thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing. It is probably the furthest removed from the original games and even RE4 in terms of horror, it is more melee action set in RE universe. The thing is, I'm a big RE fan, and as such I appreciated the fact that they brough back the original characters, continued their storyline this far after all these years from the series and put them all in this big action, apocalyptic movie game. 
I didn't really understand the backlash at first. I wasn't much of a fan of the action direction the games took, and didn't like the AI companion in RE5. There was way too much Gears of War, COD influence going on and felt it was made to appeal to shooter bros, less horror adventure fans. RE6 seemed to take the logical step into this action direction, and was surprised people panned it so hard. Not just journos, but gamers in general.

6 is more of a brawler at times, so it feels different in that regard, but  those little stats that you upgrade at the end of each stage will make the game combat more manageable. Despite all the issues you mentioned, I still had fun playing the game, ridiculous as it is. I'm surprised you waited this long to play it? I remember your PS3 broke or something, is that why? Hope you enjoy the game. I agree, I am in the need for more of an action style horror game. I started playing this game again earlier in the year on PS3.  

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2016 at 12:26 AM

I played it before, but only borrowed it. I finished Leon's campaign, but that was it. I got it on a steam sale a couple of days ago though, and now my tastes have changed and the dust has settled, I really enjoy it. The only campaign I really dislike is Jake's, and that's mainly due to the big monster chases and the controls in said chases.

 I don't hate RE5 either if I play it with someone. I just wish I could play it on my own, because I think it would be great.


07/06/2016 at 12:54 AM

What did you think of the Aida Wong campaign? 

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2016 at 01:43 AM

Haven't played it yet. Working my way through Chris' campaign atm.


07/06/2016 at 11:06 AM

Action Horror isn't one of my favorites but I really dug Dead Space, and at some point I really should get into 2, 3, and whatever was released on the Wii. There was another game on PS2 I liked but never finished where you're on a ship and at one point a dead Killer Whale tries to attack you. Cold Fear! (thanks Google) 

I do like the games where the suspense makes it that much more scary. I could do without the zombies, 


07/06/2016 at 05:26 PM

I liked RE6 enough to platinum it, but it was a sloppily put together game. No, the camera issues were not fixed in the options, only made less atrocious. Your left side peripheral vision was still compromised. Who thinks it's a good idea, in an action game, to have to pivot the camera to be able to see something 3 feet to your character's left? It's horribly inefficient, tiring, and makes no damn sense, design-wise or in terms of optical simulation.  Also, let's cut off vision/spatial orientation below the knees and scatter a bunch of objects on the ground and include a stumble animation when the characters collide with said objects. Only a fool thinks this is good design. Now we're going to be seeing melee action games that have this kind of character orientation! WTF.  Is no one using their fucking brains in this industry anymore, or do we just do what the guys before us did because of a loose correlation between specific features and sales? "Our metrics tell us that players love character on the left side of screen, taking up 1/3 - 1/4 of real estate in all 3rd person games." Bullshit.

To understand the "hatred" for horror themed action games, you have to remember the times. On consoles, if a horror game was made at all is was likely to be an action game. The Outlasts and Amnesias were on PC at the time, not Xbox. The pendulum swings in gaming, so people start craving the old/previous ways.  Look at how many "hardcore" WRPGs we have now after years of streamlined, dumbed down fare.  Look at how many adventure games now, how many space sims coming out, etc. The pendulum swings.  So it is, now, for 'pure' horror games/adventure-horror. From puzzles to explosions back to puzzles again. That the industry gluts the market with one or the other is why we have backlashes and trends shifting the other direction.  These publishers glutted the market trying to get their own RE4 on shelves.  Now people are sitting at the dinner table stuffed and sick of turkey, they want ham now.  But let's not forget, The Evil Within came out not too long ago, also RE:Revelations 2. What, did you expect 5 of these sunsabitches every year? Not going to happen unless one of them sees Minecraft or CoD numbers.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

07/06/2016 at 08:45 PM

I know gaming is basically a giant fucking fashion parade where one peron makes something really awesome and everyone tries to copy it for the next 6 years without realising why it worked, I just wish it wasn't. I have tons of every other genre I want, but apart from RE, Dead Space, and and The Evil Within I can't think of many that I can get in this current gen/with pc. Shit, nothing comes back when I google the term "action horror" so something's wrong.

 And right, but I would have expected someone in the indie scene to have a massive hard on for Resident Evil 4 by now, though none seem to have gotten the memo that I want more build engine style games in and around my mouth so fat chance of that happening. I mean, it's gotten to the point where I'm sick of fucking Dark Souls, my favourite game of all time, but I can't find a decent action horror game I haven't played.

 As for RE6, it didn't bother me much when I zoomed out more. I wish you zoom out to the level of RE:RE2 for instance. It honestly feels like they fucked up and gave RE6 the horror camera and the game that was trying (and failing) to be horror the action camera.

 Not gonna lie, I love the trip animation. It brings me endless satisfaction because I'm an easily amused baboon.

Super Step Contributing Writer

07/11/2016 at 01:40 AM

I've always preferred horror comedy myself ... there should be more horror comedy games.

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