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Quick Hits: Watched A Weird Wrestling Match, And New Music

On 07/08/2016 at 05:11 PM by goaztecs

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Good afternoon Pixlpeeps! I am finally getting around to typing up today’s Quick Hits because earlier this morning I’ve been busy cleaning, and running around doing errands. Finally I have some time that I want to get some use out of it and update you good people on what is going on with the stuff I’ve been watching and listening to. Sounds like fun? Good, let’s get started!


Chris Watches


On Tuesday this was being hyped up as the match to watch on Impact, and of course I watched. A couple of days later I still don’t know what happened, but I still make fun of random spots. The backstory I guess was Matt Hardy landed on his head and changed. He wanted to end some feud (again I haven't watched Impact in a while) with his brother and this is the novella like storyline's conclusion. It's weird, odd, different, but parts are interesting, and in the end both my friend and I were like WTF just happened?


I’m still watching Big Brother, The Challenge, and my favorite reality show on a yacht, Below Deck. I think Dario on The Challenge made a terrible choice that will probably secure a spot on next season’s Challenge. As for Big Brother I feel the two vocal individuals in the house, Frank and Da’vonne, will be booted sooner than later.


Chris Listens To…

DJ Jazzy Jeff + Mick

I was listening to the Michael Rapaport Stereo Podcast and he was talking about how DJ Jazzy Jeff releases a mix every year and to check it out, so of course I downloaded all seven mixes and I listened to the first one while doing some cleaning and it was pretty good. DJ Jazzy Jeff played the original song and then the current song that sampled it, which was pretty cool. I’ll get around to the other six throughout the rest of the summer because they are currently living on my phone. If you want to check it out the link is the title of this section.

As for other personal audio stuff, I think it’s time to upgrade my little headphone amp on my iPod Touch and go with a more recent release. Originally I was looking at buying a new set of headphones but I think I’ll get more use out of a new amp and my current rotation of headphones that still sound great.

As for my unlistened to tracks on iTunes last week I was at 10,854 and as of this blog, without syncing my phone and my iPod Touch I am at


There is a reason for this number, and over the past couple of days I’ve gone through two hundred tracks on my iPod Touch. Also currently my iPod Touch has been temporarily repurposed at the zero plays iPod. I have a playlist of 2,000 songs that I haven’t listened to on there and that is what I listen to during the day and when I am just sitting and relaxing.


I made two separate trips to the local mall this week. The second trip was more for the Pokemon Go game where I spent time looking like a yahoo holding up my phone and flicking the pokeball at random animals. Anyways during my first trip I found some new music (the second trip I couldn’t find 8 CDs I really wanted so I just left)


Yeah more Zydeco music is making its way to my library. I’d like to add more but so far I think I have a nice little library.


Uptown MTV Unplugged has Jodeci’s Lately, which is such a good song and reminds me of dorm life. 311 is just another album I didn’t have to add to the library.


This was the Aaliyah album she was releasing when she died and I never had it in my library. I’m happy to have it now because there are so many songs on this album that I like. As for Janet I don’t think I have heard anything from this album but it was one that I needed to get closer to completing her discography.


Alison Krauss again for discography, and how do you say no to the O’Jays for $2? So much good stuff on this two CD album.

From Barnes & Noble look what I found in their bargain wall


Remember a couple of weeks ago I was raving about how Fleetwood Mac sounds so different pre Stevie Nicks/Lindsey Buckingham and how Sentimental Lady is by far my new favorite Fleetwood Mac song? Well I found it on CD so I have a clean version of the song. I know vinyl fans are already pissed I ripped my records to digital, but now I’d rather have a CD version of the song over the one with the hiss and pops.


The final pickup was while roaming around the Target Aisles I spot another Batman vehicle I didn’t have from this year’s set


I don’t think there are any changes from the one released last year (?)

Alright Pixlbit I am off to create some new uniforms for NBA 2K16 and enjoy the weekend. Have a good weekend!

That’s all for now, more later!



For the song of the week, I’m going with a song from Blink 182’s new Album California. I’m still on the fence about buying their latest CD because it’s not the original lineup so I streamed this album on Amazon Prime Music and overall I think the album is ok, but it feels like something is missing. They still have the same sound, but it has changed. I’m probably rambling now, so anyways I like this song and if I do buy this album this song is a big reason. Have a good weekend! 



Matt Snee Staff Writer

07/09/2016 at 11:09 AM

thos dj jazzy jeff mixes sound cool.  I remember when he was a big deal.  

You certainly have a wide ranging taste in music!


07/13/2016 at 10:49 AM

They're good mixes. I think I am currently at Mix 3 or 4 and I already have a couple songs I want to check out.

Thanks! Yeah I tend to like a little bit of everything. There's so much good stuff out there that sticking to one genre or era is like robbing yourself of something good. It can be hit and miss but when you find that one song or group, its worth it. 


07/11/2016 at 01:42 AM

I watched some friends at work play Pokemon Go. Seems fun. 


07/13/2016 at 10:50 AM

I like the concept, but I don't want to be like people here who drive all around town in the middle of the night collecting virtual animals. I have enough Pokemon games where I can do that while sitting on my couch. 


07/13/2016 at 02:51 PM

Finding Pokemon based on real world locations is kinda cool.


07/11/2016 at 07:40 PM

If you have Bare Trees you also need Future Games. Two albums I played to death back in the day. Too bad your vinyl is hissy and poppy.  


07/13/2016 at 10:52 AM

Its all good, I bought it at a thrift store so the former owner probably played it a bunch. I'm always on the lookout for Fleetwood Mac and I don't own Future Games so hopefully I get to run into a copy at some point. 


07/13/2016 at 05:15 PM

Bare Trees and Future Games were the first two Fleetwood Mac albums I ever owned. I played them to death.

They were originally a blues band with no women in the band at all and a guitarist named Peter Green. Too lazy to embed so here have this link. 

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