So, my new computer arrived today and it's awesome. I'm currently moving stuff from my old computer onto it which is taking forever, but still. NEW COMPUTER!
I've tested a few things my old pc had trouble running at max settings, like the new System Shock remake alpha, and it ran like a dream. It's basically the size of a Nintendo Wii as well.
Now, while that's going I have some other things to talk about. I recently started playing SOMA, which has thus far been pretty darn awesome. It's really nice to see some decent hard sci fi come along, and it is pretty scary in parts. The first monster's design is especially chilling. I can't speak to the rest, because this is a frictional game, and you're not allowed to look at most monsters.
It is scary, but it's the story that's so gosh darn gripping. Imagine if Bioshock was Cyberpunk instead of Steampunk and you're half way there. It asks some pretty fucked up questions about humanity, and I love it.
If you don't like the anxiety of being chased and/or hiding from monsters and you have this on pc, you can mod them out. Some say it's better experienced like this and I while I don't know that I agree, the sci fi is far better than the horror this time around.
I also watched He Never Died, which may end up in my favourite movies of all time list. It's just so damn weird and awesome! It's kind of like a weird mix of Taken, Napoleon Dynamite, and a 90's Image comic. It's dark, it's weird, and it's hilarious.
Basically, a dude who's immortal fights crime and his daughter gets kidnapped. I won't spoil anything more than that other than the fact that the main guy (played to perfection by Henry Rollins) is so weird and offbeat and that's where most of the enjoyment in this movie is derived. He plays Bingo for fuck's sake.
I'm also watching Stranger Things, and I haven't seen anything this deliciously 80's since Kung Fury, though this plays it much less goofily. It's more like J.J. Abrams Super 8. though it also cribs from Stephen King and John Carpenter as well as Spielberg.
It's really fucking good though. It's emotionally gutwrenching at times, sometimes hilarious, though mostly it's just a gripping conspiracy/mystery story. I'm on the third episode now and loving it.
Oh, and I've finally nearly finished Avatar: The Last Airbender. I'm literally up to the final 3 parter which I plan on watching tomorrow. Such a good series.