I've put about 6 hours in, barely scratching the surface and I feel overwhelmed by everything already. The game feels exactly like Xenoblade on Wii, except with a visual upgrade, which isn't slamming it in any ways, but I thought I was getting a new, different game for some reason. Unlike the original, this game doesn't really have a main character or group of characters with a specific story to follow, which is why I'm kind of dissapointed. It is essentially a large open world that you travel back and forth from a main hub area with a silent protagonist type, via fast travel thankfully, but like Dragon Age INQ, you spend an awful lot of time in a green grassy garden area before venturing out. The opening world is pretty massive.
Very impressive when Wii did this, but now there are so many games that do this that it doesn't seem that special. The Wii game had more of a linear story structure pushing you forward through new interesting areas, not always interesting, but nonetheless pushing you forward through a very strange world. This game is more about giving the player the freedom to take on tasks in any way they choose, be it story quests or side missions in any order, only gating your progress with level restrictions and other specific requirements like completing specific missions or equiping certain party members first.
Playing through Neverwinter, an MMO, is far more linear and feels more like a tradtional role playing game than the open world counterparts on console. I've seen it compared to Kindoms of Amalur. Either way, I find myself pulled into these different, time intensive games for different reasons, but they both have a lot of stuff to do in them and I like their worlds enough to stay and play for a while. Dragon Age Inquisition has fallen to the side for now.
Anyhow, I enjoy anime and fantasy and these two seperate games are making me happy right now.
Thoughts on Xenoblade WiiU? Neverwinter?
Neverwinter is free on PS4 and XBoxOne by the way. PS+ is not required.