I tried Rainbow Six and while I felt it was a really well designed game, the whole angle where you could pay to unlock the weapon classes really rubbed me the wrong way. I get that you could theoretically get through just by earning credits, but stuff like that in PvP drives me nuts since Halo 5. Understand it won't bother everyone, but like I said, it drove me nuts.
Under-Appreciate Awesomeness Vol. 5
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![]() On 08/03/2016 at 11:45 PM by Blake Turner ![]() See More From This User » |
Well, uh, this was supposed to be a weekly blog huh. Guess that didn’t happen. And I guess I’m not going to promise regularity from now on either. Anyway, I have new games for you to try!
Powerslave EX
Try if you like: Serious Sam, Doom, Hexen, Metroid
Powerslave isn’t just the Iron Maiden album with the best opening song, it’s also a pretty average doom clone that does nothing unique apart from having an Egyptian theme, and Serious Sam totally did that better anyway.
Well, I mean that’s if you played the pc version. If you played the PS1 version, you got a similar game that also had metroidvania elements, better level design and punchier weaponry. You got items that made you double jump, glide, and run faster, and they don’t just open up secrets, but entire groups of new levels.
Fortunately for everyone who thinks that sounds awesome, the guys at Night Drive Studios - AKA the same guys who made Turok and Doom 64 playable on pc and are also remaking System Shock – have ported this forgotten title to PC, and the port is glorious.
If you miss old school shooter, like metroidvania style exploration, or just think there should be more Egyptian themed video games, this ones for you!
Bird Story
Try if you like: To the Moon, Wordless Storytelling, Short games
This is a game with no dialogue that managed to utterly captivate me. This is a game that made me smile so damn hard my cheeks ached for an hour. This is a game that made me tear up more than just a little. This is a game that's less of a game than other games I criticise for not being games, and I don't even care in the slightest. This is a game that is 2 hours long. Again, I don't care.
This is a game that is reminiscent of the kinds of stories Pixar has told a million times over, and despite its lack of narrative originality, it's told close to flawlessly. It evokes the same feelings as those masters, and for that, it should absolutely be commended.
A Bird Story is utterly beautiful, and you won't find many other experiences that are quite like it.
Rainbow Six: Siege
Try if you like: Counter Strike, Rainbow Six, Battlefield Bad Company 2
I know what you’re thinking: “Blake, this is a Ubisoft backed Triple A video game with adverts on the gosh darn telly. Are you out of your blooming mind? How in the blazes is this Under-Appeciated Awesomeness material?”
Well, you weirdly adorable 1950’s rapscallion, allow me to tell you. This is one of those titles that got overlooked because it was released as a multiplayer only title for full price, and apparently a game I’ve so far got 20 hours of and plan on continuing is worth far less than a game I can play for 8 hours and never want to touch again.
Despite your objectively wrong beliefs about not buying full priced multi-vitamins and thus everything else you believe being a lie, I feel like you should still give this Rainbow Six: Siege a chance. It’s one of the most fun, exhilarating, and intense experiences I’ve ever had in a video game. It’s everything I wish Counter Strike was – i.e. actually fun.
Walls are destructible, rounds are short, and finally a game has captured that one scene I love in movies: when everything is quiet, and the tension slowly escalates. You know violence is coming, but you don’t know when or how. When it does come, it’s over almost as quick as it started in a frenzied ballet of death.
This game is fucking awesome. Just play it.