I tried playing Lego Marvel and got frustrated a lot, but my now 4 year old son liked watching me play it. Maybe soon we can do co-op and I can stop switching between the characters (which is annoying, but not as annoying as trying to figure out what to do to get to the next part of the level). Portal makes me feel like a genius when I get solve a test chamber, but these Lego games make me feel dumb.
Slime! Yogurt! Action!
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![]() On 08/08/2016 at 02:48 AM by Cary Woodham ![]() See More From This User » |
So what do you do when you write for a web site with a personal goal of three articles a week, and there are no good games to review? Well you review juice and yogurt. Just read on and you’ll see. Here’s another batch of games I’ve reviewed over at GamerDad.com. Please click on the links and read the reviews and maybe even post a comment or two here or there. I’d really appreciate it, thanks!
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Wii U)
While it’s still pretty much a typical LEGO game, this one is very funny. They added a few new gameplay features, but they don’t make the game totally different or anything. One of the new features is a Gears of War-like duck and cover Blaster Battle mode, but my brother Jeff and I called it LEGO Time Crisis. I’m impressed they got the actual cast to say a bunch of extra lines. I wonder how Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher felt about having to say, “Wookie Cookies” for this game!
LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Strategy Guide
I was lucky enough to review the new LEGO Star Wars game AND the strategy guide, too! You don’t really need the guide to beat the game, but if you wanted to complete it 100 percent, I imagine the guide would come in handy.
Hi-C Ecto-Cooler Returns! (My Childhood in a Can)
I was a kid in the 80s, and Ghostbusters was huge. There was even a cartoon, and it was so popular that Slimer got his own spin-off show (it wasn’t very good). Kids loved Slimer so much that when the Ghostbusters sequel came out, when Slime came on screen, I remember all the little kids in the theater yelling out, “It’s Slimer!” One good thing came out of all of this, though. Hi-C juice drinks made a green colored tangerine drink called Ecto-Cooler, and I loved the stuff as a kid. So when the new Ghostbusters movie came out, I was glad to hear that Hi-C was re-releasing Ecto Cooler as well! But it is really hard to find! Luckily I found cans of it served at a local movie theater, so I got some and reviewed it. So if you want more details, and just how green the drink is, check this article out! Oh and by the way, I plan to talk about this more when I write a summer movie blog later on, but I didn’t think the new Ghostbusters movie was THAT bad. It wasn’t as good as the first, but it wasn’t horrible.
Summer Fun With Nintendo and Yogurtland
Nintendo is doing a summer promotion with a chain of frozen yogurt stores called Yogurtland. They have flavors that feature Mario characters and collectable spoons, and they even decorate the store with Nintendo items! So I want to one and wrote an article about it with lots of pictures. Wanna know more? Then check out the article!
Splatoon has been out for over a year, but I guess it’s still popular because the latest batch of Amiibo figures are Splatoon related. They have alternate colors of the three figures already released, as well as new figures of singers Callie and Marie. Check it out if you wanna see pictures!
Back in the 80s, in Europe and especially the UK, gaming computers like the Sinclair ZX Spectrum were very popular. One type of game you saw quite often on these machines were 3-D isometric puzzle platformers. Even Rare made a few games like that. Some of those types of games seeped over to the US, like Solstice on the NES and its SNES sequel Equinox. I rented Solstice a couple of times (mainly because the music was so good), but I never played Equinox. Only other game like this I remember in the US was Monster Max on the Game Boy. Anyway, Lumo plays just like those kinds of games. I’m not really a big fan of them, but if you miss those kinds of games, you may want to check Lumo out.
I’ve played a lot of games that combine dungeon crawling with another type of game, like puzzle or even trivia. But how about dungeon crawling with…pachinko and pinball? In this game, you tap on the screen to launch balls down to break structures, flip switches, and attack enemies. You can switch characters, each with their own skills, and their face will be on the balls. It’s not the best game around but it’s at least unique and I like some of the cute anime character designs.
This 2-D puzzle platformer uses the touch screen for controls, but the precision platforming really is suited better for a controller. You use a flashlight to see but must watch your battery life and monsters that will eat the light away from your flashlight. It’s not a very good game, but it does demonstrate that a 2-D Luigi’s Mansion game could probably work.
And that’s all for now. Again, thanks so much for reading and commenting on my reviews. I really appreciate it. Later! --Cary