Hello you noodley Sky Bison epidemiology majors! How are you?
A) Delightful
B) Sarcastic
C) Aroused
D) Slightly murderous.
Depending on which you chose, I will look at you with dead eyes, spout a sentence related to your answer, then cut you off and pretend like what you said doesn't matter. Sorry, I've played too much Fallout 4 and have forgotten how normal interactions work. ANYWAY!
So recently I was diagnosed with Depression and strong general anxiety disorder. I've been seeing a therapist and I've been put on an anti-depressant. I haven't been on the anti-depressant long enough for it to take effect yet, but honestly just the act of doing something about it is helping.
I don't really like talking about mental health, and there is in general a stigma associated with it. Men especially don't like discussing health, and it's fucking stupid and I don't know what's wrong with us. Anyway, if you think you're having trouble, I do urge you to seek help. See a doctor, see what they say. I do feel like these disorders, however mild they may be, have been holding me back in life, and it sucks to see that other people have a hard time seeking help because they think it means admitting defeat.
Sorry for the PSA, and I know I'm probably telling you shit you've heard a billion times before. Personally, I know whenever people on the internet tell me that I'm not worthless and I'm better than I think I want to punch their fucking faces until my hand breaks because they seem to have this theory that if you just think happy thoughts you'll be happy. Like shit, I've never thought about trying to be happy you fucking retard.
Anyway, after school special/weird rant over. Let's talk games and shit!
Look, I've been playing entirely too much Guild Wars 2. I've gotten back into it in a big way as you can see:
Yeah. That's a bit insane. I've got 3 max level characters now too:
Ellathyr - Guardian
Faolyon - Ranger
Dystra Morne- Necromancer
I definitely think Ellathyr is my best dressed character... with the exception of maybe the panda hat which Bilby hates. And sorry for the pictures in the Main Menu, in game pics were really dark for some reason. These ones are darker than they should be too.
I've been playing a lot because I want to unlock my elite spec for necro, which unlocks a new weapon to use with it that essentially creates a new subclass. In this case, Necro's can now use a greatsword and do all sorts of ghostly awesomeness.
Doing this has been a bit of a grind, though it has got me into World vs World combat, which I was never into before. Essentially, 3 servers fight each other on a map for control. There's seige warfare and massive battles - sometimes up to 50v50 in a single battle. It's actually awesome and tactical, and I've chosen to be a support/aoe guy who dictates where the enemies can go and funnel them into our strongest people. It's absolutely a blast.
I almost finished Legend of Korra Season 1. So far, I think I like it more than Avatar. I really dig the 20's Jazzpunk-esque style they've chosen, and the villain is really cool since I actually think he's in the right and it's just his methods that are a bit fucked.
It's far from perfect, the comedy relief in this series is fucking dreadful. I think Avatar nailed it, whereas this makes me cringe a lot. Though, the dramatic and action scene are handled much better this time around in my opinion. The characters aren't quite as good so far either, but it did take me at least a season to warm to Avatar's characters (with the exception of Iroh, who was phenomenal from the get go) so we'll see.
I also finished Stranger Things. It's cool, but not as cool as everyone's been saying. I liked it a ot but I feel like most people who say it's the best thing since sliced bread are bitter gen x nostalgics who want everything to be like it was in the 80's. Again, it is a fun show, but people have been comparing it to GoT or Breaking Bad and it's nowhere near that level.