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Insert Witty Title Here

On 04/04/2013 at 07:52 AM by Chris Yarger

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It’s about time for me to admit to the fact that I’ve had severe Writer’s Block as of lately. But it’s not just in regards to blogs and lists, but I’ve even been struggling to try to come up with a decent comment.

I suppose this is probably what Lindsey Lohan feels like without her cocaine to keep her going…

Regardless though, I haven’t gone anywhere. And I apologize if I haven’t been as responsive as usual. I never went anywhere, I just simply don’t have much to say anymore. So pardon this blog if it seems to be ‘scattered’, because I’m just free-flowing this bitch.


What I’ve Been Watching:

I recently found a guy on YouTube who I find to be quite amusing.

Seriously; this guy has made me laugh to tears more than drunk people walking down an upward escalator.

His name is Robbaz; and he’s the King of Sweden. I really don’t know too much about him, but he just cracks me up. Here’s a video you can check it if you’re curious:


Make sure you watch the whole thing for the full effect!


What I’ve Been Playing:

On Saturday I dropped a couple pretty pennies and bought the new Bioshock and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate for the 3DS.

I would love to post about how awesome Bioshock is, but I haven’t played it yet since Courtney has been hoarding it like Gollum and the Ring. It’s become her…. Precious….

So I’ve been cranking out some serious time in Monster Hunter. It’s weird in a way because I owned the original on Wii and I barely played it, but whenever I got Ultimate for the 3DS I’ve been loving it. I’ve slowly come to realize though that it’s all because the controls are so much better on a handheld than they were on the Wii. It really is amazing how much of a difference controls make in a game. I seriously only registered maybe two hours in the Wii version, but it’s been less than a week and I’ve already logged 5 into the 3DS version.

And for those of you thinking that 5 hours is pitiful; well let me just tell you that 5 hours of gaming is a lifetime whenever you have a one year old child roaming around all the time.


And speaking of my one year old..

He’s pimp;


Ha ha ha

I love that pic.


So that’s that. Really nothing too interesting going on for me. I have a hot man-date tomorrow with some of my guy pals. I’m as excited as an Ethiopian at an All-You-Can-Eat-Buffet since I haven’t had a night out since August. We’re just going out for dinner and to see the new Evil Dead movie, but I’ll take what I can get. It’s nice to have a bit of a break every once and a while.

Oh shit.. I’m rambling…


Ok ok ok.. Let me end this real fast.

Nick D., I’m going to steal your idea. Not because I really want to, but simply because I can.


For any of you who made it this far into my rambling; feel free to ask me anything. I’ve come to realize that I’m known for my Dark Souls prowess and my off-beat jokes, but few know me for me. So fuck it, ask away! Whatever your heart desires. Personal. Gaming. Whatever you want, just have fun!



Nick DiMola Director

04/04/2013 at 08:11 AM

Haha - steal away! Of course, I stole the idea from someone else too, so I don't mind.

Didn't know you were a Dad too - cute kid! My son at 1 was totally adorable, smiling all the time and just doing cute stuff constantly... then somewhere between 1 and 2 the terrible twos kicked in and he started being... a challenge.

Are you guys planning on having more kids or is one enough? Also, cool to hear that Courtney is playing through Bioshock Infinite. Chessa started playing it last night and I watched her go through the first 2 hours of it. Do you guys play through games together typically, or do you each play in isolation?

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 08:26 AM

Oh you're such a thief Nick! lol

We definitely want to have another, because the first child has been so much fun (So far lol). He's only one now, but he's really really smart and knows how to get into everything already, so it's like we skipped right to the Terrible Two's lol.

And we usually always play together. We were working through RE6 until we got side-tracked. Now she's just been hammering away at the Bioshock series while I've been dabbling on the 3DS, all of which is Cooper-Pending of course. ha ha


04/04/2013 at 08:19 AM

Chris, you're the working parent of a toddler, of course you don't have a coherent thought in your head! I'm amazed we get as much as we do from you, lol.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 08:27 AM

It's tough at times, but I do what I can between trying to work two jobs, blog, BvsC, all while being a husband and father. I manage though, because I have to!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/04/2013 at 08:36 AM

wow that's a cute little boy, man!  I would love to have kids, but I'm just not ready for it now.  Maybe someday.  

Don't feel bad about not having anything to say.  Just relax and do what u feel like.  And don't worry: A new Dark Souls comes out this year!!!!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 08:41 AM

Oh my.. I can't wait until the new Dark Souls comes out. I just wish I had more information on it. The site lists it for being current-gen, but I'm not entirely sure. If it's going to be a Q4 release, I could see it being pushed onto the new consoles over the existing consoles. I really don't want to have to buy a new console solely for that game, but I'll do it if I have to!

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/04/2013 at 08:50 AM

I'm betting it will be a current generation release.  maybe there will be a next gen version, but I'm sure it will release for current consoles.  

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 08:55 AM

I hope so. I'm just really excited for it. So excited I just restarted a new character on the PS3 version...
Yes.. I have XBox AND PS3 copies...
Cause I'm that ridiculous

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 02:30 PM

Does anyone else see the Post button in this comment, or am I crazy? After I clicked it, blog title changed from "[Draft]" to "Insert Witty Title Here"...

Anyway, cute kid.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 02:33 PM

I see it too, not sure why it's there though lol.
Initially I forget to set the title of my blog which is why it was labelled Draft. I edited and changed it to Insert Witty Title Here, so that may have caused a slight glitch, but I can't be entirely sure about that.

And thanks! My boy is pretty awesome


04/04/2013 at 11:40 AM

I want to provoke tigers into attacking other people too! Looks fun! (Troll face)

I see your one year old is wearing jedi pants. The boy has the potential!

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 12:43 PM

It's amazing how he can magically point to something and he gets it all the time.. The force is strong in that one.. lol

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/04/2013 at 12:01 PM

Naww cute kid! Don't worry about writers block, it happens to all of it. When it happens to me, I just reproduce old shit and change it slightly.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 12:44 PM


And yes, Writer's Block is a bitch. I'm getting the juices flowing though for me, so I'll be back in no time!


04/04/2013 at 12:55 PM

What is your favourite colour?

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 02:10 PM


Er.. Green?

Maybe Red?

Oh yellow! Yeah, no one likes Yellow.. Oh wait.. Fuck that color..

Did I say Blue?


04/04/2013 at 02:22 PM

The dude in the video is an idiot, but a funny idiot. "I don't want your love cat!" I would trade your writers block for my insomnia any day.Got nothing to write about, write about tv or movies. Hence my post about zombie movies.

The question. I will copy paste the question I posed to Nick.

If there were one game you would recommend we play that represents everything you like about games what would it be? Mine is Valkyrie Profile. This game basically describes everything I like in games.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 02:31 PM

I love Robbaz, I think he's absolutely hilarious! You'll have to check out his Truck Driving videos sometime, they're great!

And if I were to recommend a game I would have to go with my all time favorite: Dark Souls.

I loved the game and the story (And also how the story didn't force itself upon you if you weren't interested). Plus the idea of fully being able to customize your characters build from one extremity to another was incredible. There were times in which I would start out as a Knight and I ended up being a full blown Mage by the end of it. I also loved the combat system and how the game flowed in general. By far, this is my all time favorite game.

A SECOND game I would recomment would be Legend of Legaia because it's simply amazing and not very well known to a lot of people.


04/04/2013 at 02:37 PM

You should do a guide for Dark Souls, video if possible. It would be a shame to let that expertise go to waste when dudes like me haven't scratched the surface yet. I remember Legaia, does it have a good story? Interesting choice.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/04/2013 at 02:42 PM


I never really thought of doing on Video Guide before.. I'd definitely be down for that!

And Legaia had a decent story in my opinion. It wasn't exactly the BEST of stories from that particular RPG era, but it was very different and original. Plus the combat system was awesome! I'm not sure if it was released before or after Xenogears, but both games basically use the same combat system. If you haven't played Legaia yet, then you definitely need to grab yourself a copy asap!


04/04/2013 at 02:36 PM


04/04/2013 at 08:07 PM

Great picture of your son there,he's cute...and big! Pretty tall for a one year old. My son and I want to see that Evil Dead movie. Looks like they went all out on that film. We have been playing the hell out of Bioshock Infinite. Fantastic game in every way that matters. As far as rambling on I don't think you did that at all. Writers block hits all of us. I just prattle on about stuff I hear about in podcasts. And shiny items I see lying about the house.....hey! There's something behind the sofa.....oh crap...just my keys. Blog time!


04/04/2013 at 09:11 PM

Ahhh Robbaz...his awesomeness must be spread! Yes Chris I finally got to your blog now since I have finished reading the 155 others I had! You should feel honored I am posting a reply....also I won't be able to keep you company next Monday and Tuesday while you're working since i'll be watching pure awesomeness. Even though I didn't talk much today since work was a boob...yes my comment really has nothing to do with what you posted besides Robbaz lol.

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