I just reviewed one of those "Endless Clicker" games: Tap My Katamari.
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![]() On 09/06/2016 at 12:25 PM by goaztecs ![]() See More From This User » |
Good morning Pixlpeeps! I hope you folks in the US had a safe Labor Day and for the folks outside of the country I also hope you had a safe Monday. Since we had a three day weekend there was a lot of free time to get some work out of the way, play some games, eat lots of food, and then regret eating lots of food. Currently I am giving some TLC to a couple of neglected devices
They are both getting updated and charged. I don’t know if I mentioned it but I finally got around to replacing the frayed Vita cable that for some reason isn’t sold separately. Of course the minute I ordered one from Amazon, I saw that Best Buy has their own store brand version for $4 more than I paid. Oh well. Anyways I updated the Madden 13 on the Vita by connecting it to the PS3 version so I could unlock some extra features for the PS3 version, which I probably won’t play. In any case soon I will get some handheld time. My Vita case of games is all games I need to finish, and for the 3DS I need to do the same with the game case I am currently using. There are a couple of DS games in there I don’t want to tackle right now, and I could use that space for something like Street Fighter or other fun games.
Speaking of games let’s check out what I’ve been playing.
WWE 2K15 – PS4
This was an impulse buy at Target because it was $7.50 and because I was at Target buying sunscreen (that pesky Target magic). Anyways I played a couple of exhibition games to see what the game is all about, and then created a wrestler for the Career Mode. My character is Penn S. Huge (oh the twelve year old humor strikes) but I am going to erase this character and change it up a bit…but not his name, because his name is comedic gold (twelve year old me is laughing). Kind of funny that a genre of sports games is what got me to power up my PS4 after a month of inactivity.
The Division – PC (via UPlay)
Currently my character is Level 14 in the story and Level 5 in the Dark Zone. I decided to check out the Dark Zone, maybe take out a couple of bad guys and stay out of the way of the higher ranked players. Of course one of those higher ranked characters decided to hunt me down, because Level 5 vs Level 80 (something huge) is such a good matchup. I refused to hit give up as dude was trying to take down my character and then out of the blue an even higher ranked player jumped out, gave me life and proceeded to wipe out the other player. I then did what any normal player does and unload a clip into dude before running away towards the exit.
As for the single player campaign its nothing but grinding, and playing side missions until I get my character one level above the recommended minimum just so I can have a fighting chance. I have also developed a cheesy game when it comes to the bosses with all the shielding. I tend to lead them into an area where I can take them out with shots from above them, or do a lot of take two or three shots, run around them and then take two more shots. Rinse, repeat. If the game wants to throw these types of bad guys where their weapon can take you out with a handful of shots, I have no problems going cheese mode on them
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition – Steam
I have still played less than an hour of this game but I’m starting to get into the flow of the game. I like the Batman-like combat but it’s still not as smooth but manageable. This is my go-to game after playing The Division. Speaking of Batman I really need to finish Origins.
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit – Steam
This is the other game I play after The Division, and probably gets more playtime than Sleeping Dogs. I’m still trying to hold off on downloading the mod that gets you all the cars right away but it would make life easier to have the best cars to begin with and then breeze through. I’ll go back to the website and spend 5 minutes debating on if I should.
Cradle Of Egypt – PC
Since I am trying to play through the Cradle of series I started with the game I already played through on the 3DS. It’s still a fun game, and it doesn’t have a huge footprint on my second hard drive. The one thing I did notice is that it is a little tougher than the 3DS version and the end of the bonus money puzzles are tougher. Other than that it is exactly the same.
He-Man Tappers Of Grayskull – iOS
This is a game my cousin told me about where the point of the game is you just tap on the screen to take out a giant bad guy who doesn’t fight back and upgrade the hell out of He-Man, and his team. That’s it. The first night I sunk a good two and a half hour of just that. No shame.
The best part about this game is that when you don’t play it, the fighters continue to play and earn coins so you can make He-Man and the other members of the squad even tougher. Currently I am at the dd section hovering around Level 130ish. The money follows normal money up until the trillions and then it goes into aa, bb, cc, etc. After you earn enough cash per level of money you can unlock a new more power member for your squad. I just unlocked the bee man (sorry He-Man fans I can’t remember his name) and I believe I have eight more to go before unlocking Queen Marlena. There are also 30 second videos you can watch to earn extra gold (a lot of gold), and if you want to use actual money there is a doubler for $5 but I really don’t think I’ll play enough of this game to justify spending real money. Anyways Tappers of Grayskull is the ultimate in time wasters but if you do play it, use more than two fingers, and constantly upgrade your characters.
Alright Pixlbit I am off. I need to get a couple of things done today including getting my haircut and putting gas in the truck. Have a good week!
That’s all for now, more later!
I just reviewed one of those "Endless Clicker" games: Tap My Katamari.
As you progress in Sleeping Dogs, you'll learn more moves and the combat becomes a bit smoother. If I could finish this game, you can definitely do it. You also unlock more safe houses in different parts of the city, which is pretty cool, too. And then there is the joy of carjacking armored cars to earn more money... Yeah, I had a lot of fun with this game, lol.