Good luck! The MGS definitely gives you bang for your buck. I need to pick it up sometime as well but with RE: Revelations and Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge vying for my attention as well, I don't know where the chips will fall just yet. lol.
Metal Gear Solid
On 04/04/2013 at 12:15 PM by transmet2033 See More From This User » |
GrayHaired has inspired me. I have the MGS HD collection siiting in my backlog, and so I have decided to cross those games off the list. Since these games are not new to me, I plan on playing on the easy difficulty. I have less of a problem replaying these game on easy, because I know that they can easily become a time sink.
My goal is to hopefully beat the 3 games in the hd collection sometime before metro: last light comes out in May. I absolutely loved metro 2033, and cannot wait until the sequel comes out. It is one of the few games that I am truly excited for this year.
I started mgs2 this morning. I was surprised as to how eaily it was for me to get back into the controls of the game. Since it has been a while since I have played mgs2 I was a little worried that it would be difficult to get back into the hang of things. The game plays like a dream, and I cannot wait to get back to it.
Long live the year of the snake.