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R.I.P. Roger Ebert & Rain to Cloudy

On 04/04/2013 at 07:31 PM by Super Step

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Well, I found out earlier on facebook that film critic Roger Ebert passed away today. I was a big fan of the "At the Movies" show growing up; PBS didn't make it easy to figure out what times it was coming on each week, but I always made sure I found out. I've been told I was able to read the newspaper at a very early age, and loved reading the Movies section the most. I know this is a gaming website, but I think of all media, I'm most obsessed with movies to this day, and it was always fun and interesting to read and hear his candid insight. I'll leave you with a link to some text my favorite internet reviewer, The Cinema Snob, had to say about the man:

Anyway, I found that out after dad found out his van, with over 400,000 miles on it, went kaput this morning. Apparently, it's the transmission; he was able to drive it back to the house from the mechanic's, but his job is driving, so it's unfortunate that a deal on a Honda CR-V he was looking at fell through. I'm still loaning him some money for a new (well, used, but y'know) car, and for tonight my car so he can run a short route, and tomorrow I'll go with him in the morning to check out another car offer.

Meanwhile, I'm really hoping it works out, because I need my car for my own job more than thirty miles from the house, which hasn't been consistent enough, hence why I was applying on three different websites to freelance crew and writing jobs before the bad news came, and will continue to later. If he does get a new one, there will be a lot less worrying than there was before, as that van has been on its last legs for who knows how long now, and at least a newer car will mean a bit less hassle than he had with that thing. My own car is my age (twenty-three), but I don't use it to go to Oklahoma, Arkansas, and back to Texas on a consistent basis, as his job sometimes requires.

And first it was the N64, now it's my car radio that's "glitching," though in this case, the radio's old, not in there exactly right, and simply turning itself off/back on very quickly at random times. Not a big deal, but I guess when you've had a weird day, the crap just piles on.

It was raining yesterday, cloudy and still cold today, but on the bright side, it's not so bad I don't think I can get my walk in, and I'll be walking off a Monterey Melt Jr. from Whataburger, Hot Mess Fries from Jack in the Box, and some delicious cheesecake a fellow teacher gave my mom at work that was in the fridge, which I needed today, and enjoyed very much. Good thing I planned for all that, and the only other thing I ate today was Raisin Bran, putting me within my calorie budget even before exercise.

Anyway, I've got to go actually apply to some of the jobs I only bookmarked, do my exercise, and see if the N64 hasn't gotten any better, so I'll leave you with three songs; and three was my ticket number at Whataburger today, so maybe I have some luck coming my way. Smile



Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 07:37 PM

ALMOST FORGOT: I calculated that my Virgin Mobile plan actually is cheaper for my use, but if you have or are planning to but a Sprint phone, go to

It's a $25 off promotion from sxephil on Youtube for a phone service that charges you based only on what you use. I can't use it, but some of you might save some cash by going there.


04/04/2013 at 08:16 PM

Zeppelin and Garbage, niceCool

Anyway, Ebert isn't as known over here in the UK but i know in the 90s he was a house hold name. AshameFrown


04/04/2013 at 08:27 PM

Ash already said what I came down here to say. Plus sorry to hear about your life glitches . Trust me I know, things fall apart and they do it all at once.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 09:21 PM

I'd venture to say he was much more of a household name in the 90s over here as well, while Siskel was still alive, but he was always well-respected. And yup, it rains, it pours, although everything should hopefully work out, so can't complain too much.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 09:22 PM

Ironically, the Everclear is the favorite song of mine of these three. lol


04/04/2013 at 08:47 PM

Sorry about the van. Hope you can find alternate wheels for your Dad. I hate hearing the "t" word come from the mouth of a mechanic. Like the rain songs you put up. Thank God it is not raining here. It was getting on my nerves. I heard about the passing of Roger Ebert as I got home today. It was on the news at that moment. I used to watch him and Siskel on TV a lot when I was young. He knew so much about film and I liked his opinions. He was a fighter,too. Sad that he lost his battle. But he lived his life doing just what he loved.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 09:24 PM

Yeah, at least we have a trusted family mechanic, but there are certain words you never wish to hear from them. lol

I think it will work out, and he should be able to pay me back pretty soon, so tomorrow is another day so to say.

I wish I could have gone out as a movie critic, but I don't know if I'd be as good a writer as he was. I can always try, though. lol He will be missed.


04/04/2013 at 10:40 PM

Will miss the guy. I didn't care much for him though I did see him on TV most of my life, if only in between shows that I wait to watch on.

good luck with your car issues. It sucks to get things going when there is no concrete stance of the condition on your wheels. =(

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 10:47 PM

Well, technically my dad's car issues, but my money being loaned to get him a new one, my car being borrowed at least tonight, while I look for more work and pay off student debt. lol I'll be very relieved if we go there tomorrow and the transmission on the one he's looking at checks out, though. Much less worry for all of us, especially him, for sure! It'd be great news.

Thanks for the comment! Hope all cars you're currently driving show you reliability.


04/04/2013 at 10:51 PM

Ah yes, the need of four wheels, something the wife and I are going to have to consider real soon, I just hope you chooses something with a degree of masculinity but knowing my luck it'll be a bright pink VW Beetle (not the old cool ones but the new rather feminine ones!)

Good luck with the N64, I have to say that it was probably the most memorable console I have ever owned and I was fortunate to pick up a second one for a few quid just incase the original ever broke and touch wood it's still going strong!

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 10:55 PM

If she gets that for you, just buy a pink pimp outfit, with furry hat and shiny cane. Masculinity re-acquired! lol

I may wait to see if the N64 works, as I think I'll nod myself off to sleep watching TV before we go check out the car in the morning. I think my most memorable is Gamecube, as it was the first console I paid for myself.

I need to kock on wood more often, it might do me some good. lol Cheers!


04/05/2013 at 02:37 AM

A pimp pink outfit, that idea is so ludicrously great that I might just have to do it!


04/05/2013 at 12:50 PM

In the immortal words of 50 Cent, "You won't never get a dolla outta me....cause I'm a mutha fuc$#in' PIMP"!  Words of wisdom,Fiddy.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 01:25 PM


Nick DiMola Director

04/05/2013 at 12:58 PM

I had no idea things had gone so downhill for Ebert. When I saw this blog post yesterday it really caught me off guard. Sorry to hear that he passed. While I completely disagree with his viewpoint on games, I respected him immensely as a critic.

When I first started writing critically for Nintendo World Report, I spent a lot of time reading his film reviews because he was so adept at explaining why he felt the way he did about something. Of course, as someone who knows very little about film, much of what he talked about went over my head, especially with more artful films, but he could still get the point across regardless of audience.

It's sad that just 2 days after he took his "leave of presence" he passed. I imagine it would've been nice for him to do what he loved in the capacity he wanted. There's something horribly depressing about that part of it to me. It's like the day he decided he had to dial it back and semi-retire, he lost his battle with cancer. What a bummer.

In any event, it seems like he really fought the battle to the very end, so for that I have much respect. His presence will definitely be missed.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 01:24 PM

I think all things considered, he died doing what he loved, regardless of two day leave of presence. Have to say his wife Chaz also sounds like a classy woman for sticking through all of it with him.

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