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It has been awhile!

On 04/04/2013 at 10:04 PM by FAF101

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So I am finally back(ish)! A lot has been going the point where I feel like I could be going a good and a bad way. So what is all this stuff that has been going on? Well I shall tell all! Also I have read all 300 something notifications I had of everyones blogs. Oh yeah..I am that cool! Sorry I didn't respond to all of them. If I had it would have taken me a lot longer to finally post my blog up since I wasn't typing one till I finished that list!

Work/Personal Life:

March was a really busy month work wise. I have been working later hours and working a lot of over time to try to get testing done and these past few days a really long and tedius document which I actually didn't finish today...I finished most of it but I am going on vacation starting tomorrow so I was not working over time tonight...hell no. I also had my in person review and it was a good one. I just need to be more vocal, I am actually really super quiet when on conference calls with my team and the TD bank team. So with all the overtime I haven't have much of a in person human social life, but Chris has been awesome in keeping me company via facebook and keeping me sane lol. 

Now this vacation I mentioned! I am going to be going into a wrestling weekend of pure awesomeness! It's going to be from the 5th-9th. Tomorrow I get to see my room mate from college, her brother and dad and some other people I am acquaintance with to see some indie wrestling show. Saturday is more indie shows along with the WWE Hall of Fame. Sunday is Wrestlemania! and Monday is Monday Night RAW! Tuesday I head home. What's awesome is this is all taking place in New Jersey so I don't have to travel very far! These are the shows names we are going to see: Friday is Evolve, Czw, Kaiju Big Battle/Saturday is Shimmer, Chikara, Hall of Fame WWE/ Sunday is just Wrestlemania, and Monday is just RAW. So lots of wrestling! 

Another thing that was tough and making me go crazy the bad way was money issues. My student loans pretty much wipe my paycheck clean and it kinda sunk in how much credit card debt I have from helping out my family...which they are going to be paying me back eventually which I am grateful for but also I have been paying the full rent for my mom because of my brother racking up dental bills and medical bills that my mom has to pay off. So with that hefty chunk of money coming out it pretty much left me really broke and almost on the verge of not being able to pay student loans on time. Thankfully my mom has started paying me back the rent money a few days after I pay. So it's been helping me feel comfy now with having money in my account and starting to pay off my credit cards. I just wish my tax refunds were here now to put towards them as well. Also I really want to move in with my fiance and what sucks is I feel it's mostly my fault that we cant move in yet...he says it's not but it's pretty easy to tell his parents want him out and he's getting frustrated then it makes me feel worse. But we got past that and we figured that our plan of action is I need to just be in a comfy situation and help pay for half of rent when we move in together and that's really it. So we are hopefully thinking end of the summer or fall of this year we are gonna finally move in together! *fingers crossed*


There have been a variety of completions on my end of both games and anime. Here is the list of reviews I am planning on bringing out hopefully soon: 

Melon Journey
Starcraft 2 WoL and HoS
Cooking Mama 4
Cuticle Tantei Inaba
Fairy Tail
Girls und Panzer

I am planning on starting up Demon's Souls and not sure what hand held game yet. But I am thinking another DS/3DS game. 

Another plan of action I am going tough as it is...I am selling some of my games and systems. Most of the items I am selling are games my fiance and I both have that are single player and we don't need two copies of. The other portion of the games is what I do not play anymore. I am getting rid of my Sega Gen and CD add on because I don't play it anymore. I love the systems and the games I have but if t's sitting there I would rather it get played by someone instead of not. I am also selling my 64 (he has a 64 already)...I may hold off on that though a long with a few games until I actually move in with him because I honestly don't think he knows half of the games he has since when he was answering my questions on them he was at a friends house and obviously never listened to me about checking his games out when he got back...SO the ones I am really ehhh about I am keeping for now till he tells me otherwise or I see otherwise. But I figured I could ether hold onto the trade in credit I get from estarland (which is where I am selling them to) or I can get the cash back for it but it's only 70% of the total you get. So debating about what I wanna do with it. I also figured any game out there that I own that has a HD version I figured it's time to upgrade and just sell the older ones. 

There are also a lot of games I really want to get my hands on...but I am holding off from buying games for a little. I figured go through what I have already and wait till after I move out from home. This way I won't run the risk of getting another single player game he has or gets. Along with the fact I need to save up to pay off bills and eventually buy furniture!

What have I been playing now??? I haven't really been playing anything too serious. The only game I started up seriously is Atelier Iris Eternal Mana. I found a ROM version of it because I was debating about if I wanted to buy the hard copy or to not buy the hard copy. Also the game play videos I saw made me interested in it more that I wanted to demo it for myself. I am really enjoying it so far. I have not gotten very far in it yet but I am a decent way through to notice that it's probably going to be picking up really fast. 

What am I watching anime wise??? Well that I have been doing a lot more lately since the mucho over time! As shown above I have finished Fairy Tail ( till it comes back), Girls und Panzer, Senyuu, and Cuticle Detective Inaba. What I have started to watch is Vividred Operation...and then there are a bunch I am planning to watch afterwards. I am just hoping the over time doesn't last too long because I would like to get some quality game time in before bed without falling asleep at the controller. 


Well I best be getting off to bed! I do have to get up early since I have a few errends to run before driving out to the hotel and I also need to finish packing which I may wait to do tomorrow as well. I am mostly done just a few things here and there not done yet. 



Super Step Contributing Writer

04/04/2013 at 10:42 PM

Well, I haven't watched anime or wrestling, or been busy (though I'd rather be) in a while, but I can definitely relate to the family loaning and student loan payments. Your situation is worse than mine, as I still have enough to pay monthly at or a few hundred below the rate I would be paying if I weren't on IBR, and I should get paid back on the seventeenth if all goes according to plan, but it sure is stressful when random crap happens with family involving finance. Hang in there, and hope all works out well!

I've been thinking of selling some games as well, but I don't have many I don't at least like or have some nostalgia for. I only have thirty seven total, so aside from Shadows of the Empire, which hell, parts of which are still fun, there's not much that jumps to my mind as "useless."

My current mission in life is to get out of my parent's house; even though we get along really well, I just need more of a sense of autonomy at my age. Hope it all works out for you and your boyfriend! I think I might finally apply for an MFA or MBA like I've been thinking, if things keep going as they are.

Have a great vacation!


04/18/2013 at 08:19 AM

Thanks Joe! It recently has gotten A LOT better. So I am lessed stressed out XD

I will probably post a picture of everything I am getting rid of before I actually sell it. I am going to need one HUGE box for everything lol.

Also my vacation was amazing!


04/04/2013 at 10:56 PM

Sorry you're in a finacial rough spot,Ash. I hope you and your fiance can resolve it and move in together real soon! I think college tuition is way too expensive and it really bites down on your wallet when it comes to student loans. Regardless,hang in there,aye?


04/18/2013 at 08:20 AM

Thanks Ben XD

I am actually doing a lot better as of late and we figured we will probably still be able to move in this year together which is awesome news!


04/04/2013 at 11:03 PM

I really need to watch fairy tale, I ve seen the first two episodes and thats it! I'm desperately trying to plough my way through Bleach, I'm currently sitting on ep. 165 but I  must admit to finding the series a little 'pattern filled' at times and it can lose my interest.

Asd for selling old consoles beware! I recently sold my wii (as I never really played it) but I'm having massive regrets, particularly with the digital library I had established... and now lost. Ah we live to learn!


04/18/2013 at 08:22 AM

Yeah that's one reason why I stop watching long animes sometimes. They seem to just be really repetative. 

About selling old-gen consoles, I have already come to terms with the Sega Gen and CD and my fiance has a 64 already so it's not much in loss. I actually never really play my Sega Gen and much as I would love to keep it the only real reason I got it was because of the CD games I want to get but they are kinda pricy so I figured if I get an itch to play them I can just run an Emulation of it.


04/05/2013 at 02:10 AM

I watched Girls und Panzer as it was released and I wasn't too fond of it. I did just realize they have released the final two epsiodes so I will watch those soon. I wasn't too fond of Vividred Operation either. Blast of Tempest and Fate Zero are two shows I loved that I watched recently.


04/18/2013 at 08:23 AM

Blast of Tempest I need to finish still!

And I agree I wasn't too fond of Girls und Panzer and Vivedred Operation. I feel they were more pass time by animes.


04/05/2013 at 02:32 PM

Wrestlemania & RAW?!  AWESOME! Surprised


04/18/2013 at 08:23 AM

It was indeed very awesome!


04/06/2013 at 05:40 AM

I just downloaded Demon's Souls because it's free on PS+ right now and I'm excited to play it. But I'm not gonna start another console game till after I finish BioShock Infinite. When I DO start Demon's Souls, though, it sounds like it's the kind of game I'll want to play concurrently with something else, so I'm not sure what else I'll be starting soon.


04/18/2013 at 08:24 AM

It is that type of game lol. I already rage quit it after getting past 1-1. It's a game I need to do at least a level a day.


04/06/2013 at 03:00 PM

busy times. indeed it looks like your plate is full. Sad to hear some of the retro systems are to be sold. but it does make sense to replace some old games with HD or digital. still debating to do the same myself though my game rig 3  set up is something.


04/18/2013 at 08:24 AM

Yeah it is sad that I have to let them go...but it's okay I figured it's for the best!

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