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Ask Me Anything - Part III (Cause Nick and Yargz did it first)

On 04/05/2013 at 02:16 PM by Super Step

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One thing you don't have to ask is if I'm lazy. I think this is proof enough I am. TGIF mofos! It's finally sunny again, so I'm going for my walk/jog/run!I'll still be commenting and such when I get on throughout the day.




04/05/2013 at 03:15 PM

what is your favourite colour?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:02 PM

Don't really have one, to be honest. I guess, blue, red, green have been my favorites at varying times, also black, and it depends on what the color is on. I guess I'll throw purple and white in there, since those are my alma mater's colors.

So, to answer your question, blue ... no wait green. AHHHHHHH! *Thrown off bridge.*


04/05/2013 at 05:01 PM

Do you have a go to game when you're not sure what to play next? I would say at the moment mine is DOA5 but only really because I can play it in short bursts. I used to play Tekken 3 religiously back when my PS1 (or PSOne ha) worked

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:05 PM

Ever since I found it (last week), I've been playing Pokemon Pinball a lot on my GBA, cause I can do other things while I play it. I never played a DOA title except maybe in an arcade once, but I played Tekken 3 a lot at the next door neighbors'. Also Tekken 2. Also, 1, at the very least I played the kiosk at a lot of stores.

Which once introduced the Jamaican guy that did the dance fighting again? Capeoira I guess it's called. Eddie.


04/05/2013 at 06:36 PM

That was Tekken 3 I believe. He was such a cheap character in that game. A lot of fun to use but my friends and I had an unspoken rule that none of us would pick him because you could just mash the kick buttons and he'd start spinning on his head and whatnot haha

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:45 PM

I remember him feeling really weird to use. Speaking of being cheap, I once defeated an entire line of people and kept my spot until I just got tired of it and kind of felt like an asshole mashing buttons with Yoshimitsu. One kid called me out on it, and my response was along the lines of "yeah, but that's the game's fault I can do that, not mine."

I stand by that, and it's not like no one else got a chance to play, I just kept winning against new people, but after a while I was like "yeah, I'm a fraud." lol


04/05/2013 at 07:21 PM

haha yeah I could never figure out why they let Yoshimitsu, a man with a sword for freakin sake, participate in Tekken. Pour tournament organizers I say. Then again, they do let Heihachi and his offspring partticipate and they have god damn electricity flowing through their bodies. This of course is in addition to a panda fighting so I guess any issue I may have is invalid.....

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 07:49 PM

I tried searching for "Your Point is Invalid" demotivational posters of the kangaroo or panda in Tekken, but didn't find anything. This will have to do.


04/05/2013 at 08:49 PM

haha it works


04/05/2013 at 05:26 PM

That storm-trooper. So smug & sexy! Oh yeah!

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:06 PM

That wasn't a question, but my answer is yes.


04/05/2013 at 05:36 PM

What's your favorite movie. Or at least, what's one of your favorites?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:14 PM

Cinderella Man is my favorite movie of all time. I wish Paul Giomatti would take more roles like that, he became one of my favorite actors when I saw it, then he became hit or miss in what I saw him in afterwards. Great movie just in general though, directing, acting, sound, editing, everything is classical and you know where it's going, but it grips me every time, and such a damn good redemption story. True one, too, it's based on J.J. Braddock, who was a boxer during the depression.

Second favorite movie is Chasing Amy, for very personal reasons and cause it's funny, third Ruggles of Red Gap, which is a hilarious black and white comedy about a British servant that traveled to America which I never would have known about if not for a college film class, and was also on Ed Norton's five favorites list on Rottentomatoes, fourth and fifth for now from my memory are Garden State and Crash. First for personal reasons and soundtrack, last because it was the first movie that made me really appreciate an almost pure drama, with very little action.


04/05/2013 at 06:38 PM

I liked "Chasing Amy" too. It was a romantic comedy without falling into the mediocre traps of most other romantic comedies.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:48 PM

But falling into ALL the social commentary and crude humor trappings of an early Kevin Smith film, which is awesome. Laughing

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 11:43 PM

Except for mallrats. That movie was terrible.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/06/2013 at 12:30 AM

It was pretty boring, but it had its moments. I wouldn't say terrible, but definitely one of his lesser movies. I thought the schooner bit and the Superman sex conversation were alright.


04/05/2013 at 08:09 PM

I watched Cinderella Man quite a few years ago and I remember liking it. I enjoyed the Great Depression setting, but based on my fuzzy memory it didn't stray too far from conventional sports movie patterns.

I watched a few minutes of Chasing Amy on Netflix. Maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance. Then again, I haven't liked any other Kevin Smith movie.

I imagine you are talking about the Crash film that won Best Picture some years ago, I thought that one was great. If it's the David Cronenberg film about people being turned on by car crashes then I would have to wonder what you saw in that one!

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 08:19 PM

Actually, my friend Will, who has much more uh ... refined tastes in movies than I do, let's say, didn't like the Best Picture one at all, but loves the Cronenberg one. I was talking about the Oscar winner though, never seen the Cronenberg one, though I will if the opportunity strikes.

As for Cinderella Man, you're right, it doesn't stray too far from conventions, but its delivery is what I love about it, and the fact my family was going through a financial hurdle at the time didn't hurt. That one won Best Picture too, y'know!

As for Chasing Amy, it's generally regarded as his watermark, aside from Clerks, because it's the most dramatic of his movies, and tends to let its story and characters breathe, as opposed to being just a joke vehicle. That said, it's also a joke vehicle, and I find it hilarious, but it says a lot of things that match up in my personal relationships.

Did you get to the part where the militant black comic book guy pretends to lose his shit? That part sent my friend Austin into hysterics.


04/06/2013 at 12:33 AM

Those are refined tastes indeed!

I don't remember any funny part in Chasing Amy or I probably would have at least watched a little longer. Maybe I will give it another shot if I resubscribe to Netflix.


04/05/2013 at 07:20 PM

When or are you going to buy a next this-gen console? 360?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 07:38 PM

Basically, when I get my own place and have a more reliable income, I'll consider spending the money to play in this and next generation again.

If I did have the means and it was a priority though, I'd go with PS3. That way I'd have a Blu Ray player, too. Also, PSN.


04/05/2013 at 09:58 PM

What or who is your favourite gaming character ever and why?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 11:08 PM

I haven't really given that much thought. It isn't Mario or Sonic, though I do love their games. It's not Sub Zero or James McCloud, though I did think they were extremely cool. It's not Snake or Raiden, though those are the most three dimensional characters I can think of off the top of my head....

Y'know, I think it might be Sly Cooper. I don't know if once I looked into it more, I'd still feel that way, but I think he is the best video game character for my personal taste. Dry wit, good design, fun/inventive video game series, chases after a sexy fox, has an interesting moral code, agile. If it's not him, he's certainly up there.


04/06/2013 at 12:33 AM

Nice choice! I'd have to go for this guy:

He'd kick it out of every other gaming critter out there!


04/05/2013 at 10:26 PM

I'm gonna get more specific here. What's your favorite gaming console of all time?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 11:01 PM

Gamecube. First one I paid for myself (mostly, there's a story worth a blog in there), hyped the hell out of it to anyone who'd listen, along with a group of friends, and got really vocal and involved in the console wars partly cause of Nintendo bias, partly cause it was the cheapest, and I knew I'd have to pay for it mostly myself. That also meant being even more of a human female repellent, but oh well, all in the past.

It came out around the time I discovered EGM and would look in local stores every month for the new edition, until finally subscribing. There was a time they included demo discs in the mags for retail copies, but not subscriptions, which irked me. But I was intensely focused on their coverage of the "war" between GCN and XBOX.

N64 is a close second, as it was the first console given to me, and I'd be lying if I wasn't jealous on the library of my older brother's PS2, and think overall it was the best system that generation, but the point is the Gamecube was mine, and more importantly the console I have the most and clearest nostalgic memories attached to.

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 11:42 PM

I feel as if you've been leading me on for sometime, and I was just wondering: Will you go out with me? I mean I've tried being subtle, lord knows I have, but it's frustrating beyond belief. I believe we really have something, and I'd hate to see it slip away.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/06/2013 at 12:36 AM

I dunno. Looking at that profile pic of yours makes me question if I have enough lotion, baskets, or skin for this relationship....

Blake Turner Staff Writer

04/06/2013 at 01:53 AM

Bahaha. If you haven't played the game that's taken from, I'm sorry, but we cannot be lovers.


04/07/2013 at 06:02 PM

Did you like Toon Link in SSBB? And if so, will you riot if he's left out in the new one?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/07/2013 at 06:18 PM

Considering I don't own a Wii, don't plan on owning one or a Wii U, and never played the series past Melee, I don't think I can have much of a strong opinion on this. So no fits will be thrown. lol

From what I'm seeing on Google Images, I do like toon Link as well as the more realistic Link in that game, as far as aesthetically.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/08/2013 at 06:29 AM

If you could go back and play any 3 games again as if they were the first time you've played them, what would they be and why?

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/08/2013 at 04:07 PM

Ok, I think I got it.

Super Mario World, because I have fond memories of it, but was never able to get that far. I'd love to start and finish it.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, because I really didn't appreciate the series as a kid, but looking back, I really wish I had been able to play through it.

Finally, Rise of the Robots, because as a kid, I never realized how much the gameplay sucked, I just thought it looked amazing, and I want that feeling back dammit. lol

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