I'll be getting Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge next month. Should be fun! At some point I also want to snag Revengence and DMC.
Reviews Blog and Action April
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![]() On 04/05/2013 at 03:12 PM by Casey Curran ![]() See More From This User » |
It's been a while since I pimped my stuff at Rotorob, so rather than provide you guys with fresh new content, I'm just going to regurgitate the crusty month old reviews I haven't posted here yet.
This game was awesome. It was basically Contra with right stick aiming and a Serious Sam coat of paint, but man did that coat help the game a lot. Humor was great and there was an awesome feature that let you tie guns together to make a super gun. It's just as awesome as it sounds.
Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness: Mirror of Fate
Not a great game, but a very fun one. Combat was fun and had a nice blend of platforming and puzzles. Best part was you get to play as Simon, Trevor, and Alucard. Though Alucard had a whip- not sure who green lit that decision.
MUD- FIM Motocross World Championship
That's a stupid fucking name. Mud. Why would you name a game that? No one is going to take someone saying "Yeah, I want to buy Mud," seriously. Oh, the game itself? It's boring, derivative, and only exists to make the five people who like this kind of racing happy.
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
This game could have been good. It had a lot of polish and I could tell the developers put a lot of time into it. But the level design and controls were pretty bad. Also did that stupid 2.5D thing with platform edges so you can never tell where the ledge really begins.
This game was awesome. The only problem was it was a pretty bad port. Framerate kept shooting down, graphic quality was always lowering, and only 30 FPS at its best. Get the PS3 version instead.
Wrote this review Tuesday. Don't remember a thing about it.
Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory
As for now I'm playing a review copy of Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge. Expect me to tear that game a new one. But seeing as I'm playing through the God of War Anthology still, picked up Ninja Gaiden Sigma because Sigma 2 got me in the mood for more of that series, and snagged Metal Gear Rising when I saw it on sale, April is the month of action games for me. I even got the Devil May Cry HD Collection. So since there's nothing I'm interested in coming this month, I'm just going to spend it playing all kinds of action games. There will probably be a few blogs on these.