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Tweets and 1313

On 04/05/2013 at 04:26 PM by Nicoleb1989

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This video needs to be seen, I didnt know the full extent of the tweets that a MS exective had posted until this video. I knew about the whole "deal with it" ordeal but I think the manner in which he did it needs to be shown. Snee forgive me! I know you talked about this in your blog today but I found this video and had to share!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sorry for the link form, I tryed everything possiable to get the embbed verison to work and it refused. I think it hates meh.

Im a Sony fan, but that doesnt mean I want the next gen xbox to fail. I know plenty of ppl looking forward to it and while ya I wish they would come to the ps4 I rather they get the system of their choice. If this comes to be true though, will most likely ruin that for them.

Before I go Im breaking some more bad news. For those looking forward to the new Star Wars game 1313 well we might not be seeing it. Disney closed Lucusarts down and while there is a chance it can be picked up by another developer to be finished its got a 50/50 chance. I was looking forward to title myself but at the same time there wasnt a ton to go on for the game so Im not as sad as I would be if I was attached to it.

Opinions, thoughts, feelings, raging anger?




04/05/2013 at 04:37 PM

I remember reading somewhere that it was supposed to be a boba fett game...  


04/05/2013 at 04:56 PM

I actually was on facebook earlier and in what would come off as a dick move a article was posted about it being a Boba Fett game. I read and thought, "yes, smash every fan of boba fetts by announcing that now." It might have been announced a lot sooner before all this and I jsut didnt get catch it so there is a good chance the article wasnt like that at all.  

True Gamer At Heart

04/05/2013 at 04:42 PM

Little anger..But If they do something like that, the modder and hackers will say otherwise. So you have to be online to get it to work??


04/05/2013 at 05:05 PM

yes, to access your games to play them you have to be online. The only thing though with hacking is MS is already doing there best to crack down on modders and hackers already and they will even go further with next gen. If you figure a way around it and they find out, you might jsut end up banned. Im hopeing they avoid it all together and jsut let be both offline and online console.

True Gamer At Heart

04/05/2013 at 05:22 PM

I don't think thay will ever happen, people just tend to kinda freak out!! I think they are taking notice on the sims release and what not


04/05/2013 at 05:26 PM

I wanna say it wouldnt but the MS exective coming out and tweeting about it Im beginning to think it might jsut. I guess we will all have to wait for their conferance for the new xbox.


04/05/2013 at 04:56 PM

If I get any console next gen, it will be the PS4 because I rather the exclusives and the direction Sony appear to be taking the PS name. Saying that though, I really don't want the NextBox to fail. If we're left with less competition amongst the console manufacturers, that is only bad news. We wouldn't have Sony offering such great features on the PS3 today (e.g. PS+) if it wasn't for the dominance the XBox 360 has had since it launched. IMO big competition between manufacturers is only good news for gamers. On a side note, I hope Nintendo stays alive in the console business too for the same reasons


04/05/2013 at 05:14 PM

Im going for the PS4 as well, the PS3 might have not done so well at launch but I personally think they have done well through it life cycle. They released good game exclusives that did highly well and with the PS4 now there improving on their previous mistakes. The next xbox is gonna have to meet with that for competition and making an online only console will certainly not do it. If 1 out of all the rumors come true, i hope its the used game one. While it sucks just like the online only if they went to only allowing new games it wouldnt nessacarly kill them off, they have a pretty big fan base that will accept that but the online only thing I got to say I think would be the end it all button. The lesser of 2 evils pretty much. Nintendo I think is doing well, the Wii U is a good console. I enjoyed having one and plan to re buy it in the future. Of course once all 3 consoles are released we will know how things will stand.


04/05/2013 at 05:28 PM

Yeah not allowing used games would suck but its not a massive deal breaker for me. I do buy used at times but as long as they drop game prices a few months after release (like what happens now), I could live with it. Always online would lead to so many issues it would be just plain comedic to watch (from the outside of course) at launch. IMO there is no hope it would kick off without a hitch and you know that would lead to a bundle of lawsuits against Microsoft. For their own good, console manufacturers really need to wait a few generations down the line before they implement this. Global internet access just isn't where it needs to be yet

Captain N

04/05/2013 at 04:59 PM

I was looking forward to 1313 too, but Star Wars games died to me the day Factor 5 died. I really loved Rogue Squadron 2, that's my favorite SW game, and it still looks really good if we compare it to current gen games. Jedi Outcast 2 is my other favorite game, it was pretty cool and the mp was fun. Too bad Lucasarts no longer exists because 1313 looked awesome, I wish someone picks it up, the problems are if someone picks it up and who.


04/05/2013 at 05:05 PM

I think the first Knights of the Old Republic is my favourite Star Wars game and would highly recommend it if you've never tried. I did also have a SW game called Galactic Battlegrounds which was basicly a reskinned Age of Empires 2. That was pretty awesome too

Captain N

04/05/2013 at 05:10 PM

I actually did try Kotor on Steam, and I enjoyed it but haven't beaten it yet. My pc kinda freezes up and my screen is a bit botched at the moment. But it's a great game. Never tried the other one but sounds interesting.


04/05/2013 at 05:18 PM

Well im certainly out of this loop, I havent played a whole lot of star wars games. I like the movies but other then that I have only played SWTOR and a Star Wars Racer game on the dreamcast. Im sad...I know,lol

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/05/2013 at 05:18 PM

YOU SHALL NOT BE FORGIVEN!!!  Tongue Out  Just kidding!  

with the video, chose embed, and then put that link in the box.  It should show up in the window.  But when you load your page, it might not appear.  Reload the page, and it should show up. It's just a lit idiosyncratic thing the site does.  Hope that helps.  


04/05/2013 at 05:22 PM

Yay! Im forgiven, thank you!

Ill give that a try next time, thanks so much for the help! I figured out how to do the pictures but the videos have always given me trouble.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/05/2013 at 06:00 PM

Wow. Orth is a dick. That's all I can really say. And seriously, he compared vacuum cleaners plugged in electrical sockets to internet connectivity? Yeah, they both go out sometimes, but do you want to look at the rates at which they do, dumbass?

The fact he made his account private soon after shows he knows he made a mistake. Still of the mind I won't make my decision until much later if I'm able to afford any at all, but this sure doesn't get me excited to buy an Xbox whatever it'll be.


04/06/2013 at 02:50 PM

He really is, I was in utter shock when I saw the full tweets. What in the hell would posses someone to do that. I mean come on, your apart of a big company and you pull something like that, thats like instant demotion or firing right there. My decision is made already but Im still hopeing the next xbox gets through this. I want the next gen to have a big full competition. MS released a statement this morning regarding "the deal with it" incident but some say they only further insinuated that the console will be always online in it. Right now everyone is getting impatient for the official announcement of the next xbox.


04/05/2013 at 07:17 PM

I wont always be online...I wont buy the system. And they can deal with it.

And I am a sony Fanboy but Im with you, I dont want any system to fail. Competition is good for everyone.


04/06/2013 at 02:52 PM

It really is, its what brings out the best in everyone because there trying to grab the sales. I also dont want it to fail because I know my sister will get the xbox while I get the new sony system. It allows both of us to play the excuslives for each console. If it turns out to be an always online system though, it will most likely just be the Wii U and PS4 in the house.


04/05/2013 at 07:19 PM

I'm hoping Disney will see 1313 as profitable enough to continue. The game did seem like a darker tinted looking glass mirror into the Star Wars universe and I found that to be very intriguing!


04/06/2013 at 02:54 PM

I was keeping interested enough to keep an eye on it so I am hopeing they see it worth finishing. A lot of people seem to think so so maybe that will help its case. I jsut hope who ever does get it, keeps up with making it into a good game instead of screwing it up.

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