Hardware! I remember that movie! It has an awesome soundtrack. They just don't make sci-fi movies like that anymore!
Binary Domain, sexual misconduct, & undeath
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![]() On 04/06/2013 at 07:28 PM by BrokenH ![]() See More From This User » |
Disclaimer: This is one of those blogs along a meandering train of thought that delves into some really dark subject matter later on. Viewer discretion is advised!
Action & romance,oh yeah!
My blogger fuel has been running on empty for awhile! Uh, sorry about that. One thing I can confirm is Binary Domain is a great game! As a result of this I feel guilty for not supporting SEGA when it first came out. (Admittedly SEGA’s advertisement is shit.) I just beat it last night and the ending was totally worth seeing. The story and characters all had me “dug in” all the way through! It was sort of like the ultimate “Ghost In The Shell meets Terminator” squad based 3rd person shooter I never got until now.
"Bad robot,BAD!"
Whereas Resident Evil 6 tried to cram in as many scenarios, convoluted plot twists, and cameo guest stars as possible, Binary Domain was delightfully self contained and “just long enough” to be pleasant. The ending could have lead up to a sequel yet everything got explained during the course of The Rust Crew’s misadventures. I appreciated the fact I didn’t have to know heaps of trivia and prior information just to enjoy what Binary Domain Domain had to offer. It’s tragic it didn’t sell enough copies to warrant a sequel.
"But he looks so friendly,right?"
Binary Domain also got me in the mood to watch the classic horror film “Hardware”. For those not in the know, Hardware is about the scrap collector Moses who gives the head of a long abandoned robot to his metal sculpting artistic girlfriend Jill. The film is obviously set in the future after a nuclear fallout and it reminded me a lot of Blade Runner.
Anyway, the robot head is sentient and has the ability to construct itself a new body. Needless to say, the ornery guss isn’t as friendly as “No. 5” from Short Circuit so it goes on a gore drenched killing spree! We find out later that the robot was made to exterminate humans in order to keep the population of “undesirables” at reasonable levels. To accomplish this it has poison needles in its’ finger tips and it also manages to augment a few industrial tools into itself such as cutting saws.
It’s a decent 90’s film to watch if you have Netflix. Chances are if you enjoyed Terminator you will like Hardware as well!
"You want real misogyny? Here it is!"
Still bored, I gave Zombie Diaries 2 a chance. I was hoping for a mindless action film where survivors face off against hordes of undead. Speaking of which, zombie movies need to up their collective game! Left 4 Dead gave us “special zombies” like the boomer and the witch yet in almost every movie I see the zombies are almost always the boring generic kind. Throwing in some terrifying new mutations for the resident ghouls would go a long way methinks!
"Zombies don't have to be boring! Variety is good!"
I understand what these cats were going for. They’re probably “Walking Dead” fans who wanted to give us the edgy message that “humans” are the worst monsters of all. This would be hip and cool if not for the fact thousands of other horror films have already covered that same cynical trek of dilapidated highway before!
At first Zombie Diaries 2 is promising. We have a bunch of survivors from a military unit and they’re actually likable and able to incite sympathy. The commander used to be a school teacher and the guy with the camera isn’t an annoying insufferable twit like in most other horror films. There’s also a black soldier worried about his family in Manchester as well as a female soldier who is the strong silent type. All these Brits end up escaping with a random civilian woman named Leanne who is from London originally.
It’s a pretty good set up until the first rape scene. I didn’t know what was going on right away because of dodgy camera work but apparently a bandit had a woman pinned against the wall from behind and was having his wicked way with her as his cohorts cheered him on. Afterwards she was shot point blank in the head. You would think in a desolate zombie wasteland we’d be too worried about basic survival to degenerate into sex offending murdering marauders. After scavenging for food, setting up a parameter, and searching for shelter would we rape and kill for “fun”? Why does every movie like this assume we’re a hair’s width away from becoming psychotic criminals? In the midst of “raping” zombies could easily sneak up on the rapist. The noise alone would draw them out in the first place. If these “bandits” likewise killed the women they used for pleasure they would be pissing their ammunition into the wind. Additionally, they’d be too fucked up to encourage additional members to join them.
Anyway, I gave Zombie Diaries 2 another chance though I had to swallow back some stomach bile. Shortly afterwards Leann is almost raped and the female soldier I took a shine to is raped and stabbed to death for “resisting”. I’m sure some of the characters survived but I just didn’t have it in me to keep watching anymore.
Look, if you’re going to make a movie about zombies make a movie about zombies! I don’t need film school students pushing torture porn on me when all I wanted to watch was a decent horror movie with undead flesh eating cadavers in it.
Try not to misinterpret me! I don’t believe “rape” should be out of bounds. Like other forms of violence it is something that happens everyday and it has every right to exist in movies and games. However, it’s a topic that deserves consideration in how it is delivered. By contrast, Lara Croft’s struggle with a guy who was feeling her up doesn’t seem nearly as risqué or revolting does it? At least she got to fight back without having a slug put into her gushy brain matter after her assailant got off inside her!
What’s baffles me sometimes is most videogames don’t quite reach the depravity of movies and yet they still seem to get more criticism from activist groups and politicians alike. What do you all think about that?