I must admit I envy you being a park Ranger, being out side in nature, I love Hiking, fishing animals of all sorts, im not much into the hunting things Im a firm beleiver of only killing animals for food if you need them but not for sport, but you do have a fantastic job and not to many people can say look at my 1200 acre office.
Sorry guys
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![]() On 04/07/2013 at 07:49 AM by Ranger1 ![]() See More From This User » |
I'm in the middle of crazy start-up time at work, so not a lot of time at the moment. I am reading your blogs, I just don't have time to comment on all of them. May not have much time to write any for a bit, either, other than random updates. I spent the past week trying not to catch whatever Jason's whole family caught at Easter, but Friday I had to call in sick. Pretty sad, considering I just started on Tuesday, Thank god sick time accrues and rolls over!
Yesterday was pretty awesome, though. Part of my job includes doing nature programs, and one of our most popular programs is the Osprey Watch, where we set up a spotting scope on the osprey nest on a little island about a 100 yards off the mainland and let people get an up-close-and-personal look at the osprey. Yesterday, I got paid to watch and talk about these beautiful and amazing raptors for an hour! For an off-season day, we had a pretty good crowd and I had about 30 people stop and look through the scope. It was also the first day I've seen the female, so she got back either Friday or yesterday. While I had the scope set up, I got to see the male bring in two fish, a large ball of something (probably seaweed) for the nest, and have several intimate moments with Mrs. Osprey. I left it up to the parent of the little kids watching to explain that one, lol. We also got to see the female chase off a bald eagle that was in the ospreys' territory. While it is cool to see the occasional bald eagle, I'd just as soon not have them so close to two of our four osprey nests. They will kill young osprey and eat them, plus they mug the osprey and steal their fish. Eagles are the thugs of the bird world and I'm not too fond of them as a whole.
I found this video of osprey fishing on YouTube. Enjoy!
We also worked on another cool project that I'm not sure is public knowledge yet, so I don't want to let the cat out of the bag on the internet if I'm not supposed to. As soon as I know I'm allowed to talk about it, I'll tell you about it.
I don't think I've done any gaming this week other than spider solitaire, Bejeweled 3, and managing the fish in My Aquarium. Another couple of weeks and I will have unlocked all the fish. Then I can go about setting up all six aquaria with my favorites and use them as interactive art in my cottage.
When the rest of our crew come on for the season and getting the park ready for spring is done, I'll be back to regular blogging, commenting, and gaming.