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Sorry guys

On 04/07/2013 at 07:49 AM by Ranger1

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I'm in the middle of crazy start-up time at work, so not a lot of time at the moment. I am reading your blogs, I just don't have time to comment on all of them. May not have much time to write any for a bit, either, other than random updates. I spent the past week trying not to catch whatever Jason's whole family caught at Easter, but Friday I had to call in sick. Pretty sad, considering I just started on Tuesday, Thank god sick time accrues and rolls over!

Yesterday was pretty awesome, though. Part of my job includes doing nature programs, and one of our most popular programs is the Osprey Watch, where we set up a spotting scope on the osprey nest on a little island about a 100 yards off the mainland and let people get an up-close-and-personal look at the osprey. Yesterday, I got paid to watch and talk about these beautiful and amazing raptors for an hour! For an off-season day, we had a pretty good crowd and I had about 30 people stop and look through the scope. It was also the first day I've seen the female, so she got back either Friday or yesterday. While I had the scope set up, I got to see the male bring in two fish, a large ball of something (probably seaweed) for the nest, and have several intimate moments with Mrs. Osprey. I left it up to the parent of the little kids watching to explain that one, lol. We also got to see the female chase off a bald eagle that was in the ospreys' territory. While it is cool to see the occasional bald eagle, I'd just as soon not have them so close to two of our four osprey nests. They will kill young osprey and eat them, plus they mug the osprey and steal their fish. Eagles are the thugs of the bird world and I'm not too fond of them as a whole.

I found this video of osprey fishing on YouTube. Enjoy!

We also worked on another cool project that I'm not sure is public knowledge yet, so I don't want to let the cat out of the bag on the internet if I'm not supposed to. As soon as I know I'm allowed to talk about it, I'll tell you about it. 

I don't think I've done any gaming this week other than spider solitaire, Bejeweled 3, and managing the fish in My Aquarium. Another couple of weeks and I will have unlocked all the fish. Then I can go about setting up all six aquaria with my favorites and use them as interactive art in my cottage.

When the rest of our crew come on for the season and getting the park ready for spring is done, I'll be back to regular blogging, commenting, and gaming.




04/07/2013 at 08:10 AM

I must admit I envy you being a park Ranger, being out side in nature, I love Hiking, fishing animals of all sorts, im not much into the hunting things Im a firm beleiver of only killing animals for food if you need them but not for sport, but you do have a fantastic job and not to many people can say look at my 1200 acre office.


04/07/2013 at 09:08 AM

Well, my office is only 250 acres, but it is right on the ocean Cool. I plan on doing a virtual nature walk of my park this year sometime, so you've got that to look forward to.


04/07/2013 at 09:47 AM

Now that would be cool, i do look forward to that Laughing


04/07/2013 at 11:49 PM

Oh fun! A virtual tour! Can't wait.


04/08/2013 at 07:47 AM

Don't anyone hold their breath on this, lol.


04/07/2013 at 09:00 AM

Sick:  My whole family and even cats and one dog..all had to go to the Dr-Vet. It was unreal.  I hope you feel better and can now enjoy your seasonal work.  I really, really need to get back to MY Aquairium


04/07/2013 at 09:06 AM

I dunno what that virus is, but it's been kicking ass and taking names! Jason's got it right now, he was the last one.

If you start up My Aquarium, you'll automatically get all those fish, and you started playing before I did, so the gold trophy should be yours by now.


04/07/2013 at 09:29 AM

It's great to hear that you time is being occupied by something so cool Tami, keep those Osprey updates coming and I think I'll be able to forgive your absence!


04/07/2013 at 09:38 AM

Adam, one thing I can definitely guarantee is osprey updates, lol. They become my obsession for the summer. And I get paid to watch them!!!  After 25 years, I still have to pinch myself sometimes about this job.

Matt Snee Staff Writer

04/07/2013 at 09:59 AM

it's okay man, we understand and I know how much you love your job. I'm glad you're getting to be out in the wilderness again where you belong.  I hope you don't get too sick!  

I never knew that about eagles. It's always the prettiest animals that are the biggest bastards. 


04/07/2013 at 10:35 AM

I'm all better now, thanks! Seems to have just been one of those 48 hour things.

Eagles aren't well-liked by a lot of other birds. I've watched crow families gang up on them and drive them away. That behavior is known as "mobbing", by the way. Crows will do it to any animal or bird that they perceive as a threat to the family. I saw them drive a pair of ravens out of a tree down the road a couple of mornings ago, and they did the same thing with a hawk or eagle in one of the trees in the front yard a week or so ago. I've also seen them drive a fox out of a thicket next to a parking lot where the poor beast had holed up for the day. Consider crows to be the alarm system for the whole forest, lol.


04/07/2013 at 10:18 AM

I caught a nasty 24 hour stomach bug recently. I feel sorry for my toilet. lol. Glad you had some roll-over sick days to get you through,Tami!

The Osprey is beautifully majestic of course! If I could fish as good as an Osprey I'd never have to grocery shop again! Tongue Out


04/07/2013 at 10:39 AM

I love how they make that dive head first and at the last minute drive their feet forward and snag the fish. I've also seen them drop the fish while they're trying to juggle it around so the fish head first (more aerodynamic and easier to carry), and I've seen one flying across the highway carrying a large fish that was at the limit of what it could carry. That was a little too close for comfort, by the way. One should not be able to count the scales of a fish being carried by an osprey from behind the wheel of their car while driving 65 mph!


04/07/2013 at 08:41 PM

Ha ha ha! If you could count the scales on the fish that raptor must have flown by REALLY CLOSE!


04/08/2013 at 07:48 AM

I was afraid she was coming through the windshield, to be honest. She was that low and that close!


04/08/2013 at 01:44 PM

Better than 3D at the theaters!


04/07/2013 at 01:01 PM

Looks like you've been busy! Sometimes I get so tired of my job that I wish I could get an outdoor job like you have.


04/08/2013 at 07:51 AM

My job is pretty awesome, but it does have its moments, like any other job. I mean, I work with the public, lol.


04/07/2013 at 01:25 PM

Glad to hear you are busy with what you love.  I'm beginning to experience a little of the same thing and am finding less time to spend on here commenting.  I've been doing some networking locally as a drummer and having a blast.


04/08/2013 at 07:53 AM

It's good to be able to do what you love, isn't it? I started right out of high school, and what I did for work determined what and where I went to college. Same major all four years, lol.

Super Step Contributing Writer

04/07/2013 at 04:01 PM

Well, yeah, but technically, aren't all birds considered thugs in the fish world? Oh well, in the words of Kurt Cobain, "it's ok to eat fish, cause they don't have any feelings." Pretty sure there are some marine biologists that think otherwise, but what do they know when matched against a grunge rocker, really? Joking aside, I know what you mean. Damn eagles.

You've got an awesome and interesting job though; having a job outdoors certainly seems to have it's perks. Sorry you got sick, but glad you got over whatever it was.

Anyway, the Osprey video was very cool, I love those large birds and the way they swoop down to catch prey.

And last I checked, work and life are a lot more important than blogging, so I think you're forgiven a short absence. And can't wait to hear the secret news. Everything I do is under NDA until the videos go live, so I know how that is. I really want the first thing I worked on at least to go live, so that way I have a video for my StaffMeUp profile, and don't have to rely on my college work.

Have a great day!


04/08/2013 at 07:57 AM

Yeah, I can't wait to blab about the project, because it's so cool. I should be able to talk about it by Memorial Day weekend, though. In the meantime, have some coffee:

wicked joe


04/07/2013 at 05:52 PM

Well with the weather getting nicer and nicer, I don't blame anyone for having other things to do. I know I'll be outside most of the time when school lets out for the semester myself.


04/08/2013 at 07:59 AM

I work outside Cool. But the past week has been really cold, can't wait for it to warm up just a little.


04/07/2013 at 06:21 PM

it's always good to read about what you do Tami. Some day it would be nice for me to turn my back on technology and watch the world. Too bad that I still need the money that the tech world pays me.


04/08/2013 at 08:01 AM

Yeah, I'm certainly not going to get rich doing what I do. I make about half of what someone with my skills would make in the private sector. Good thing I love what I do and I only have myself and the pets to support.


04/08/2013 at 01:40 PM

I have come to realize that all the money in the world doesn't help if you are stuck in a job you hate.

Ok, if you are making all the money in the world you should be able to quit the job you hate any time you like so there's that. LOL Well, you know what I mean.

I just spent 6 months working at a place I couldn't stand but I hung on for the paycheck until they finally let me go. I'm starting a job that doesn't pay nearly as much next week but it will not have the headaches and the rotten staff who worked at my last job. I'm hoping anyway.



Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/08/2013 at 06:54 AM

"Yesterday, I got paid to watch and talk about these beautiful and amazing raptors for an hour!"

Do you realize how awesome this sentence would be if I had not previously known what an Osprey was, and really thought it was a Raptor? Greatest job ever! lol

I didn't get too much gaming in either. Courtney has pretty much taken over the consoles with her recent Bioshock addiction. I mostly have been rolling on the floor with the little or playing 3DS whenever I get a bit of a break.


04/08/2013 at 08:03 AM

But an osprey is a raptor, and so are eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons. So there!

Yeah, well, I saw your Live ID up when I had the 360 on the other day and it looked like you were playing Bioshock Infinite, too. Nice try blaming it all on the wife, lol.

Chris Yarger Community Manager

04/08/2013 at 08:04 AM

I'm slowly weening her off. I've practically administered a 12-step program to do so though, but it's working ha ha.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

04/08/2013 at 02:11 PM

I dont know if I ever brought it up before but I'm on the Conservation Commission for my town. This weekend we had a "bluebird house workshop". We have one every year, we pre-cut and pre-drill wood planks to be assembled by people that visit the workshop, we've been doing this for years now and the bluebird population has definitely been growing.


04/09/2013 at 07:47 PM

That's really cool, Chris. Are you in a mostly rural or suburban area? I ask, because I'm curious if you have any bobolinks in your area. They require the same sort of habitat as bluebirds, but aren't as pretty or well known, so not many places or groups manage habitat for them.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

04/10/2013 at 09:03 AM

My town is VERY rural, we're in the woods. I googled Bobolinks and I don't think I've seen any around. We do have Pileated Woodpeckers, though. We also make the feeders for them sometimes. What do you suggest to encourage Bobolinks?


04/10/2013 at 06:43 PM

Hayed fields. If you don't have any fields around, there won't be any bobolinks.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

04/11/2013 at 09:55 AM

there are quite a few fields, but they usually cut them for the hay, I'll see if there are any claimed as open space.


04/11/2013 at 06:38 PM

Haying the fields is actually good for the bobolinks, that's how they're managing the local population. The decline in bobolinks follows the decline of farming and open fields. The only two places I've seen them locally are two large fields that are regularly hayed.

Chris Iozzi Staff Alumnus

04/12/2013 at 08:25 AM

oh ok, interesting, I'll see if we can reach out to the field owners and ask if they've seen any. I'll let you know any findings!


04/12/2013 at 05:06 PM

If they hay early, no boblinks. Earlier haying seems to be one of the reasons for the decline in numbers. I did a bit of research during my lunch break.


04/08/2013 at 10:53 PM

Ospreys are pretty amazing creatures. I find them as interesting as eagles. They make fishing look so easy? Wish I could do that. Glad that your job is going well and you're enjoying it. I will miss your blogs,as they are always very cool. Where am I going to get my folk music fix now? Hope you are able to squeeze some gaming in at night,too.


04/09/2013 at 07:50 PM

I'll try to get a music blog in at least every other week or so. As for gaming, it all depends on how tired I am at the end of the day. Been pretty easy so far, working on inventory and getting into compliance for the Bureau of Labor Standards checklist. I can't wait to do some "real" work, but Andy managed to get an extension on those two things, so we figure we better get our butts in gear and get them done before his extended deadline.

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